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Looking for shaman full, T> KS 153 to SS

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KS 153 -


Mounts -

Hellish Hestian;

Euran Wolf;

Grey Horse;


H-Machine ++


Itens - 

Sword HB 138 +16 -0-0;

Amor 144 +17;

Set 140 sol mix;

For accesories we have - x2 Val Rings, x1 Tula, x1 Fury Shelton, x2 Vivid Earrings and Levi Belt;

1h itens are useless, but do have a sw +8 and shield mixed.


For skins we do have -

Eldritch SW 1H +21

Eldritch SW 2H +24


Im looking for Shaman 150+ equiped, preference to +24 itens, ill top KC'S in negociation, pm-me




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