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Looking for a Level 154 Mechanician

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Hello, Wartale community! I'm looking for a Level 154 Mechanician. I know this class has been nerfed, but for me, it's the most enjoyable and the one I truly love playing. 💚

I'm specifically looking for this level because Mechanicians are often excluded from parties, and I’d like to enjoy the class without worrying about leveling up. My goal is to focus on hunting bosses to eventually gather enough resources to properly equip it.
I don’t have a big budget, but if someone has a Mech 154 they no longer use and is willing to help me fulfill this dream at a fair price, I’d be truly grateful. I promise to take good care of it and make the most of it.
If anyone is interested, please message me. Thanks in advance, and happy gaming to all! ✨

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