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Returning after a few years away - have some q's

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Yo. Been a while.
So much new stuff lol


So i have a few (random) questions..
Do i just train on whichever exp map is closest to me in level? Im lvl 122 prs, so im assuming AD1 is best.
Do people actually play, or just stand around towns trying to sell their stuff lol. Other than HG, i almost never see anyone. Maybe im just too low level.
Any english speaking clan open for a lvl 122? Im Panda in game.
How tf do i get worms for fishing?
Why do guides tell me to both level chain- and divine lightning? They feel very similar in dmg.
How do i get a minion?!
Why is everything so crazy expensive lmao, especially enigmas, hoooly

Prolly have ton more questions, but cant remember em currently. 
Fun to be back, tons of nostalgia

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Real UAE
7 minutes ago, Sheepco said:

Yo. Been a while.
So much new stuff lol


So i have a few (random) questions..
Do i just train on whichever exp map is closest to me in level? Im lvl 122 prs, so im assuming AD1 is best.
Do people actually play, or just stand around towns trying to sell their stuff lol. Other than HG, i almost never see anyone. Maybe im just too low level.
Any english speaking clan open for a lvl 122? Im Panda in game.
How tf do i get worms for fishing?
Why do guides tell me to both level chain- and divine lightning? They feel very similar in dmg.
How do i get a minion?!
Why is everything so crazy expensive lmao, especially enigmas, hoooly

Prolly have ton more questions, but cant remember em currently. 
Fun to be back, tons of nostalgia

Welcome back Sheepco


Normally players now EXP in Duns most of the time its better EXP + you can get good rewards from the Duns 


There is Dun 113+ which its Mushroom Cave 

Also when you reach 128+ there will be Dun which its Beehive Cave that can give u around 50% per round 


if you want to know anything ingame let me know my nickname ingame : UAE


i'll give you 100kk for good start too ^^


Best Regards ❤️ 

Edited by Real UAE
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3 hours ago, Sheepco said:

Yo. Been a while.
So much new stuff lol


So i have a few (random) questions..
Do i just train on whichever exp map is closest to me in level? Im lvl 122 prs, so im assuming AD1 is best.
Do people actually play, or just stand around towns trying to sell their stuff lol. Other than HG, i almost never see anyone. Maybe im just too low level.
Any english speaking clan open for a lvl 122? Im Panda in game.
How tf do i get worms for fishing?
Why do guides tell me to both level chain- and divine lightning? They feel very similar in dmg.
How do i get a minion?!
Why is everything so crazy expensive lmao, especially enigmas, hoooly

Prolly have ton more questions, but cant remember em currently. 
Fun to be back, tons of nostalgia

Yes there are dungeons, you can get 1 free key daily for it in the guard entrance.


Mushroom cave - acasia forest - 113 up to 133/134 i forgot


Beehive cave - land of dusk - 128 up to 145/144 not sure


Sunken domain - land of chaos - 137 up to 151


This 3 dungeons have free keys daily.


Worm baits you can get it as an extra loot when you do mining/herbalism. Usually get from plants.

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Appreciate it guys ❤️
Is it worth doing mush solo? Im having a tough time finding anyone to party up with lol

Edited by Sheepco

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Hello there, welcome back to the game 💪


Did you try using the trade chat to find avaiable parties? The caves were especially built for group playing, your experience and exping should be better this way.


Best Regards!

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