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S> KS 157.62% Full

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157 KS 62% (2/2/0) Exp - Babel & Valento relics = 18kc

Caravan 116hrs

Phoenix Healing 70hrs

Free 2 eyes 24H


- Snowflake Unicorn

- Hellish Hesitian

- Euran Wolf

- Rabie

- Midnight Rooster

- Cruepy



- 148+24+15 STR Armor (-14-0) = 25kc

- 148+24 Shield (-2-0.2-0.1%) = 23kc

- 146+24+15 STR 2H Sword (0-0-8) = 23kc

- 142+24+15 STR 1H Sword DNT = 12kc


Sub Equipment

- 148 BSOL Boots (-1-0.1-0.1) = 7kc

- 144 BSOL Gaunts (0-0.1) = 4kc

- 140 BSOL Brace (0-9) = 500c



- SB3 DNT BSOL (142 Amu 101HP) = 8.5kc

- Lev +3 (0-1-0-1) = 2.5kc

- Triadic +2 (37/48 both) = 4kc


Total = 127.5kc


I'll only sell the equipment if character gets sold first.



Edited by PinkHairBrush

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