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Heretics : Quality over Quantity. (English Chat)

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Hey guys, 


Are you still recruiting? :P 


I used to be a member but I had quit playing for a while, got back a while ago and miss the clan very very much! 

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hey, can  i join the clan? my in game nick WhiteGun

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Hey guys, 


Are you still recruiting? :P 


I used to be a member but I had quit playing for a while, got back a while ago and miss the clan very very much! 


Hi Doenja, this guys is a comeback player, he joins CHEER when he just came back, and his characters are a bit high level, and most CHEER are 10x 11x, and it's pretty boring to stay in a low level clan, 


if u decide to take him in and want him to be out of CHEER clan tag, I will ask Support to remove his clan tag, 


in the future, when some CHEER level up to 13x 14x, they will probably leave CHEER too, and join yours or any other English clan.


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On ‎5‎-‎7‎-‎2017 at 10:58 PM, charliezrd said:

Hey guys, 


Are you still recruiting? :P 


I used to be a member but I had quit playing for a while, got back a while ago and miss the clan very very much! 



PM me ingame, lets see what we can do to get u in again :)

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On ‎7‎-‎7‎-‎2017 at 8:46 AM, garniz17 said:

hey, can  i join the clan? my in game nick WhiteGun

Hi, I cant promise to give u a slot right now in our mainclan.

But we can offer u a slot in Hjr, and move u to H when pple gonna be inactive.


I'll try to catch u later ingame to talk abt this.

Edited by Doenja

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31 minutes ago, akasha said:

Hi Doenja, this guys is a comeback player, he joins CHEER when he just came back, and his characters are a bit high level, and most CHEER are 10x 11x, and it's pretty boring to stay in a low level clan, 


if u decide to take him in and want him to be out of CHEER clan tag, I will ask Support to remove his clan tag, 


in the future, when some CHEER level up to 13x 14x, they will probably leave CHEER too, and join yours or any other English clan.


Hi Akasha,


Thanks for ur post here on forum and ur message in pm.

I'll try to catch him ingame to talk abt this.

At the moment Heretics is pretty full, but we also have a second clan Hjr

A few of us are using that one for their second char, but we also add new members there when H is full.


Abt the childboards on forum, u can join them all. Just the first one u join will be visible for others ;)

Big :1311_thumbsup_tone2: up for ur clan, where u're helping the lower lvls to find their way in game :14_relaxed:


Cheers Doenja / Niamh

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8 hours ago, Doenja said:



PM me ingame, lets see what we can do to get u in again :)

Sure, I'll try to meet you online!

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8 hours ago, akasha said:

Hi Doenja, this guys is a comeback player, he joins CHEER when he just came back, and his characters are a bit high level, and most CHEER are 10x 11x, and it's pretty boring to stay in a low level clan, 


if u decide to take him in and want him to be out of CHEER clan tag, I will ask Support to remove his clan tag, 


in the future, when some CHEER level up to 13x 14x, they will probably leave CHEER too, and join yours or any other English clan.


Always good to mention Cheer is an amazing clan and what you do for begginers is amazing, Sunnie! I've never seen someone so commited to help others in an online game. You're great.

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Hi Akasha,


Thanks for ur post here on forum and ur message in pm.

I'll try to catch him ingame to talk abt this.

At the moment Heretics is pretty full, but we also have a second clan Hjr

A few of us are using that one for their second char, but we also add new members there when H is full.


Abt the childboards on forum, u can join them all. Just the first one u join will be visible for others ;)

Big :1311_thumbsup_tone2: up for ur clan, where u're helping the lower lvls to find their way in game :14_relaxed:


Great to hear, I will ask them to find u in game, and so u all can chat with each other and decide for urself, and that will save time for me too,


If it's really full, like really really full, then I will tell them to go to SimplePeople / NoRules, or they can be stuck with me in CHEER,


yeah I help newbies after my SLQ lol



Sure, I'll try to meet you online!




Always good to mention Cheer is an amazing clan and what you do for begginers is amazing, Sunnie! I've never seen someone so commited to help others in an online game. You're great.

Thanks, pay me back when ur rich in Gold Banks.

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On 7/7/2017 at 5:20 AM, Doenja said:

Hi Akasha,


Thanks for ur post here on forum and ur message in pm.

I'll try to catch him ingame to talk abt this.

At the moment Heretics is pretty full, but we also have a second clan Hjr

A few of us are using that one for their second char, but we also add new members there when H is full.


Abt the childboards on forum, u can join them all. Just the first one u join will be visible for others ;)

Big :1311_thumbsup_tone2: up for ur clan, where u're helping the lower lvls to find their way in game :14_relaxed:


Cheers Doenja / Niamh

Lovely as Always.


<3 Niamh 

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Hi Vini,


Nice to see u here again :)

If u like to come back to Heretics, pls apply at the clanmaster.

We will accept ur apply asap :)


See ya :18_kissing_heart:


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@Doenja - Hi ! What's up? I'd like to join the clan, along side my brother and my childhood friend. All three of us played EPT and Realm. We all got to level 65 when we played EPT. My brother and my self were in Original Sin and my friend was in Hellsfire. 


I play a PRS, I'm currently level 96. My brother is 96, and he's a mage. My friend plays a Fighter and he's level 96. We are active and are on way up in levels. 


Message "BPED" in game, that's me!


Thanks !

Edited by Ragga

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Hi Ragga, Thx for ur interest in Heretics.

At the moment we don't have room for 3 members, but it is possible to join our Heretics Jr clan instead.

Another option is joining the clan Cheer. This clan is set up for low lvl players, it might fit better at ur lvl fot his moment.

I've no idea abt their activity, but I still see them around, so sould be ok. Its also an englsih speaking clan for lvl's up to 130 or 132..


Anyway, if u like to join Heretics Jr instead, pm me ingame or here.

Most of time I will be found on YourMama or Niamh.


Good luck and see ya~



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if you'd like mr. @Ragga I'm manager of H.Jr and I can accept you and your friends there ^^ just pm me on Groff or Michiru to let me know

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Hello. I'm getting back to play this week, and i was clanmember about... 2 or 3 years ago iirc. Now i understand the clan may be full, and i'm willing to wait if i need to, i just want to join a clan and have people to talk to/enjoy the game with :).  My in-game names are Lavitz (MS 133) and WindBlow (PRS 134). Thank you, have a good day!

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19 minutes ago, squilo said:

Hello. I'm getting back to play this week, and i was clanmember about... 2 or 3 years ago iirc. Now i understand the clan may be full, and i'm willing to wait if i need to, i just want to join a clan and have people to talk to/enjoy the game with :).  My in-game names are Lavitz (MS 133) and WindBlow (PRS 134). Thank you, have a good day!


Hie @squilo if u want to join H.Jr in the meantime pm me on Groff or Michiru and I can accept you there/you can apply via Clan Master too :6_smile:

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Hi, I'm a new player and wanted to find a good home/guild.

Are you accepting a lowbie pikeman? I'm level 88. And I only rely on the guides on the website.
I would love to hangout with players and guildies.

I do love pvp.


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We have HereticsJr for lower lvl players. which makes it easier to party with clanmembers

But Cheer is also ab=n english speaking clan for lower lvl's. Not sure if they still excists, but u can try.

If u wanna join HereticsJr, u can om me on Niamh or Yourmama

Or look out for THNDRFCK, Groff or Michiru ingame.


Good luck!

Edited by Doenja

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On 03/12/2017 at 1:12 AM, Mirakael said:

Hi, I'm a new player and wanted to find a good home/guild.

Are you accepting a lowbie pikeman? I'm level 88. And I only rely on the guides on the website.
I would love to hangout with players and guildies.

I do love pvp.



@Mirakael as Jo said, we'll be glad to welcome you in H.Jr :6_smile: please pm me in game on Peridot or THNDRFCK or Groff or Michiru, or you clan apply in the Clan Master or talk to our Vice Leader too, MercuraCrum

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Hey everybody! I am not sure if this clan or forum is still active but might as well give it a shot!


I am returning to the game after being gone for about 4 years :D  I currently have a 109 Mech, a 107 Mech and I am about to start a new PRS because I need some good aoe for my two tanks XD any chance you guys are still accepting members? I want to learn and get back into the swing of the game so if you are accepting people please let me know!


In game name is JaviVzla and my new PRS will be AggieGoddess


Hope to hear from y'all soon

Edited by cafaro02

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i wanted to join this clan,,since im a member of heretics in other server..i played also here in realm before but i quitted only this week i came back to pla



am i welcome in this clan? my ign is Grindelwald04 i jusy buy this acc few days ago..

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