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LV 74 knight needs your help!

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Hey guys, I just started rpt a day ago, and i have a hard time tanking the monster at DS.

Currently i'm wearing Thales armor (Sold in armor shop) and lv 70 brace,boots,gloves (Sold in Atlantis).

My skills are:

-Brandish 10

-Sword Mastery 10

-GC 7

The rest are at 1.

I'm focusing on get GC to 10 cuz i wanna fight the Skill master for my 4th tier. Is that a bad choice?

Right now, i could only train at Battlefield of the Ancients (cuz i could tank pretty well over there, but its kinda slow exp x.x)


So is there any solutions for me to train at DS or other nice exp areas? Or i've to stick to BotA/Oasis to train??

Thanks for helping!!!!!!!! :D

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whilelvling up you should have given drastic spirit a couple of lvls rather than GC..

the skillmaster aint that hard to beat with just a lvl 1 GC on your hand, it might take a little more time but its not that hard..

anyways, thats just for me.. maybe a lvl 2 GC and LVL 5 DS will work fine tanking mobs on SoD.. i could tank mobs there at lvl72

with this build up to lvl 90

-lvl6 Drastic spirit

-lvl4 GC

-lvl10 SM


..you'll do fine with these

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whilelvling up you should have given drastic spirit a couple of lvls rather than GC..

the skillmaster aint that hard to beat with just a lvl 1 GC on your hand, it might take a little more time but its not that hard..

anyways, thats just for me.. maybe a lvl 2 GC and LVL 5 DS will work fine tanking mobs on SoD.. i could tank mobs there at lvl72

with this build up to lvl 90

-lvl6 Drastic spirit

-lvl4 GC

-lvl10 SM


..you'll do fine with these


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Guest BloodBrothers

whilelvling up you should have given drastic spirit a couple of lvls rather than GC..

the skillmaster aint that hard to beat with just a lvl 1 GC on your hand, it might take a little more time but its not that hard..

anyways, thats just for me.. maybe a lvl 2 GC and LVL 5 DS will work fine tanking mobs on SoD.. i could tank mobs there at lvl72

with this build up to lvl 90

-lvl6 Drastic spirit

-lvl4 GC

-lvl10 SM


..you'll do fine with these


You can always go a map lower for faster kills so sometimes faster XP, always helpfull if you spawn mystic crystals they will help ya a bit, cost 1100 gold ingame put your whole inventory full and spawn those right away when your in the area you wanna level, some of crystals dies really fast if your lucky you get HULP or hoppy king or something ;) always usefull

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