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A suggestion for the game.

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I agree! I do not know if the Sandur are reading this. but

I also recommend that the maximum level to rise! so

could also have more quests that give xp! succeptible

items would have a higher level. And that would be amazing.


As it is essential for MMORPG Priston! Many, like

I just want to level up a character. But what makes me

sad is to know that there is a limit in an MMORPG.

It should not have limits in this kind of game levels.


I also suggest that xp could be further increased and the maximum level. Along with this, another marathon xp. I would participate in this marathon lv 0 and would want to be one of the best 5 to catch lv game marathon.


Just a suggestion me! I hope you agree.


A and course! I would also suggest working in tier 6 after tier 5 so the end. I know it's a slow process because the tier 5 may have a 3 year study! Or another suggestion would be a new tribe. But maybe that's too complicated! Entertaining'm here to help! And I think many also volunteer. Creating stories! Or for those who have talent in graphics creating 3D models for the game.


Sorry my English! I am using the translator.

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no salary cap increase for now pls!!


ps: tell me what translator is that?!  :o :o :o :o

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no salary cap increase for now pls!!


ps: tell me what translator is that?!  :o :o :o :o

google tradutor. sorry.

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I'm in mobile now. Is so hard tranlate a text for here! Now i'm nou use the translate. =/

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Well, for obvious reasons your two firsts suggestions will happen.

But, for now it even makes any sense, we have just two accounts in level 140.It's too early,I agree in raise the level gap, but not for now.


About, t6 well, of course than this would be nice if happens and with our current development team this is totally possible.wtalready owned all PT server with this include official servers. So, this is another thing that I agreed with you but not for now as well. I honestly believe than this will happen eventually but, the point is when.So, don't worry about it, I can bet my char than Wartale already had the idea to develop a t6 and, since he's a human, oh yeah Wartale is a human did you know ? he feel stress and lazy (much  >:() too so, when he finish the t5 I guess that he would like to get some rest to develop skills.


In my opinion the main things that have to be worked in server:


1st Fully t5;

2nd A big patch to balance the classes;


After to finished that, the developers can take another big project.Take many BIG projects it's insane and ruin with all projects.

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