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we need change the way boring

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train lv up lv train lv again up lv train lv again , again again again .... every day every month every year just training some hunting

this is so boring

why we dont find other ways for up lv

maybe we can go this way i dont have any ideal about possible for priston tale or impossible i just want to change the way train lv so boring


*Make a quest for choose a side :D

-when a person finish the quest this person can choose a side this person want



*Make a war have 2 sides fight

-Every 4 hours war will open

-Time of a war is an hour

-Side wins each person will have 100 warpoints

-Side loses each person will have 40 warpoints

-3 or 4 wars will open the same time

war1: lv100-lv109 , war2: lv110-lv119, war3: lv120-lv129 , war4: lv130-lv140 (i dont have any ideal about this :D)


*The way fight

-This war have 2 castle and each side defence your castle and attack castle of other side

-The way fight the same siege war

-If less than one hour your side can destroy the "head office" first this war is over

-If no side destroy the "head office" can take total each person's score combined side with the higher score then that side will win when war finish



*in the war

-A person kills 20 people will have 60 score or maybe a person attacks people 5k dmg (not need to kill them just hit them)

for example : if you attack a person in the other side is 500 dmg and you attack an other person 600 dmg you have 1k1 dmg....

- if you die you will revival somewhere in your castle

-Person has 60 score or 5k dmg when the war finish this person will has 40 warpoints if lose and 100 warpoints if win

-If you dont have enough 60 score or 5k dmg you dont have any warpoint

-If you are you are one of ten people with the highest score or highest dmg in a war you will added 10% of your warpoint

- Of course dmg or score increase or decrease appropriate for each other war



*Make a NPC can exchange warpoint = xp

-The price of the NPC can be 200 warpoints = .....xp (xp appropriate for each kind of lv :D )





no boring to level up

your lv so high , your build is the best and you have good items for ?

for keep training ? or for keep hunting ?

no you want to fight

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I have globally read this. Yes, Priston Tale is boring till level 124.

But I am almost sure this wont happen here... Although I like it.

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I didn't read it all, but the part i read really seems to be WoW




I belive that something wich will bring us more entertainment is The Battle Arena, in wich if i'm not wrong u can bet money

but it seems battle arena project is stopped due to the T5, anti-hack improvement ( yeah thanks hackers for making Wartale lose time)

and some new stuffs



I really want Battle Arena to be on the game.

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Well, battle arena is for small groups. it would be awesome a war in epic proportions.


I really liked this idea (when I finally understood it). It need some changes, which made pretty much a brand new idea:


First of all, it's actually a suggestion, which could be moved, but anyways...



The Great war of Priston



Leveling by killing monsters is way too boring. Why not have some fun in pvp risking out experience?


The map:

A huge flat map with monsters on it (to make it even more fun).



How it Works:

  • Players willing to have the experience register themselves like in Eragon's cave.
  • The server must load and split people in two teams, trying to split equally:

    - number of participans /2

    - number of players of each class /2

    - number of clans /2 having a clan together in the same side.

    - equal level distribution

  • At a certain time, registering ends, the server load and calculates information, characters spawn in their correct side, if logged in.
  • War begins and have a time to end by punctuation or lack of people.




  • You gain X experience points if you cause X damage to someone.
  • Killing someone will cause X+Y experience points.
  • Party like exp system.



Possible modes:


  • Cursed Battle:

Battle with players in tiers of a 10 level difference. Two teams to the death or until the time runs out. Die how much scrolls you have then you spawn out of the map. MAP: every two hours at Cursed Land. Two hour duration.


  • War of the Ancient

Two teams (massive amount of players no class requirement) fight for a certain time until time runs out or everybody in the other side dies. Die how much scrolls you have then you spawn out of the map. MAP: every two hours at Refuge of the ancients. Two hour duration.


  • Last man Standing (1 life only)

Kill until the last warrior stands. This one gains 20kk in gold (the reward is not supposed to be superb. 20kk gold is better than nothing :) ).


  • Capture the Flag

Classic mode in multiplayer games. Wins the one which got more flags. People die, wait 5 seconds and respawn.

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some classes dont even have ONE T5 skill, and yet people want MOAR............


If Wartale can finish T5 before the end of this year, then that will be a miracle......

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I dunno it existed elsewhere, but my previous post is an idea of my own.






Also, I don't know what it has to do with T5, but I think Odoaker tried to mean there are higher priorities than that. Yes there are, but there is no time to suggest something, only to implement. :)


I'm in favor of what I've said (sound obvious) someone else?

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