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Input the new map [Ice Map]

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too much whining for ks.. if you want undead.. go to et3 and keep hunting..


im sorry not all of us have a Perm tanking pet and are most over powered PvP class in game buddy

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i rly should xp so i can actually enjoy this new map when its available.....7 lvls to go...  i dream of course ...attention span fails me and tbh I'm not rly thrilled about this map and the speculation surrounding it lol...it doesn't seem worth grinding over  ;D i don't want to get too critical until more info on this map is released  ???  who knows if the current stuff posted is even final ...there is one thing i find kinda funny...a lvl 128 map with a drop rate that only goes up to lvl 124? i hope that changes cause i find that to be kind of a joke o_o



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Since 124 is the highest item in game, having a 128 map dropping 124 items is normal ....

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Since 124 is the highest item in game, having a 128 map dropping 124 items is normal ....

with the trend of rpt maps, common sense would suggest that new map = new items which would mean lvl equivalent items like in other maps lol...that was my point  ::) besides, why would i wanna go grind xp..gain an additional 4 lvls to get the same drop (although slightly higher rate i would assume) as et3, a 124 map? is it worth it?...also, i would like to add that theres some misinformation on the rpt item list which may suggest the addition of new higher lvl items, take a look

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Well I think time for releasing new items is already gone...

You can see what this 122/124 items did to the game economy, pretty much everything below 120 can be npced...


Now that people have spent all their money in this 122/124 items, releasing new ones so soon would be so unfair!


PS: That is if the new items are better than the old (and they probably are)

PS2: I don't have any 124 items, I'm thinking about the others and not myself.

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Well I think time for releasing new items is already gone...

You can see what this 122/124 items did to the game economy, pretty much everything below 120 can be npced...


Now that people have spent all their money in this 122/124 items, releasing new ones so soon would be so unfair!


PS: That is if the new items are better than the old (and they probably are)

PS2: I don't have any 124 items, I'm thinking about the others and not myself.

i so hated when the new sets came out...i worked so hard lvling to wear my aged hades armor just for it to be stomped on a couple days later by the new lvl reqs and 116 set LOL >.<


i'm just saying though, its a bit of an inevitability...people who are 13x for example are gonna want lvl equivalent gear of course...and if there is indeed gonna be 128 set, as the site suggests by the names, it would only make sense that they be obtainable through a 128 map...basically the way i see it is repeating the same thing but in a different location..not exactly motivating x_o

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Phew, no demons and 2 undeads huh? That's kinda unfair, why not to leave it as it is in the original pt?

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What broke the economy was the dammed 116 items. >:(

It overload the server, seriously these items wasn't necessary, but items over lv 120 are necessary, in fact I personally want new items just to runaway for the 124 robe (hahaha).

But, items over 122/124 isn't necessary now.So, no items for at least 8 months, ok ?

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Phew, no demons and 2 undeads huh? That's kinda unfair, why not to leave it as it is in the original pt?


I just finished the monster files and there are demons. 2 regular monsters and the boss. Just wait for our official announcements, it's pretty obvious the website is not accurate at this moment and I'm not gonna be the one to update it when we're not even finished with the new content we're adding.

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seriously, having undeads is to imbalance to other classes, PRS especially with extinction its so easy to hunt than other classes also KS, since they can damage boost


If they want undead, they got ET3


Make them Normal Monster fair and square

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Priestesses should be able to hunt too. They've worked to get to 128, why should they hunt in a lower level map? That's just being selfish.

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seriously, having undeads is to imbalance to other classes, PRS especially with extinction its so easy to hunt than other classes also KS, since they can damage boost


If they want undead, they got ET3


Make them Normal Monster fair and square


I spent thousands of hours to play my prs to get 128+ then my prs become useless and can't go hunting?

Why it will be fair if prs can't go hunting in new map?


No pet, no tank, no high damage, no good freeze/stun skill (like PS and FS), what can a prs can do in new map?

Being a pretty pet of other class by VL, DF and VB? No thanks.


Even if all monster are Normal Monster, AS still got advantage with Wind Arrow and her Wolverine for tank while other class don't have this advantage, it's called "fair"?  :o





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Priestesses should be able to hunt too. They've worked to get to 128, why should they hunt in a lower level map? That's just being selfish.


seriously, extinction 50% dmg


They die so fast


Look at mage, it takes forever to kill,  balance it



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seriously, having undeads is to imbalance to other classes, PRS especially with extinction its so easy to hunt than other classes also KS, since they can damage boost


If they want undead, they got ET3


Make them Normal Monster fair and square


I spent thousands of hours to play my prs to get 128+ then my prs become useless and can't go hunting?

Why it will be fair if prs can't go hunting in new map?


No pet, no tank, no high damage, no good freeze/stun skill (like PS and FS), what can a prs can do in new map?

Being a pretty pet of other class by VL, DF and VB? No thanks.


Even if all monster are Normal Monster, AS still got advantage with Wind Arrow and her Wolverine for tank while other class don't have this advantage, it calls fair?  :o


PRS is good for SoDing and exping(enough gold for feeding themselves), it should be for only good for support classes and not run around KSing people maples


And no, you spend so much less of thousand hours in training, since it kills so fast and have advantage in training in AD1, AD2, AD3 maps


If you want to go hunt, go buy a Mech, KS, Archer, ATA, FS, PS, priest is very imbalance right now


Want undead just go to ET3, new maps should be making the game more fairer to other classes


I like undead so I use KS to hunt, no problem, go BC, go tanking I use a mech, no problem


PRS just wants everything, too selfish, HUNT, SODING, EXPING 8) 8) 8)


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Just wait for our official announcements, it's pretty obvious the website is not accurate at this moment and I'm not gonna be the one to update it when we're not even finished with the new content we're adding.

sry but thats exactly why it shouldn't be there in the first place  \o/  like i said before, i wouldn't get too critical with my thoughts of the new map because i figured the info is of course still being worked on...people will speculate regardless, but providing false/uncertain information for w/e reason just seems totally unnecessary o_o


if its a matter of putting it out there to get to community happy about an upcoming update, couldn't it just be something simple "coming to rpt, ice mine w/e, spring 2012" (as an example) no specific date, no specific details cept for maybe the for sure stuff like map lvl or something...it leaves room for necessary changes without question... it gets people excited about a new addition without providing inaccurate information about the project/future release




Make them Normal Monster fair and square

how exactly is that considered fair and square? o_o not that i'm saying i agree with a prs being able to use extinction on undead to cause mega damage on hunt mobs unlike other classes or something (not that it matters cause 3R alrdy said theres no undead there), but that wouldn't resolve the issue of fair vs. unfair.


I spent thousands of hours to play my prs to get 128+ then my prs become useless and can't go hunting?

Why it will be fair if prs can't go hunting in new map?


No pet, no tank, no high damage, no good freeze/stun skill (like PS and FS), what can a prs can do in new map?

Being a pretty pet of other class by VL, DF and VB? No thanks.


imo VB or MS (a more generic skill) should be tweeked so prs has better hunting capabilities for those who wanna solo hunt....extinction does too much dmg for a hunt mob which is why its good there won't be undead mobs in the new map imo.

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Just wait for our official announcements, it's pretty obvious the website is not accurate at this moment and I'm not gonna be the one to update it when we're not even finished with the new content we're adding.

sry but thats exactly why it shouldn't be there in the first place  \o/  like i said before, i wouldn't get too critical with my thoughts of the new map because i figured the info is of course still being worked on...people will speculate regardless, but providing false/uncertain information for w/e reason just seems totally unnecessary o_o


if its a matter of putting it out there to get to community happy about an upcoming update, couldn't it just be something simple "coming to rpt, ice mine w/e, spring 2012" (as an example) no specific date, no specific details cept for maybe the for sure stuff like map lvl or something...it leaves room for necessary changes without question... it gets people excited about a new addition without providing inaccurate information about the project/future release


If they just say: Ice mine coming soon!

People would be like OMG where? how? when? why? what drops?  Exp x2 gm pliiiiiiiiiiiz? monsters?

And by doing this way they can actually make things easier for them...


People tend to speculate, its normal.



Make them Normal Monster fair and square

how exactly is that considered fair and square? o_o not that i'm saying i agree with a prs being able to use extinction on undead to cause mega damage on hunt mobs unlike other classes or something (not that it matters cause 3R alrdy said theres no undead there), but that wouldn't resolve the issue of fair vs. unfair.


3R didn't say that.

He said the map had demons and I know there are undeads: Undead Manager and Undead Miner.


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If they just say: Ice mine coming soon!

People would be like OMG where? how? when? why? what drops?  Exp x2 gm pliiiiiiiiiiiz? monsters?

And by doing this way they can actually make things easier for them...


People tend to speculate, its normal.

yea, i said that...

people will speculate regardless, but providing false/uncertain information for w/e reason just seems totally unnecessary o_o

no specific date, no specific details cept for maybe the for sure stuff like map lvl or something...it leaves room for necessary changes without question... it gets people excited about a new addition without providing inaccurate information about the project/future release

my point is why release info that is inaccurate, like i said...say the for sure things, map lvl was an example. the most vague details can still satisfy enough curiosity...of course there will always be more questions lol but the difference is you get the idea out there without creating more issues for concern by a. posting wrong info or b. posting specific details that will be changed in the development process...i don't exactly see that as being easier on anyone o_o


3R didn't say that.

He said the map had demons and I know there are undeads: Undead Manager and Undead Miner.

I just finished the monster files and there are demons. 2 regular monsters and the boss.

where did he say undead o_o by my take on that the monsters have been reassigned?...or maybe i just mistook what he was saying x_o

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I was replying to whoever said there would be no demons.

Of course the monsters with Undead on their names will be Undead. :)

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Just wait for our official announcements, it's pretty obvious the website is not accurate at this moment and I'm not gonna be the one to update it when we're not even finished with the new content we're adding.

sry but thats exactly why it shouldn't be there in the first place  \o/  like i said before, i wouldn't get too critical with my thoughts of the new map because i figured the info is of course still being worked on...people will speculate regardless, but providing false/uncertain information for w/e reason just seems totally unnecessary o_o


if its a matter of putting it out there to get to community happy about an upcoming update, couldn't it just be something simple "coming to rpt, ice mine w/e, spring 2012" (as an example) no specific date, no specific details cept for maybe the for sure stuff like map lvl or something...it leaves room for necessary changes without question... it gets people excited about a new addition without providing inaccurate information about the project/future release




Make them Normal Monster fair and square

how exactly is that considered fair and square? o_o not that i'm saying i agree with a prs being able to use extinction on undead to cause mega damage on hunt mobs unlike other classes or something (not that it matters cause 3R alrdy said theres no undead there), but that wouldn't resolve the issue of fair vs. unfair.


I spent thousands of hours to play my prs to get 128+ then my prs become useless and can't go hunting?

Why it will be fair if prs can't go hunting in new map?


No pet, no tank, no high damage, no good freeze/stun skill (like PS and FS), what can a prs can do in new map?

Being a pretty pet of other class by VL, DF and VB? No thanks.


imo VB or MS (a more generic skill) should be tweeked so prs has better hunting capabilities for those who wanna solo hunt....extinction does too much dmg for a hunt mob which is why its good there won't be undead mobs in the new map imo.


Yes its fair and square, PRS just need a tanker in hunting maps, it can kill 3-5 mobs at the same time.


Just look at there individual SoD score, killing ET3 mobs in round 8, with like 1 minute or so is not a problem at all


Again, making undead mobs is a crazy idea


Ice lands

Greedy Lake (70)

Gallubia Valley (90)

Frozen Sanctuary (95) [Hunt]

Kelvezu Cave (100)

Ice Mine 1 (128) [Hunt]


Lost Island (100) [Hunt] Undead YES!

Lost Temple (105) [Hunt] Undead YES!

Mystery Lands

Mystery Forest 1

Mystery Forest 2

Mystery Forest 3

Mystery Desert 1 (95) [Exp]

Mystery Desert 2 (100) [Exp]

Mystery Desert 3 (105) [Exp]


Dungeon 1 (40)

Dungeon 2 (50)

Dungeon 3 (60)

Beehive Cave (55)

Mushroom Cave (55)

Sanctuary of Darkness (65)

Cursed Temple 1 (70) Undead YES!

Cursed Temple 2 (75) Undead YES!

Cursed Temple 3 (120) [Hunt] Undead YES!

Endless Tower 1 (110) [Hunt] Undead YES!

Endless Tower 2 (115) [Hunt] Undead YES!

Endless Tower 3 (124) [Hunt] Undead YES!

Forgotten Temple 1 (110) [Exp]

Forgotten Temple 2 (115) [Exp]

Ancient Dungeon 1 (120) [Exp] Undead A dam lot YES

Ancient Dungeon 2 (124) [Exp] Undead A dam lot YES

Ancient Dungeon 3 (128) [Exp] Undead A dam lot YES


Any prove that undead is fair , they drop lesser "drop rate%" than normal mobs?

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I was replying to whoever said there would be no demons.

Of course the monsters with Undead on their names will be Undead. :)


Again :-[

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I was replying to whoever said there would be no demons.

Of course the monsters with Undead on their names will be Undead. :)

k i misunderstood what you said lol wasn't exactly clear after you threw in the "2 normal and the boss" part...i took it as if you were listing the monsters that spawn there :P


that does pose as a bit of a problem with the extinction thing then u_u 



that doesn't explain how making everything normal mobs will make it fair and square lol, i get your point and i agree with you to a certain degree but simply changing the mobs to only one type wouldn't create balance O.o

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I was replying to whoever said there would be no demons.

Of course the monsters with Undead on their names will be Undead. :)

k i misunderstood what you said lol wasn't exactly clear after you threw in the "2 normal and the boss" part...i took it as if you were listing the monsters that spawn there :P


that does pose as a bit of a problem with the extinction thing then u_u 



that doesn't explain how making everything normal mobs will make it fair and square lol, i get your point and i agree with you to a certain degree but simply changing the mobs to only one type wouldn't create balance O.o


For instance, iron map doesnt have undead 8)

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For instance, iron map doesnt have undead 8)

ok first off how do you compare a 128 hunt map to a lvl 80 exp map exactly? :3


we're discussing a 128 hunt map and how currently prs use extinction while hunting which may pose as an unfair advantage....now how would taking away a very important factor in prs hunting methods create balance? sure you're making it seem more "fair" to other players who can't knock the crap out of a monster so easily, but you're leaving the prs with no real alternative...so again i ask where is the balance & fairness in simply changing all monsters to one type lol? (this doesn't effect just prs btw) you're not creating any kind of balance, you're just knocking down prs with nothing to fallback on. You want to suggest balance, then suggest something that is fair to everyone, including prs who worked hard to lvl and want to be able to hunt at the new map.

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For instance, iron map doesnt have undead 8)

ok first off how do you compare a 128 hunt map to a lvl 80 exp map exactly? :3


we're discussing a 128 hunt map and how currently prs use extinction while hunting which may pose as an unfair advantage....now how would taking away a very important factor in prs hunting methods create balance? sure you're making it seem more "fair" to other players who can't knock the crap out of a monster so easily, but you're leaving the prs with no real alternative...so again i ask where is the balance & fairness in simply changing all monsters to one type lol? (this doesn't effect just prs btw) you're not creating any kind of balance, you're just knocking down prs with nothing to fallback on. You want to suggest balance, then suggest something that is fair to everyone, including prs who worked hard to lvl and want to be able to hunt at the new map.


You are wrong to say PRS can't kill mobs in ET3,look at SoD score, they can kill round 8 monster 5-6 at a time? Having no undead doesn't create any imbalance to them


They can hunt them if they want, mass killing


How does it exactly adding undead mobs to them create fair? They have treated well in exping, soding.


All I see is PRS going Et3 luring to us, and ksing our maples, just imagine, another map for this kind of behaviour?


Also prs dont need to work hard nowadays, they so easy to lvl up, imagine a FS leveled so hard and a PRS just kill it with 4 cast


If u want a better suggestion go suggest a better balance extinction formula


But not much PRS will like ur idea :-[


Also comparing 128 vs 80 maps is indifferent, when none other maps was introduced back then, iron maps was considered like ET3?

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