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Fallen Angel = death= REGEN

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nice one GM-Zero! ;D .. hear this: The Pretender - Foo Fighters


so why are you here in the topic anyways? u aren't helping....


peace ^^ heauheuauehu ;D


Someone has to plays devils-advocate and not be bias. There is what, like you and 3 of your friends bashing this incident when he isn't even defending himself? That is hardly non-bias. Again, I'm not defending him and I can easily believe it happened, since similar incidents have happened to me before.


You went forever on about how you do this for "justice", but when someone comes in and questions you to figure out just what is "justice" in this situation, you dismiss them out of the topic because they don't completely agree with you and unquestioningly take your side. That's a funny sense of "justice" you have.


Why am I here? Because you posted this in general discussion, which correct me if I'm wrong, is open to all players. If all you wanted was "justice", this simply should've been in the report section for you and the GMs/Mods to discuss. My guess by posting it here is that you wanted a lot more than that, special attention or something along those lines. <----This is the main reason I keep posting.

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Are u crazy? Try to make fake report? I was play Sir.trym and i only kill boss. I didnt die anytime . What are u talking? Trying to lie with Gm? Damn u .

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Kinda bad trolling like that, but what can yo do about it? There are no specific rule that says "You can not go die to make FA regen." Just for the future of reporting DON'T USE SS! Get Frap and record them in action, no way to argue there. That is how I do all of my report :) I record and all ,excuse my language, assholes and show it to GM so I don't have to hear any "Not enough evidence" crap. The program is free and you can upload it to youtube, website is www.fraps.com

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cucda is also a looter, gets hp of Fallen Angel... then kills other mobs and whenFA almost dead he comes running back to loot items







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