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Archer Build Questions!!!

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Hey, I created an archer and have some doubts.

What skills should I lvl first?

She is 95 now...


Tell me if I am wrong or right.

I will put in the order I guess the most importants first to last.


[T1] Shooting Mastery - 10

[T2] Dion's Eye - 10

[T1] Scout Hawk - 10 (This adds on your Attack Rating right?)

[T3] Bomb Shot - 10

[T3] Perforation - 10

[T4] Phoenix Shot - 10

[T4] Force Of Nature - 10

[T4] Wolverine - 10


What should be lvl first Bomb Shot or Perforation?

Is this build right for a low lvl?

What else should I lvl?

This build is for a Pure Archer, the stats I will put according to the items.


Thanks for any reply.

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ATM, for leveling Arrow of Rage > Perforation


And Avalanche/Wind Arrow > Phoenix Shot for hunting

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actually.. AoR is good at higher level.. and whats bugging about perfo is that it cost a lot of mana

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actually.. AoR is good at higher level.. and whats bugging about perfo is that it cost a lot of mana


But the power and area of Perforation is bigger than AoR and Bomb Shot on normal mobs right?

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well yea thats for sure.. i was really thinking on going for perfo but the prob with perfo is that it only hits whats on the line and not on the side..

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well yea thats for sure.. i was really thinking on going for perfo but the prob with perfo is that it only hits whats on the line and not on the side..



An archer with KA+VR's+DGS pots very little mana right using Perfo?

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Could be a possible XP build:

- Str and tal for best armor + best shield

- Enough agi to use a Metalhand Crossbow(any crappy HP mix)

- 150 health

- rest on spirit


Ofc for archeres bellow 120 with not that good items, since the AoR skill does not depend on weapon + agi dmg, so u could tank and survive well. Or is it better to use best armor, 150 spirit, base health and rest on agi, in case u have to kill a specific mob and u need a higher dmg to kill faster, for example sucking mana witches?


Any1 could answer me?

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actually.. my preference was to wear soccer suit and have base health all at agi coz you wont be tanking in most exp map.. you just have to get range and kill

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