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How to age items to +20 "Guidance"

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Do good sheltoms work? What is the secret sauce to it?


How many items you broke?

How many items were successful?

What level and kind of items you aged?


Thanks 8)


My experience is that I close my eyes when aging, coz I too afraid it to deage or disappear :-[

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The spec or stats of the sheltons doesn't influence in the aging success.


I broke 4 items all going to +20

I get success in 6 items ATM.

104 (Oracle wand) 120 ( Orb and Robe) 122 (wand).


Well I used to close my eyes too. hahahahahahaha

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1 . 2+ times (broke my 120+15 shield_)  122 jav +17 going +18 = fail

2.  i think 1 time = age +20 no break , and age other items i stop at +17

3. 115 javelin+20


having the same spec sheltom could increase your chances on getting +1...  you just need luck and lots of it.... too



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Guest Eleven

1. 110 spear ps/1 +18 success ..... going +19 (failed) aging stone present

2. 103 wyvern axe +18 (i buy) old stat ... success in +19 and +20 (with sheltoms that has specs) aging stone present

3. Pole ps/1 +16 (i buy) +17 +18 (success, "no uses of stone") failed in +19 no use stone too

4. 55 shield +14 (i buy) +15 to +19 success (in +20, got failed  :-\) aging stone present

5. 120 hammer ms/2 1 to + 15 (no stone) success. failed in +16


and last

6. 110 sword ms/1 (+18 i buy) age it to +19 success ........ going to +20? no plans yet. stop in +19


PS: if my item was success T> +19 GZZZ for example.


if not

+19 failed, "shift + esc" and go to bed. kkkkkkkkk

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Graz, but from what I heard getting lowest stats sheltoms and same and ns is the best tool to aging


Sometimes in shop you see some sheltoms are sold in favor of the other


I also heard stories of rare cases of deaging from that methods


Is it the real case ? Also coin shop removed sheltoms for sales any suspicion ?


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+19 I put on my sword and shield, with copper ore

I was put in armo +18 -2 with copper ore

acts on Cock has to be alone with stone age?

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No, I use any shelton NS and all spec, I buy one and use. It's superstition than the stats and spec of the sheltons influence on the aging.

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1. Put in all the items

2. Press the age button

3. Close your eyes

4. Open your eyes

5.  ;D or  :'(

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1. Put in all the items

2. Press the age button

3. Close your eyes

4. Open your eyes

5.  ;D or  :'(


Majority of friend and people from server says there is a secret sauce, a formula that proven to work


They guess the programming code is not rand()


I find it entertaining that they keep it like a trade secret and not willing offer to help



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Well here's my tip. but i think this is just supersticious

ok so i aged a lot of items up to +15 at ept without any aging stone so

1. choose ns sheltoms with low hp recovery than mp. like for example, a celesto with 0.9/1.0.

2. don't use same stats of sheltom from celesto and above

3. always repair item before aging, even if it is at full integrity

4. USE aging stone cuz you're going for +20 and

last but not the least

5. FAP while the aging process goes on, might give you luck xD

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1. Put in all the items

2. Press the age button

3. Close your eyes

4. Open your eyes

5.  ;D or  :'(



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