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Maximum level game

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What do you think about the GMs to increase the maximum level of 140 to 150?

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What do you think about the GMs to increase the maximum level of 140 to 150?





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probably not necessary at this time but more than likely an inevitability


personally i'm not too crazy about the idea tbh

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not necessary

its hard to up lvl 140 already

and it can unbalance the game now

then no thx

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Seriously guys?


What's the point of keeping a level cap?

So that you can reach those level 140 players?


I don't see reason to keep it as it is....

+10 stats points isnt something that will make a difference...

As pedrods say it is hard to up to 140, imagine how much harder it is to exp it to 141!


Just so you guys know, the exp required to go from 139-140 is the same exp required to go from level 1 to 130...


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What do you think about the GMs to increase the maximum level of 140 to 150?

why? no ty

only few 14x  chars..

maybe it will change when have more than 20 14x chars.

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They might change the experience table also.

Anyway, I have still some concerns about this new level cap. It's ok if they do something to stop exp service.

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see i wouldnt mind this but we dont get enough XP events to help the current players who are even 125+ get xp alittle easyer so if they did more events for XP n stuff i would be all game for this idea but atm its a bad idea

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Make exp to get to 140 easier -> unfair to people who got there when it was harder

Don't make it easier -> impossible to get to 150

So, no.

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