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Tired of this type of events

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I was talking with my friend about events and we realise that these days we only had events like "Catch 10 things and recieve one special item"

This kind of event is nice, but we need more things like exp event ou something else.


Please Invent new Events.


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i agree to some of your suggestion, but not definitely on the XP EVENT.


i agree we need different event, im so tired of this event also, the same as always, THE Easter event, then this halloween event, then the xmas event, im guessing there will be the same set of prices, sp down, mana down, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. same old same old. 

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First off


ANY event is cool



The xmas event = not 'get 10 of this, and get item'

ONE giftbox= ONE gift



Who of you guys played ept during Yedang times? lol, crying about an event that you actually get...

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I agree, crying for events that you actually get -,-

Though on the other hand I see the point. But there's are limited options when it comes to a variation of event kinds. All pristontale can do is drop items, you pick them up, deliver, receive... if we put creative heads together, we might be able to combine pristontale's elements to come up with new and original events.

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We're getting one event after another!

Thats really nice ^^


I remember how it was on ePT when there was only tier 2 quest to do and no events....

You get to level 20, kill 3 wolverines and all you have to do was sod and go to normal maps...


New event every month, with random events during the week and new quests being added are awesome :)

You should enjoy what you have.


Another thing, Everyday is Exp X50 event!

Don't forget about it ^^

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honestly some XP events would be nice... i have yet to see even one...

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im not saying that i dont like this type of event, but there should be new ideas

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i was thinking getting the xp reward.

like 4m -10m as a gift from xmas event.

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The only thing that upsets me about these events is you take the time to collect the items and as a reward you get mana


Mana :o come on now, are you serious, mana?  Mana is in crazy abundance so why is it given as an event reward?



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i was thinking getting the xp reward.

that would be nice to have a chance of being rewarded xp, i still like the chance of getting items though


maybe something like:

find a green present, turn it in = a certain amount of instant exp

find red present, turn it in = get a random item


could be nice  ;D

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Well, the ''Lotery''  suggested by Immortal is a new kind of event.

And was accept by the staff, so, just and wait a little.

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exp event is a bad idea


1. You create too much high level characters, ultimately asking for new maps, new items etc

2. Unfair to other people who trained hard

3. Exp pot has been change from 100 coins to 200 coins, I doubt it's likely for them to do exp event

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exp event is a bad idea


1. You create too much high level characters, ultimately asking for new maps, new items etc

2. Unfair to other people who trained hard

3. Exp pot has been change from 100 coins to 200 coins, I doubt it's likely for them to do exp event


not really the onese of us who are 125+ its a pain to level a nice XP event would be fun every once and awhile to get towards geting like 130 etc it dose not make anything unfair if anything will make more people active for the event i think

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i want to know if the gm is going to do smth about it.


im not asking for exp event but new types!!

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