l3t4nph4t 0 Report post Posted December 2, 2011 The first, time-required is not displayed - not loaded in Quest Icon Why Quest IM1 only Undead ? It's hard for find because you must go around - around IM1 And very hard for kill if you're FS/PS. I'm FS, and i must used 40-50 HP for each Undead Manager / Undead Miner. Look at Knight, he can tank and kill very well (bonus 30% damage for Undead) or enslave it. I think it better if have all monters in Quest. You don't waste time for go around. This quest maybe 10 for each monters. If anyone think "Undead for Priestess", look at Magican. He's not better than Priestess If you want exp, go exp-map. You can leveling better than IM1. If you say it is not fair . Answer me, "Do you like party PS/FS in exp map ?" :-\ Knight PT - I don't expect that. :-[ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zero 0 Report post Posted December 3, 2011 I say just make it 100 of any ice1 monsters. That way FS/AS can hunt demons, Prs/Ks can hunt undead, and everyone just hunts what they do best. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[D]ohkito 2 Report post Posted December 3, 2011 What is the best moob for Magician hunt ? : Ps.:I still hope than they will balance the quest. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tommylizard 1 Report post Posted December 3, 2011 I say just make it 100 of any ice1 monsters. That way FS/AS can hunt demons, Prs/Ks can hunt undead, and everyone just hunts what they do best. Agree to that. The quest being only with undeads is just giving priestesses another advantage at hunting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
~Trinitas~ 0 Report post Posted December 3, 2011 I say just make it 100 of any ice1 monsters. That way FS/AS can hunt demons, Prs/Ks can hunt undead, and everyone just hunts what they do best. i think they were trying to get a harder goal to achieve and thats why they didn't just make it a free kill i like the idea, but i would say make a selection of 4 specific monsters (each with a different classification) and kill 25 of each or something...this way theres still the specific goal to reach and like you said wouldn't only be undead which would suit everyone better Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Null 2 Report post Posted December 3, 2011 That quest follows a storyline, and it just so happens that the monsters asked to kill are all Undead. Not because we wanted the players to kill Undead only, but because the monsters we wanted the players to kill (mine workers) happen to be all Undead. Can't change them to another monster type, and can't just change the required monsters to kill either as it wouldn't make any sense storyline-wise. A storyline may sound unimportant, but unfortunately without one these quests would just be random mob hunting for no reason, and that's never a good thing in any game. Perhaps we could (and probably will, at some point), however, add a third quest involving other monster types and even other game mechanics (mining, etc). Example: - Party goal is to collect 50 crystal pieces from a large crystal that happens to be surrounded by lots of monsters. - Only one player from each party can mine the crystal. - Monsters will focus and go aggressive on the player that is mining the crystal, ignoring even Compulsion. - Other party members have to defend the defenseless party member that is mining, by killing every monster that spawns to attack him. That's an example of a quest that would involve new mechanics, would involve all the monster types, and would also give more use to Priestesses' support builds. This is just an idea though, so don't get too excited about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
swingegg 0 Report post Posted December 3, 2011 find your party.i dont think anyone will do it alone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[D]ohkito 2 Report post Posted December 3, 2011 Have the quest with free kills won't be bad.In fact, this just will improve the game play for all classes. Why not add this option ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
~Trinitas~ 0 Report post Posted December 3, 2011 That quest follows a storyline, and it just so happens that the monsters asked to kill are all Undead. Not because we wanted the players to kill Undead only, but because the monsters we wanted the players to kill (mine workers) happen to be all Undead. Can't change them to another monster type, and can't just change the required monsters to kill either as it wouldn't make any sense storyline-wise. A storyline may sound unimportant, but unfortunately without one these quests would just be random mob hunting for no reason, and that's never a good thing in any game. Perhaps we could (and probably will, at some point), however, add a third quest involving other monster types and even other game mechanics (mining, etc). Example: - Party goal is to collect 50 crystal pieces from a large crystal that happens to be surrounded by lots of monsters. - Only one player from each party can mine the crystal. - Monsters will focus and go aggressive on the player that is mining the crystal, ignoring even Compulsion. - Other party members have to defend the defenseless party member that is mining, by killing every monster that spawns to attack him. That's an example of a quest that would involve new mechanics, would involve all the monster types, and would also give more use to Priestesses' support builds. This is just an idea though, so don't get too excited about it. as far as the importance of storyline, yea sure I get the whole ghostbusters thing that was done there, but it srsly is a prs quest, i can see this being majorly exploited. Since theres a bunch of monsters there which in a sense all pose as a threat rather than revolve it around the miners, i don't see why the story couldn't be somewhat altered to accommodate more of a mix of monsters o_o short example quest 1: monster are wreaking havoc and the mines are inaccessible, kill blah & blah and lets take back the mine short example quest 2: simply killing the monsters does not seem to be helping, rumor has it tulla's the evil mastermind behind their takeover...seek out and kill tulla the story meshes together still with an objective in this case of taking back the mine...it would of course need to be enriched, but you see where im goin' as for the other quest concept, i do and don't like it....cool to have an objective that doesn't revolve solely around killing, but it sounds a bit overly tedious and mech dependent ...however again, something that could flow into the story of taking back the mine and keeping it more generic to all characters regardless of whos in the party, idk, just my 2cents Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wiz 0 Report post Posted December 3, 2011 blah blah blah. storyline .. cant this .. cant that ... a story writen can be rewriten ... quest can be modified.. skills ... and about anything else in the game.. sorry 3R ... seems we dont like the story .. it favors 2 classes ... be it a party questy or not... if it can be done and redone.. it should be fair to EACH class 3R.. not 1... rewrite ya precious story... make it all fair... this it wont work if it aint this or that.. bullshit... just like skills and equips .. it can be redone... so sad it doesnt fit your story ya wrote.. write another... a all one class quest is plain dumb....... just like saying the story cant be rewriten!! thats my 2 cents Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Electron 0 Report post Posted December 3, 2011 We can always add more NPCs with their own stories and party quests, and we probably will, this whole concept of party quests is new in PT Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Null 2 Report post Posted December 3, 2011 short example quest 1: monster are wreaking havoc and the mines are inaccessible, kill blah & blah and lets take back the mine Perhaps something like this for a third Party Quest from Barry? Any suggestions? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
l3t4nph4t 0 Report post Posted December 3, 2011 The party (with 6 members) doing Quest. What's happened when one of us got disconnected ? I must continue doing quest with 5 members ? Or must party this member who got disconnected ? I think the player can get Quest without party. Meaning player can find party anytime, party with anyone to do Quest. It's small change, but players can play and do it easier. Number of monters can only be calculated when player must have party. Of course, players must complete it with one hour. And when enough monters, players can give back it alone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Demeron 18 Report post Posted December 4, 2011 if only people could actully get group for this i have tryed Meny times for one for this and nothing... or u get 1 and some one dies and then everyone just drops Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PaynEeE 0 Report post Posted December 4, 2011 sorry, but the quest is very cool to do.. we make a full party, with random players, and we can finish de quest w/o any problems.. ofc our party is very good and strong, but u just need 1 prist and others 5 members could be any class... u dont need always a specific class to kill a specific monster... this is just to make it quick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BiDa 4 Report post Posted December 5, 2011 I tried doing the quest with 5 other friends: 1 Mage, 1 Knight, 1 Fighter, 2 Ata, 1 Auto Mech And we failed. Impossible to quest it without prs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CliffMaster 0 Report post Posted December 5, 2011 I tried doing the quest with 5 other friends: 1 Mage, 1 Knight, 1 Fighter, 2 Ata, 1 Auto Mech And we failed. Impossible to quest it without prs. then its time for The High lvl Priests to stand up now and Help BiDa now^^, (Yay, Post Number 100:D celebrating it with a Lil Mc Hammer dance~ Can't Touch This!) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites