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When will this end ?

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This Player is Afk since yesterday, When Will this end. 1 more time, something must be done.


Spaw ad2 north side

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3r said you can kill there as long as you have SS that he dont asnwer in like 10mins.. when 10mins no response.. go kill

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He said at least 5 minutes. When reach 5' 01'' i'll kill like a demon.



By the way, a question. If the guy take a spawn from a AFK players, and this AFK player back to PC after 7 minutes , and then starts to kill the moobs, they obviously will call each other as ''KSer'' so, who lost the right to train in that spawn ?


The AFK that back to play or the player that took the spawn ?

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ofc its the player who took the spawn..i say lets put a rule on this.. whoever do this for like 2times temp ban them for like 12hrs-1day just to give them a lesson.. coz as long as no one has been punished to this they will keep doing this all over again and again

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I don't want underestimate you, but I said ''@Staff" with one purpose.

I'll use their words when it happens, so, the ''KS report agaisnt me or the player'' will be denied.And my ''KS report'' will be processed.In other words, this is a rule being created.


And I still want a reply.

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sandurr already said on my post that they will discuss this issues .. i  hope it get release soon so it can be discuss and stop this stupid afking on spawn... have you guys wonder? those exp service arent event replying on the post coz they know themselves they will be affected with this one

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honestly if some one AFK in a Spawn more then 10 mins I Take it they come back and CRY KS 20 mins latter and i got my Screen shots etc so just take Screen shots cover ur @ss and Take the shit its what i have been doing for a while now sick of the afkers but its w/e i guess

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Or another solution: Make monsters go rage when player haven't killed monster in 15minutes. ( 3x damage )

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Or another solution: Make monsters go rage when player haven't killed monster in 15minutes. ( 3x damage )




omfg yes this!!!


and if 3x damage aint enough making it fcking 10x!

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Or another solution: Make monsters go rage when player haven't killed monster in 15minutes. ( 3x damage )


Hahaha, this is a really nice solution! The problem would just be: when there are no players, would they rage by themselves?

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Or another solution: Make monsters go rage when player haven't killed monster in 15minutes. ( 3x damage )


Hahaha, this is a really nice solution! The problem would just be: when there are no players, would they rage by themselves?

If monster have been hitting player for 15 minutes and monster haven't received any damage from player then the monster will RAGE and monster will be doing e.g 3x damage.* Maybe like this? :D

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Or another solution: Make monsters go rage when player haven't killed monster in 15minutes. ( 3x damage )


Hahaha, this is a really nice solution! The problem would just be: when there are no players, would they rage by themselves?


no player = no mobs

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Or another solution: Make monsters go rage when player haven't killed monster in 15minutes. ( 3x damage )


Hahaha, this is a really nice solution! The problem would just be: when there are no players, would they rage by themselves?

If monster have been hitting player for 15 minutes and monster haven't received any damage from player then the monster will RAGE and monster will be doing e.g 3x damage.* Maybe like this? :D




put this in suggestion section X=


crazy nice idea

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We are discussing a solution to this


above suggestion is a good one :)


put in your list of possible solutions :D

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Just train in that spawn til' the owner is back, that's what I do :)

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We are discussing a solution to this



Hi admin, just make more spawn like old dungeon maps rather do a more tough programming solution to tackle AFK, if they AFK for 5 hours, you can take the spawn he won't have the screenshot to prove the spawn is his after 5 hours without taking a clean spawn. Make new rules on posting KS rule will be easier, people complaining about AFK, if they really AFK they can't prove the spawn is his after few hours right? KS rule will not be valid

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Haha, expers can't do exp and thay make another people can't do that. That's why i hate exp service.



More spawn => more afk => more exp service. That isn't a good solution.



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Or another solution: Make monsters go rage when player haven't killed monster in 15minutes. ( 3x damage )


I like it sounds good +1 every 7-10 mins someone there and mob dont lose health they start increasing there damage 3x per 7-10 mins

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We are discussing a solution to this



Hi admin, just make more spawn like old dungeon maps rather do a more tough programming solution to tackle AFK, if they AFK for 5 hours, you can take the spawn he won't have the screenshot to prove the spawn is his after 5 hours without taking a clean spawn. Make new rules on posting KS rule will be easier, people complaining about AFK, if they really AFK they can't prove the spawn is his after few hours right? KS rule will not be valid


neither u won't have a clean SS of the spawn, the AFKer will always be there in your picture.

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In Warhammer Online they made it so that if you were afk for more than 5 minutes in a warzone (where they could leech xp) then they would auto teleport to town, or they could afk in a safezone and be okay.

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Just train in that spawn til' the owner is back, that's what I do :)


I Train and keep it if they afk in it more then 10 mins lol

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What are you guys complaining about?

That guy is afk....


You take some screenshots for 5 minutes asking him to kill or party or whatever...

If he is still standing there

You got a tanker at your spawn :)

Just go ahead and kill it all


I'm pretty sure GMs won't ban you if you got proof that the guy was just holding the spawn.

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What are you guys complaining about?

That guy is afk....


You take some screenshots for 5 minutes asking him to kill or party or whatever...

If he is still standing there

You got a tanker at your spawn :)

Just go ahead and kill it all


I'm pretty sure GMs won't ban you if you got proof that the guy was just holding the spawn.


^^^ 100% True done it before lol

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