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About Holy Incantation

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Following the Patch Notes, Holy Incantation will reduce the Monster HP and ABS for 50%.


But, Holy Incantation when suceed to enslave a undead monster, at Level 1, it's HP is increased for 100%. At Level 10, it's HP is increased for 280%.


So, how the skill is working from now on? The Extra HP doesn't exist more, then, at every level, the monster HP will be cut by half? Or, the Extra HP per level was cut by half, then, at Level 1, the Extra HP is 50% and at Level 1 the Extra HP is 140%?


Thanks in advance if the staff or someone can answer me.


I still doesn't get the point into this nerfing, and why the others pet summons remained unchanged. But i just want to know exactly what's trully happening behind this skill.


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Change the whole lot back


Dont make an incanted monster follow you like a pet/crystal, and just give it the normal hp and abs



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Change the whole lot back


Dont make an incanted monster follow you like a pet/crystal, and just give it the normal hp and abs




ARGEED 100% !!! Make the change back Like today Please ^_^

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i can understand what and why Wartale did to Holy Incantation skill and i'm totally agree with it.It just make more balance and fair for AS, ATA, MS in hunting while before that KS got many advantages than the others class

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now the monster cant tank even one mob before die... and also theres the point that the new monster that gonna spawn might not be undead. the skill got so messed up..

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Generally, this patch and patch before, sandurr has clearly stated out his purpose .He want to make hunt job much harder particullarly in boss hunting ( no pet to tank ).With FA boss ,it regen hp after some1 got kill so much hard to kill boss atm.imo,future nerf will point to another class such as MS (golem ) and as (wolf).

Let wait and see.

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I want to know what's exactly happening with Holy Incantation, like, the formula from now on.


But at the way the skill is working from now on, it's almost useless. The mob is diyng extremely fast in comparison to other char pets or cristals.

No point at all.


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i can understand what and why Wartale did to Holy Incantation skill and i'm totally agree with it.It just make more balance and fair for AS, ATA, MS in hunting while before that KS got many advantages than the others class


u lost ur damn mind AS , ATA and MS pet is something they can RESUMMON never Endingly and i STILL see them Hunting better then ANY Class in Ice mine 1 so regardless what ur even thinking this patch was a major nerf and unbalanced ALOT of hunting for ks its stupid hard now for us yet all the other class's hunt like champs now Must be Nice Put Holy incantation Back to Way it was!!! I even tryed makeing Holy Incantation lv 10 it makes no diffrents skill is WORTHLESS now and hunting for a Ks is a pain unlike other Class's they needa change it back end of Story

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=]] dont get mad friend,yeah i agree that decrease 50% HP and ABS from the pet may be too much.How about just 20% decrease HP and ABS.That'll be fine  ;D.Make it back like before the patch released, HELL NO!

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