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From 12/1/2011 to 1/9/2012 ?


I don't see any event on.


So let me say, wanneer zal de event beginnen Wartale ?

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From 12/1/2011 to 1/9/2012 ?


I don't see any event on.


So let me say, wanneer zal de event beginnen Wartale ?


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Sorrie, het personeel heeft besloten zich te bekeren tot het jodendom.


Hahaha heel grappig... Seriously,when ?

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Sorrie, het personeel heeft besloten zich te bekeren tot het jodendom.


Lol, ur a Dutchie aswell?:P or is Sander messing with ya head?:P

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this is true event so post to have started but not a dang thing still :(

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Sorrie, het personeel heeft besloten zich te bekeren tot het jodendom.


Dat moet pijn doen D:


Ze snijden zo je halve klabanus weg jonguh! *-*

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santa is not coming this year, sorry guys.




mother of god....we're doomed

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Santa will visit us this year, don't worry :)


However, we wanted to put another patch before releasing the event!

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So what? The Christmas event will start on December 29th? And last till the 31st?


This is just judging on how long it has taken RPT to put out new patches over the last while.

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No wonder patches take some long haha hard to give to the ungrateful ones who complain every single second

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Yes, I complain every single second.


I didn't notice that there was another patch up there, so sorry. I have other things to do other than sit on my computer and wait for a new patch. I was making a little joke, I guess nobody else here has a sense of humor.

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Yes, I complain every single second.


I didn't notice that there was another patch up there, so sorry. I have other things to do other than sit on my computer and wait for a new patch. I was making a little joke, I guess nobody else here has a sense of humor.


nope everyone sensitive crybabies 8) who are fat prolly fab to 4chan


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Yes, I complain every single second.


I didn't notice that there was another patch up there, so sorry. I have other things to do other than sit on my computer and wait for a new patch. I was making a little joke, I guess nobody else here has a sense of humor.

i have a sense of humor...


i just can't help picking on you >:D you know my evul knows no bounds!

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Yes, I complain every single second.


I didn't notice that there was another patch up there, so sorry. I have other things to do other than sit on my computer and wait for a new patch. I was making a little joke, I guess nobody else here has a sense of humor.


nope everyone sensitive crybabies 8) who are fat prolly fab to 4chan


And you know what everyone looks like right? Don't assume shit you know nothing about dude.



Yes, I complain every single second.


I didn't notice that there was another patch up there, so sorry. I have other things to do other than sit on my computer and wait for a new patch. I was making a little joke, I guess nobody else here has a sense of humor.

i have a sense of humor...


i just can't help picking on you >:D you know my evul knows no bounds!


Yes, you are uber evul!

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Ever heard the saying, when you assume, you make an ASS out U and ME?






Assumption is the mother of all f*ck ups!?

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Sorrie, het personeel heeft besloten zich te bekeren tot het jodendom.


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hey they are fixing stuff come Tuesday so I am happy lol ^_^ now all we gota hope for is Tier 5 next lol

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