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Discussion - Patch 3240

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well i dont agree about that changes on prist, the only part i dont like is the cooldown of extintion


why u all want balanced on extintion?? i mean, if u want "balance", should be balanced everything not the "only thing that make prist usefull for the owner"

now prist are usefull for party, as a support char, but what about the owner, mages at certain lvl can pvp as well and they are supposed to be tankers, as are for pvp but with backups cuz they arent supposed to tank but they can get hits without running and kill everything in pvp or pve, atas are supposed to kill and tank but "with pet" is incredible amazing, ks can pvp - pve "with pet option as well" and i could keep going but just the way its going on, prist will be kinda like Pikeman now.


if u ask for balance then be fair and ask to balance everything (make prist able to pvp as well cuz the change that has been done in VB is kinda jk, i almost cant notice in game the difference but u really feel the difference about the change done in extintion, u know a prist must run alot to find maps in et3, and in the time u run to find 1 maple, as, ks, ata can kill 2 or 3 moobs without running and thats not, in any way, balanced


why is prist unbalanced with extintion the way they was?? make a competition vs any other char except mgs or ps and prist will get owned all the time and i dont mean killing only one moob at same time, lets do this for 15 mins, and u will notice if prist was unbalanced.


Dont screw thing up with prist in the same way u did with pikemans plz, i used to play pikeman everywhere but here, i wont botther even creating them as a mule, dont wanna feel same with prist

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well i dont agree about that changes on prist, the only part i dont like is the cooldown of extintion


why u all want balanced on extintion?? i mean, if u want "balance", should be balanced everything not the "only thing that make prist usefull for the owner"

now prist are usefull for party, as a support char, but what about the owner, mages at certain lvl can pvp as well and they are supposed to be tankers, as are for pvp but with backups cuz they arent supposed to tank but they can get hits without running and kill everything in pvp or pve, atas are supposed to kill and tank but "with pet" is incredible amazing, ks can pvp - pve "with pet option as well" and i could keep going but just the way its going on, prist will be kinda like Pikeman now.


if u ask for balance then be fair and ask to balance everything (make prist able to pvp as well cuz the change that has been done in VB is kinda jk, i almost cant notice in game the difference but u really feel the difference about the change done in extintion, u know a prist must run alot to find maps in et3, and in the time u run to find 1 maple, as, ks, ata can kill 2 or 3 moobs without running and thats not, in any way, balanced


why is prist unbalanced with extintion the way they was?? make a competition vs any other char except mgs or ps and prist will get owned all the time and i dont mean killing only one moob at same time, lets do this for 15 mins, and u will notice if prist was unbalanced.


Dont screw thing up with prist in the same way u did with pikemans plz, i used to play pikeman everywhere but here, i wont botther even creating them as a mule, dont wanna feel same with prist


With the way u PRS where hunting no KS even with a pet could keep up with killing speed u guys where going at it...

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and u play ks, thought, but u get fun in pvp as well u can hunt everysingle moob and u cry about how prist can kill "only maples" how fair is that?? since prist do nothing in pvp and wont ever hunt killiing other moobs in but undead and have u tested how fast AS can kill demons with Bomb?? alot faster than a prist can kill 1 mapple so dont take down the only advantage and make prist worth nothing to hunt with


now and b4, a prist in party hunting, never ever get the drops, the only way that prist could get drops "WAS" hunting maples

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For better or worse, it's quite a drop, that's for sure. Describing nearly twice as high cooldown as the skill having its "delay slightly increased" is somewhat misleading though. For that matter, reducing the damage by 15% and calling it "slightly decreased" might also be debatable.

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and u play ks, thought, but u get fun in pvp as well u can hunt everysingle moob and u cry about how prist can kill "only maples" how fair is that?? since prist do nothing in pvp and wont ever hunt killiing other moobs in but undead and have u tested how fast AS can kill demons with Bomb?? alot faster than a prist can kill 1 mapple so dont take down the only advantage and make prist worth nothing to hunt with


now and b4, a prist in party hunting, never ever get the drops, the only way that prist could get drops "WAS" hunting maples


and yet PRS best leveler in the game? i promise u that u got leveled a HELL of alot faster then I DID  so I wouldnt say anything EVERY Class has there +'s and There -'s its just how it is really it sucks but its how it is

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and u play ks, thought, but u get fun in pvp as well u can hunt everysingle moob and u cry about how prist can kill "only maples" how fair is that?? since prist do nothing in pvp and wont ever hunt killiing other moobs in but undead and have u tested how fast AS can kill demons with Bomb?? alot faster than a prist can kill 1 mapple so dont take down the only advantage and make prist worth nothing to hunt with


now and b4, a prist in party hunting, never ever get the drops, the only way that prist could get drops "WAS" hunting maples


and yet PRS best leveler in the game? i promise u that u got leveled a HELL of alot faster then I DID  so I wouldnt say anything EVERY Class has there +'s and There -'s its just how it is really it sucks but its how it is


oh ya, wow, and what u can get with lvl??? a prist 13x can pvp a 11x char and will loose, a 13x prist wont do "now" much hunting, tell me whats the Good about lvl faster other that "help others to lvl faster as well"???

as i said, prist has "good skills" to help others, nothing to do for the owner it self and remember they are talking about forbid the xp service (i dont do and i wont) but sandurr is trying to take prist down in the same way he did with ps

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and u play ks, thought, but u get fun in pvp as well u can hunt everysingle moob and u cry about how prist can kill "only maples" how fair is that?? since prist do nothing in pvp and wont ever hunt killiing other moobs in but undead and have u tested how fast AS can kill demons with Bomb?? alot faster than a prist can kill 1 mapple so dont take down the only advantage and make prist worth nothing to hunt with


now and b4, a prist in party hunting, never ever get the drops, the only way that prist could get drops "WAS" hunting maples


and yet PRS best leveler in the game? i promise u that u got leveled a HELL of alot faster then I DID  so I wouldnt say anything EVERY Class has there +'s and There -'s its just how it is really it sucks but its how it is


oh ya, wow, and what u can get with lvl??? a prist 13x can pvp a 11x char and will loose, a 13x prist wont do "now" much hunting, tell me whats the Good about lvl faster other that "help others to lvl faster as well"???

as i said, prist has "good skills" to help others, nothing to do for the owner it self and remember they are talking about forbid the xp service (i dont do and i wont) but sandurr is trying to take prist down in the same way he did with ps


Well idk wat u can really say because yes PS got nerfed hard but like u said yes u can level fast and because of that Class like mine got kicked to the Curve n told to figuer it out ur self because no one wanted to group us this is time WE SHINE now! at 124+ for Hunting

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and u play ks, thought, but u get fun in pvp as well u can hunt everysingle moob and u cry about how prist can kill "only maples" how fair is that?? since prist do nothing in pvp and wont ever hunt killiing other moobs in but undead and have u tested how fast AS can kill demons with Bomb?? alot faster than a prist can kill 1 mapple so dont take down the only advantage and make prist worth nothing to hunt with


now and b4, a prist in party hunting, never ever get the drops, the only way that prist could get drops "WAS" hunting maples


and yet PRS best leveler in the game? i promise u that u got leveled a HELL of alot faster then I DID  so I wouldnt say anything EVERY Class has there +'s and There -'s its just how it is really it sucks but its how it is


oh ya, wow, and what u can get with lvl??? a prist 13x can pvp a 11x char and will loose, a 13x prist wont do "now" much hunting, tell me whats the Good about lvl faster other that "help others to lvl faster as well"???

as i said, prist has "good skills" to help others, nothing to do for the owner it self and remember they are talking about forbid the xp service (i dont do and i wont) but sandurr is trying to take prist down in the same way he did with ps


Well idk wat u can really say because yes PS got nerfed hard but like u said yes u can level fast and because of that Class like mine got kicked to the Curve n told to figuer it out ur self because no one wanted to group us this is time WE SHINE now! at 124+ for Hunting


sry, i dont really got u, tryed to understand you but I coundnt, but my point is, each class should give fun to the owner and for now, prist will be usefull only "to help others", but when is time to get upgrates, prist wont be able to drop his own stuff, need to just buy it and since cant get drops hunting how will prist get upgrates or make gold to buy new upgrates?? and plz dont say SOD,  only a few prist make 10-11kk sod, normally a prist can make btw 6-8kk if a prist can get to the end of r8, but thats 6-8kk, a 120 Boots worth something like 300kk+, this mean, a prist MUST do sod 50 times and each time should get to round 8, each sod is about 15min is like do sod 31 days non stop getting all the time to round 8 to finally buy 120 boots and ks, as, ata, even auto mech, fs hunting will make alot more in just 1 week hunting... where is the balance here?? prist should be only 2nd char and lets all moveone and make as or ks??, u want a server full of as - ks - atas as active chars and the rest as a mules-sellers?? i wont play again until this is fixed to get some fun again

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4 sod in an hour

40 sods in 10 hrs


how come  you say 50 sods= 31 days?



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day & night in game = 20 mins

r1 -> r8 = 16mins 4x sec

and u must wait some mins to start r1

prs do SOD is very easy to be kicked out in r3 and r6

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ya its true SOD is like un stopable for a Priest they make more money then ANYONE in there I have ever seen...

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ya its true SOD is like un stopable for a Priest they make more money then ANYONE in there I have ever seen...


Wait til mage gets stone spike. SoD also isn't consistent for anyone because its not guaranteed you make it past r3.



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ya its true SOD is like un stopable for a Priest they make more money then ANYONE in there I have ever seen...

with all the clans trying to get the crown... 1 prist soloing need tol be more than lucky trying to pass r3, cuz in 2 hours u can get to r8 once or twice with alot of lucky and thats to make 6-10 kk, and in the other side, hunting with any other class (except mgs or ps) in 2 hours u make alot more just selling npc craps in et1+ plus in et3 if u find 1 oredo thats, 25kk, 1 bellum 8kk, 1 enigma 6.5kk. HUNT > ALL making money, every char should be able to hunt as well to get the chance to find something, should have the chance to do something in pvp and train confortable <---- talking about balance chars.

if ppl start making a list of the best chars to play with, in a balanced game most ppl should say "it depends", but now many ppl know there is more enjoyable chars than others


check ric market, ppl is trying to trade 13x for any 12x+ char >_>, that makes sence??

a 110 ks for 112+ prist, as

a 112 as for 112 atas

a 120 pris for 118 ms >_>


check the market and u will find how worthless are some chars compared with others and all cuz of that "balance things"

the price of prist will keep getting down, thats not balanced, want  balance, decrease the atk from AS, decrease the DEF-BLOQ and atk from ks, increase the atk of ps, increase the aoe of mgs, decrease the atk of atas, give back the old delay of extintion in prist, its ok the reduction of the hp taken from undead, but im against the delay, some times prist must run and they find a map in the middle of 1 or 2 moobs, so prist should tank till kill the maple, well u know how hard hit the et3 moobs, including xetans ofc!!, now a prist need to try to tank alot more to just kill 1, i was in et3 yesterday trying to kill 1 moob, in the exactly same time an automech killed 3 just in front of me and AS, ATA, KS kill alot faster than automech sooo, again there is not balance at all with the last patch, just make worst things (and bored) for prist

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Firstly, I want to say that I don't argue about nerf prs, but...


ya its true SOD is like un stopable for a Priest they make more money then ANYONE in there I have ever seen...

Hey, I'm totally disagree about this.


1 round SOD r1-->r8 = 20mins.


What is the maximum gold a prs can make?

Let take my prs 132 as an example: Staff 120+20, Wand 122+20, Robe 120+20, Orb 120+20, also full set KA, V-ring, DGS.


If win to r8 SOLO: maximum income = 13kk, minimum income: 10kk.


However, nothing makes sure that a prs 13x with good gear will win from r1 to r8 forever, because those things below:

1. Nothing sure 100% that a 13x prs with good items SOLO will pass r3. --> win r3, income = 200k~600k (ticket SOD price = 300k+)

2. Even passed r3, nothing sure 100% that a 13x prs with good items SOLO will pass r6. --> win r6, income = 5kk~7.6kk

3. Even passed r6, nothing sure 100% that a 13x prs with good items SOLO will win through r8. (I mean you can have a bad luck and die in r7 or r8) --> income = -300k ~ -4.5kk+ (ticket SOD price + sheltom force + gold bellatra)

4. You can't not avoid people joining your room --> you have to share your kills/gold to them (which means you earn less than the amount of gold I mention above). In addition, the worst situation is when a noob char enters your room, and annoy you by some bad behaviors. (bad languages, take all seal, lure mobs away, etc.)

5. If you lose in r3, you have to wait 15 mins+ to start a new round. If you lose in r6, you have to wait 8mins+ to start a new round.

6. When you lose many rounds, you may feel boring/wasting your time and may want to try to earn gold from SOD in another day.

7. It's clear to see that not many prs who go to SOD for gold are 13x and can get good gear like an example above, so please don't say that prs earn 13kk+ each SOD round.


Hence, if you want to argue that PRS can earn gold like hell, you have to calculate all the probability of all things I mention above.


On the other hand, other chars have their own way to earn gold: hunting.

Yes, nothing 100% sure that you will find some valuable items, but hunting is all about how lucky are you.

If you are patient, you can have your chance to get some valuable items and sell it for gold/coins.


This is LUCK:

124 armor as spec now

122 jav from the first mob lol

oredo from the 2nd mob

ns 122 wand

3rd mob in Ice Mine

Go and find your LUCK today, best wishes for you  :)

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There are a few more things that going into prs being cheap:


1) Being able to train fast, so easier to level

2) Lack of the "E-pen enhancing category", aka 1 v 1. Many people don't like to play a class where they can't brag how much better they are than everyone else, plain and simple.

3) Gear can be hard to find, since prs boots/gaunts/bracelets are fairly rare to see people selling [not really a big factor compared to 1 & 2]



Prs isn't cheap because its necessarily horrible. After the last patch however, it could use the balancing tweaks it needs but I don't think its necessary since its best accomplished by T5 being finished, like the situation many other classes have.




-You kind of bring up a point that needs to be made. People just can't point to what you earn from 1 round, since there is a good chance you won't sit in there all day without being kicked out a few times. Just like hunting as you said, both are luck based. You can't control all the factors and sometimes you win big and other times its a real loss [1 hr of hunt = nothing, keep getting kicked at r3 = no money, same deal]. Prs is going to probably be the worst hunter around, and so SoD is a way they can get a fair shot at earning the same kind of rewards hunting offers. I'd say they're fairly even, and that people should stop complaining about the other side.




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Just for the record, I can with my 116 priestess (with admittedly somewhat poor equipment consisting of mostly good 106-110 items with high-level mixes, because I simply can't find any PrS gear to buy) make around 4 million max round 1-6 when alone. Round 6 I have a hard time surviving on my own unless I keep moving so I don't get much there, but it might be possible to make another 1-2 million if my gear was a bit better. R7 I can usually survive by running, but R8 requires quite a bit of luck. I can manage to get to the second stage most of the time (say 80% or so), but because I try to enter SoD only when I'm reasonably sure that a) there is only one other group that is clearly stronger, and b) there is at least one group that will beat me out of the last stage (because I won't make any money there anyway and usually end up dead). So yeah, I don't expect to see more than 5-6 million per SoD solo session for a very long time.

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he is right like it our not makeing 13kk a ROUND in  sod quite nice better income then most other class can ever make

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he is right like it our not makeing 13kk a ROUND in  sod quite nice better income then most other class can ever make

go hunt, find one oredo and u beat a prist trying to make 4-5 sods (will take long to finish 4-5 sods cuz i cant get to r8 easily as said b4), and that only talking about oredo, what about the npc food u find (each weapon worth 300k, def 150k+,  each repot u make around 2-3kk, now compare that to sod >_>)

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he is right like it our not makeing 13kk a ROUND in  sod quite nice better income then most other class can ever make


Did anything we say get through? I'm just curious if you even bothered to read before posting again.


-ONE round wow, big accomplishment. Guess what? I just killed ONE mob and got a 124 weapon worth 500kk+. How many people make that much on average in 2 minutes?


We are not guaranteed to make that much per round just the same you're not guaranteed to make that much hunting. One case is not representative of the entire situation here, stop sensationalizing it [like I just did in the example].

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he is right like it our not makeing 13kk a ROUND in  sod quite nice better income then most other class can ever make


Did anything we say get through? I'm just curious if you even bothered to read before posting again.


-ONE round wow, big accomplishment. Guess what? I just killed ONE mob and got a 124 weapon worth 500kk+. How many people make that much on average in 2 minutes?


We are not guaranteed to make that much per round just the same you're not guaranteed to make that much hunting. One case is not representative of the entire situation here, stop sensationalizing it [like I just did in the example].

totally, the main point here is hunting u can get rich with luck but without luck u still make alot money, no one will kick u from hunting to w8 and try ur luck next round like prist MUST DO IN SOD, is unfair when ppl is trying to make prist worth only to play in sod, pvp useless for prist, hunting useless for prist, lvling : ya prist own here but for what, just to reach the max lvl?? and then what, the top ten prist still cant pvp, cant hunt!, prist is getting worst and will dissapear

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delay x3, not x2

and success rate is just 96% at lv10

poor prs

and decreased the mount of hp taken

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Delay of Extinction was the last time I checked before the patch about 9 seconds (I don't remember how accurately I tested that or if it was changed since). Yesterday just after the patch it was close to 17.5 seconds, which I got by measuring 10 cooldowns back-to-back and calculating the average. So yeah, it should be about twice the delay, and also ~15% less damage done per shot. I've also been missing a lot when I tried doing the new quests, but I'm not sure if that's caused by the skill or good ol' fashion game/network problems.


As compensation, the VB of my 116 priestess is ~15% stronger, although only if I spend 9 skill points on it and that number will decrease the more spirit and better equipment you have. Extinction was overpowered something fierce (and still is very strong), but I'm not sure this is a particularly fair trade for the priestess to cut the power of one skill down so dramatically (we're talking less than half the damage output here) and only add a fairly small boost to an already quite weak skill, that you on top of that will only gain if you spend 9 skill points.

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seems like some one always gunna be up set with something cant win em all end of story

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