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Abt New Quests

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The quests not done ?

cuz i see in quest guide and i dont see descritions.

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The are in-game :)


Visit the Item Collector in Atlantis Town!

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The introduction of the quest is too complicated and not clear.


In quest "Collector's Wish #1" where is "a cursed island of a lost civilization where monster roam, carrying magical weapons" ?


Is it Lost Island ?


And what is "elite archer" ?



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The introduction of the quest is too complicated and not clear.


In quest "Collector's Wish #1" where is "a cursed island of a lost civilization where monster roam, carrying magical weapons" ?


Is it Lost Island ?


And what is "elite archer" ?


Hi, I found the web site just was updated information and I can see the picture of the map: LI


The rest question is we must find the bow from Dark Guard only or from all mobs there ?

I know this is quest but it is difficult to looking Duark Guard now and the drop rate is too small!


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For complete quest we have kill only Dark Guard ?

or drop on floor same key quest ?

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Just kill. You'll get a message when you get the weapons and they will show up in your quest inventory automatically.

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srry to revive this topic, but it is freaking hard to drop these item, im right to kill the Dark Guard in lost 1?

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so easy to drop, but in my AS 3 days and not drop this, in my PRS 5min i was drop

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