kipsik 0 Report post Posted December 9, 2011 So like the topic says I'm looking for an answer to compare with my opinions, that what FS Skill does the best(largest) damage to a enemy whos class is not relevant, meaning that it doesnt matter is it a demon or not, because i've done my little research and know that there are skills with bonus damages to a demon class for example... And to make it really simple: WHICH IS THE BEST SKILL TO KILL A MONSTER FAST. !IMPORTANT! People could comment with skill name and somekind of an reason that why it is the best... My opinion: I'm now nearly reached 100 level with FS and been testing(reseting) skills along this time and putting some others to the max, I've noticed that FS's aoe skill(Cyclone Strike) is atm for me the best to do damage to a single monster but also it does damage to the others near me, so I'm saying its the best. Or am I using a wrong build that the other skills aren't good for me or what... Have the usual FS Full Str build and using the best gear for me... The reason that I'm posting this is that I played the original PT years ago, and I remember from that FS was then better somehow... Now when I started playing again inwtits just confusing that OK FS is the "DMG Monster" etc. but I just don't see it, theres like 10 skills that are the same with little variatons in bonus dmg to demons, attackrating or attackpower... just fustrating to think that I'm suppose to use all of them at the same time... Only one boost duration skill to just add some extra attack speed with 8% ridiculous when other classes like knight or mech or pike or priest have all kinds of extra absorb,def,mana etc. boosts to help you out in fights and still can do the great damage and again in aor mode, when FS has like 1 boost and 1 silly static aoe dmg skill And in the end when I've been reading other post from fighter class its starting to really feel so that fighter is useless... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites