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Question. (Archer)

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Elf's probably refering to his Thales Armor. It's more than likely +20 which is only available through donating. I havn't been to BC recently, but are you sure they aren't just quickswapping weapons, it's a pretty common tactic amongst Archers.


Offtopic: Lol, the English in this thread is so far beyond retarded.


Teach me, master.

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I'm not gonna lie, any time I attack ANY archer in this server they die in 1 GC. PhoenixBlessing however seems to recover full hp before the 2nd attack on GC hits. Now I'm not saying its hacks, but unless its lag its nothing else. Period.

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I'm not gonna lie, any time I attack ANY archer in this server they die in 1 GC. PhoenixBlessing however seems to recover full hp before the 2nd attack on GC hits. Now I'm not saying its hacks, but unless its lag its nothing else. Period.

u forget , ELF-USA


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I'm not gonna lie, any time I attack ANY archer in this server they die in 1 GC. PhoenixBlessing however seems to recover full hp before the 2nd attack on GC hits. Now I'm not saying its hacks, but unless its lag its nothing else. Period.


@dlm: there is no way someone can recover full hp at once unless use life potion. so why you never think that i used life potion to do that?


@ the big mouths:

what is lag mean? i always relog when i feel lag, the "LAG" what you guys saying is not the same word to me i think.

when i lag, i can never kill others. but you guys like LAG.

who is lag? sometimes i will have some lag, when i lag,  it means only die and no attack affect to other. so why you guys keep saying i am lag?

really, i think some of you guys very lag, cause i saw some of you offen flying here and there. everytime when i saw that, i will ping, and my ping is ok. also not all ppls flying, just some of your guys  who offen calling others laggers.

who is the lier? dont forget, the GOD will punish you when you are lie, take care of your mouth---canker coming.


thank you.

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@dlm: there is no way someone can recover full hp at once unless use life potion. so why you never think that i used life potion to do that?

I just use common sense, I don't see any red potions coming from you. That's how I know.  ;D

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@ G


Lagg is a difficult thing , yes i agree. When i call people laggers, is when i die, and they do MULTIPLE attacks on my CORPSE, while im dead on the ground. In my book, you are a lagger then.


Also, god will punish the people who lie?! Dont tell me you beleive that, cause a shitload of people shuldve been punished alrdy then, yet i dont see shit happening...

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@dlm: there is no way someone can recover full hp at once unless use life potion. so why you never think that i used life potion to do that?

I just use common sense, I don't see any red potions coming from you. That's how I know.  ;D


to me, i think DLM in game is a nice ppl even we will have fight in BC. i ever exped in ad2 with DLM, even i know maybe you might have exper in that char, and that one exped with me was not you.

we might not friends but it is ok. the DLM in BC is not that bad guy to me.

so i share you one way about how i do in BC. everytime when i see someone runing to me or i think someone will come attack me, the first thing i do is potions, then run, then attack.

why i always keep on my mind that who will come to attack me? because most of the ppls like to kill archer and some of them ONLY can kill archer.


you can kill ANY archer with one GC, so the archers no chance to suvive in BC? archer=arhcer=arhcer=arhcer=arhcer=die?

i dont think so.


about lag, i will get lag sometimes, but to be honest, i hate the lag more than you hate me lag.

i can only say i will relog everytime when i feel i am lag.

about some guys keep on calling me hacker or lagger, i think that is a way like insult, and i think it is a noob way to play a game by doing that.


have fun.




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@ G


Lagg is a difficult thing , yes i agree. When i call people laggers, is when i die, and they do MULTIPLE attacks on my CORPSE, while im dead on the ground. In my book, you are a lagger then.


Also, god will punish the people who lie?! Dont tell me you beleive that, cause a shitload of people shuldve been punished alrdy then, yet i dont see shit happening...


that might because of you are lag or others are lag.

everyone will get lag sometimes, but the word "lagger", i think it means someone use lag in purpose.

really, i dont know if someone will or can use lag in purpose or if it is really exist. it might make by big mouths.

if someone not use lag in purpose, i think we should respect them, they just want to have the fun in BC.


will God punish the liers? i dont care.

just like when we give good wishes to friends, will it come true? we just hope it will happen.



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you guys could get this dude to 1v1 with someone with GM watching.  see how he holds his ground without the lag.

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you guys could get this dude to 1v1 with someone with GM watching.  see how he holds his ground without the lag.


problem is with GM watching he die like lv1 trust me

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well then that'll answer your question wont it?


it will never be the answer


i guess a mh/wing fan here

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well then that'll answer your question wont it?


it will never be the answer


i guess a mh/wing fan here


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@ G


Lagg is a difficult thing , yes i agree. When i call people laggers, is when i die, and they do MULTIPLE attacks on my CORPSE, while im dead on the ground. In my book, you are a lagger then.


Also, god will punish the people who lie?! Dont tell me you beleive that, cause a shitload of people shuldve been punished alrdy then, yet i dont see shit happening...


that might because of you are lag or others are lag.

everyone will get lag sometimes, but the word "lagger", i think it means someone use lag in purpose.

really, i dont know if someone will or can use lag in purpose or if it is really exist. it might make by big mouths.

if someone not use lag in purpose, i think we should respect them, they just want to have the fun in BC.


will God punish the liers? i dont care.

just like when we give good wishes to friends, will it come true? we just hope it will happen.



i love u , mimi  ;D

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Not understand more class Archer in rpt...sincerely, this happening of all...

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