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Guest BloodBrothers

When Will the X-Mass event start?

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Guest BloodBrothers

Topic title says enough:)

And what items can you get with THE gift boxes?

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Event start soon I think , I hope not to repeat items from past events xD

because it is always the same T_T

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Guest BloodBrothers

Event start soon I think , I hope not to repeat items from past events xD

because it is always the same T_T

What items are that then ?

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Event start soon I think , I hope not to repeat items from past events xD

because it is always the same T_T

What items are that then ?

ammm Sheltoms , forces , MP-STM potion reduction , Costumes, ph eggs , saphias , purple skill training , MANA and others.

Is possible Get ITEMS 110-124 in Christmas Event ? :D

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Post said today... it's almost the 12th and still no event.  This happened with Halloween.  hopefully in the next couple of days.  The game says the 17th for tier 5... i hope the event starts sooner than that.

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Expect x-max event close to end of Dec, since GM think we had exp event and drop event they can lag on the x-mas one. For Tier 5 release I'd expect that 1 month late, these estimation is taken from the trend of this server.

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I kinda remember saying something about this a little while ago.


It's what has been happening quite often here. They say one thing and then do another.


Kinda like the "New Tier 5 skill every 2 weeks", how long has it been since a new T5 skill was released? The Halloween event, they said it would be started "soon", took them about 2-3 weeks just to start it. Now the Christmas Event, I distinctly remember Wartale saying that they wanted to release the new patch, then the event would start right away after that. Well, the new patch has been released, still no Christmas event.

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let's see what will happen to this, in Dec. 17 we will have a new skill on T5


I agree that somehow the highest of the highest levels have made me focus on less important aspects of the game.


I promise (never use this word) to put my focus on T5 now

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there is a maint to start xmas event, but dont be to excited, they wont do things that breake the economy of the server ;)

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there is a maint to start xmas event, but dont be to excited, they wont do things that breake the economy of the server ;)


all ready broken :P lol

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Yes, after this maintenance the Christmas Event will be live.


The maintenance is taking a bit longer than expected due to that we found some rotten ricecake in the server, so we have to clean that up.

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Guest BloodBrothers

Oke thanks,


But what items can we get from the santa gift boxes ?

Can you tell us not how much % chance you get to get items or sheltom but what is possible ?



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Will rate drop of gift box be more then the halloween one? I hope so..because drop was super low on halloween was boring!!  GM don't be a greedy santa and make drop rate high thank!!

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Guest BloodBrothers

what particularly drops this gift box? any mobs? or special ones?


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what particularly drops this gift box? any mobs? or special ones?



Houhouhou :))

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Will rate drop of gift box be more then the halloween one? I hope so..because drop was super low on halloween was boring!!  GM don't be a greedy santa and make drop rate high thank!!


DO you mean the Pumpkins didn't drop as much as they should or they dropped too much?  I thought they dropped candy every time which was good because the exchange rate for items was low... out of like 40 exchanges I only got 5 special items and everything else was forces and mana.  So I hope we get lots of presents because exchanging them might take a while before getting something good.

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