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Update Statut of Lucifer Ring and Tula Amulet :) PLSS GM

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i know statut of Lucifer ring and Tula Amulet  Now but not yet all :(

Statut of Lucifer Ring :

Defen 44

Atack rating  62

Abs : 3.2

Rengen 2.9  2.9

HP MP : 50

STM : 44

Spec Rengen HP 1.6

Statut of Tula Amulet

=  Thorn Amulet

but it isn't Perf Statut or IDK all  so Plss GM SHOW  STATUT

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Throne Ammy is better then Tulla.


Perfect stats on tulla is 4.4/4.4/4.4/60/60/60

Perfect stats on throne is 4.9/4.9/4.9/65/65/65


Tulla only require level 100 and lower spirit. Throne is 120 with higher spirit required.

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thank man you were enlightenment to me . it's so helpull :)

Vring < Lucfer ring < Thonring

KA < Tula amy < Thonr Amy


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why hp,mp,stm regen all the same ,and the hp,mp,stm also

IDK but it's just like that -.-

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Now ill raise the question, how in the world did you got your hands on a throne amulet, DLM ?

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lolz... because he is " the man" !


'the man' with lots of money , to buy stuff froms GM's, that normally cant be bought?

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i dont know... maybe he is a sandur friend and receive a gift =) or help in game ....    other user help in game and receive a female knight... But that discussion will not lead anywhere. lolz...  but I confess that I also wondered how he has throne amulet... lolz


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Aron Ugly. helped with ALOT of modelling stuff i f im right, 3d stuffs and what not.


DLM on the other hand, did, as far as i know, nothing important for this server ( except donating like a maniac maybe )


So yeh, still the question of how he got it. He told me ingame, that it was a screenshot taken from a trade window, while sandurr was showing him the stats of SANDURRS ammy.....


Why would a GM Fighter char, use a KS throne ammy?

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Aron Ugly. helped with ALOT of modelling stuff i f im right, 3d stuffs and what not.


DLM on the other hand, did, as far as i know, nothing important for this server ( except donating like a maniac maybe )


So yeh, still the question of how he got it. He told me ingame, that it was a screenshot taken from a trade window, while sandurr was showing him the stats of SANDURRS ammy.....


Why would a GM Fighter char, use a KS throne ammy?


good point  ;)

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I showed those items through trade window, they were KS because I made them on the fly to show him.

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I showed those items through trade window, they were KS because I made them on the fly to show him.




And here i was, all excited that people actually had throne items....



My bad DLM *-*

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