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Archer Tier 4 Quest

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Is it just me or everyone else doing the last state with the extreme strong General with his Wolf???

I carry 300 hp pots and still can't even stand for longer than 5 seconds and can't use pot at the right time. =.="


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it always like that, the skill master is super weak but the pet makes up for that lol...i just make sure to kill of the pet asap then focus on the skill master again...if you're having a lot of trouble you may want to lvl some more to get some higher gear before fighting him again

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Run around the edge of the arena a bit. Eventually the golem/wolf will stop following you.

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it seem like i can't even kill the wolf alone lol

he only need to hit me 3 time and that's it you done and can't even use hp pot when he hit the 2nd hit


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do what trinitas said, get the amulet and then lvl up some more b4 the fight. and pot everytime u get hit. dont wait for 2nd hits.

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