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KS event monsters

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Is it okay to KS someones Santa Goblin and Snowmen..when they are actively killing in spawn?? some people are just waiting till santa or the snowman spawn to kill it yet  doesnt kill anything else in mob..is it considered ksing? There is a PRS ATM my husband has tons of screenshots of in d3 saying it isnt ksing yet it is in the HS mob he is actively killing..she is telling him to report her :/


Now an automech is ksing same spawn, same guild as the PRS earlier saying the same thing!!

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its nice to be courteous though, i get my own spawn and wait for him to appear during this type of event


when morif event was on for example, people would literally camp outside of spawns and wait for him to appear just to specifically ks him...its was pretty annoying lol ^^

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i guess they made ksing with event mobs legal because they don't want to pay that much attention on so much KSING report.

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Well this Prs and Mech from OLOKO clan made good effort to camp in the spawn to kill the event monster..which in turn really takes the fun out the the event..I dont care if they killed any that spawns off to the side or one im not actively killing but it became a real pissing contest..needless to say I left..hard to enjoy when there is no common courtesy.

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It doesnt seem like a common occurance most players do not KS someones event monsters..The event monster itself wont spawn unless someone is actively killing most times. I dont care if they came and killed the mob too we can just happily KS each other. I have allowed it tons of times when im just gathering mana or when they are doign quest. I dont mind they usually ask first. This PRs and Mulek just waited till it spawned..every single time.

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far as i know.. ksing mob in your spawn if you have clean spawn


it ksing!!




Got ss of clear spawn? And they ks you inside the same spawn? then it is KS

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