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Please increase AD2 spawns

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I am a 124 MS and sad to see ppl training and dont pt other players in AD2. AD2 is so big, can GM please  increase the spawns for people like us to train? So hard to train and spawns are so limited...feel like giving up on this game........ :'(

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blame it ALL on exp service and people selling leech!!! btw, maybe because you're a mech :P

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I am a 124 MS and sad to see ppl training and dont pt other players in AD2. AD2 is so big, can GM please  increase the spawns for people like us to train? So hard to train and spawns are so limited...feel like giving up on this game........ :'(



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I would suggest split the maximum aumont of monster in a single map into much more areas, making the dungeon filled with many spawns. Then, removing a core HS, making every single spawn with the same aumont of mobs/spawn rate.


Because of the splitting, the aumont of mobs per spawn should be reduced, so, increasing the EXP given by the monster to matchup due to lowered number of monster into a single spawn.



Then = much more spawns, they're all equally, reduced aumont of mobs, increased EXP given by a single monster.


Now we have AD2 with much more spawn locations, with them all giving the same EXP.

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Really don't know how to continue RPT if things still gonna to carry on like this.

I saw prs killing and the rest of players all leeching.

Seem like rpt is for the rich ppl only. Normal players like me will gradually leave in the end and the community gonna be suck.

The rest of the characters in rpt seem useless especially ADs are full of undead. I believe the rest of the characters facing this problem, who will need AS or ATA when 1 single prs can kill all. All my Taiwan friends who played rpt also felt the same as me.


I hope GMs can create more spawns and balance the game more for each chars. :-[


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Its really boring ask for pt on AD2...


Me: Pt?

Person: "Sell leech slot"

Me: i Help to kill

Person: No, i need money


(go back to AD1)



Ty for that Suggestion Topic. Hope they pay some attetion on this =/



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soon this post will be trash


If Gms want lesser players(small community) for RPT then i really got nth to say :-\

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blame it ALL on exp service and people selling leech!!! btw, maybe because you're a mech :P

doesn't matter how much spawn will create, you still don't have spawn for training exp then. Because xp service will get more.

I think GM have to find solution like:

- AFK more than 5 minutes in spawn then will DC, AFK out of spawn more than 20 minutes then will DC

- if leech more than 2 then get XP by half...or whatever (on the party of 6 then during 1 minutes should 3 kills mobs)

- ...etc...

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blame it ALL on exp service and people selling leech!!! btw, maybe because you're a mech :P

doesn't matter how much spawn will create, you still don't have spawn for training exp then. Because xp service will get more.

I think GM have to find solution like:

- AFK more than 5 minutes in spawn then will DC, AFK out of spawn more than 20 minutes then will DC

- if leech more than 2 then get XP by half...or whatever (on the party of 6 then during 1 minutes should 3 kills mobs)

- ...etc...


the xp service could be fixed with autodisconect after inaction of 2 mins in any map but towns, i used to play WOW, in that game, if ur afk for more than 2 mins, u get dc (that cuz of quote to get in game... just to much players online and many are waiting to log), but there is an offline store so ppl doenst need to be online selling (wasting electricity), so ppl come, play and b4 they leave, they just put what they want to sell in the offline store and they can log off.

implementing offline stores, they can implement disconnect after 2 mins afk and everyone is happy :)

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blame it ALL on exp service and people selling leech!!! btw, maybe because you're a mech :P

doesn't matter how much spawn will create, you still don't have spawn for training exp then. Because xp service will get more.

I think GM have to find solution like:

- AFK more than 5 minutes in spawn then will DC, AFK out of spawn more than 20 minutes then will DC

- if leech more than 2 then get XP by half...or whatever (on the party of 6 then during 1 minutes should 3 kills mobs)

- ...etc...


the xp service could be fixed with autodisconect after inaction of 2 mins in any map but towns, i used to play WOW, in that game, if ur afk for more than 2 mins, u get dc (that cuz of quote to get in game... just to much players online and many are waiting to log), but there is an offline store so ppl doenst need to be online selling (wasting electricity), so ppl come, play and b4 they leave, they just put what they want to sell in the offline store and they can log off.

implementing offline stores, they can implement disconnect after 2 mins afk and everyone is happy :)


that is a great idea but i would disagree, a lot people here have to brb sometime. So u brb for a few and if u had to  relog, alot of people here have poor computer ( not me it takes only 5sec to log)

this game is old so u cant log that fast like other mmorpg

auto DC would also cause problem because if a party of people were in a party and one person just dissapear without a word, u would not know why he left.

u can also moved the char before dc happen, atl tab and 1 click, thats not a lot of work since they are no life exper

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blame it ALL on exp service and people selling leech!!! btw, maybe because you're a mech :P

doesn't matter how much spawn will create, you still don't have spawn for training exp then. Because xp service will get more.

I think GM have to find solution like:

- AFK more than 5 minutes in spawn then will DC, AFK out of spawn more than 20 minutes then will DC

- if leech more than 2 then get XP by half...or whatever (on the party of 6 then during 1 minutes should 3 kills mobs)

- ...etc...


the xp service could be fixed with autodisconect after inaction of 2 mins in any map but towns, i used to play WOW, in that game, if ur afk for more than 2 mins, u get dc (that cuz of quote to get in game... just to much players online and many are waiting to log), but there is an offline store so ppl doenst need to be online selling (wasting electricity), so ppl come, play and b4 they leave, they just put what they want to sell in the offline store and they can log off.

implementing offline stores, they can implement disconnect after 2 mins afk and everyone is happy :)


that is a great idea but i would disagree, a lot people here have to brb sometime. So u brb for a few and if u had to  relog, alot of people here have poor computer ( not me it takes only 5sec to log)

this game is old so u cant log that fast like other mmorpg

auto DC would also cause problem because if a party of people were in a party and one person just dissapear without a word, u would not know why he left.

u can also moved the char before dc happen, atl tab and 1 click, thats not a lot of work since they are no life exper


if a char is getting xp without killing, he is leaching, so 1 min leaching without killing would give u a nice and happy dc

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