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Am I allowed to create another account for selling?

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Im trying to sell a few stuff but I still want to play while im selling my trinkets.


Am I allowed to create another account for this and let it stay selling in-game stuff while on the same computer and another .exe I play with another account?

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Anyone can open more than 2 rpts and have no problem with it


1 for selling and  1 for xping/ hunting whatever


:D enjoy

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aye, no probs there :)


are you sure?


aye, 100% sure


No problems guaranteed ^^

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I appreciate the fast answers people, and I thank you all.


One last thing: Whats the character with the highest weight formula??

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If you wanna have just a pure selling account, then I would go with either a fighter or a mech. Only reason, they each start off with lower stats in the sections other than Strength. Strength is really the only thing you need to improve to get a higher weight limit. Just use some money, buy a ton of Mystic Crystals, and go around to different maps where you don't get instant death and use the crystals, level the noob selling account to like 50-60 (no need to do the quests) and your good to go. You should be able to have plenty of strength to carry a LOT of stuff.

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Guest BloodBrothers

I appreciate the fast answers people, and I thank you all.


One last thing: Whats the character with the highest weight formula??

FS  ;)

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no problem at all whatsoever and feel free to drop by my Shop account on the bridge at Ric. Server A  ;D ;D ;D


Just look for Johnmissingjr lolzzz It's a 24hrs/7days shop for everyone... the only time i wasn;t there is because the server cut me out  :'( :'( :'(

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i suggest u a more ez to lvl, cuz if u wanna sell, with lvl 1 char, u cant carry alot of money so u will need to lvl it

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alright here is a extremely FAST way to get your char ready for a full capacity shop!!!


As some had said, use crystals and go to Navisko nearby to up level. once you got to level 80 which should only take you about few hours (Max a day in and out) and then !!!!!!!! Donate 250coins to skip all rank up quests!!! lolzzz....


Then go to do your "Gold Bag quest", I can't really remember from where already, something like AD and talk to the guard... check here http://www.realmpt.net/quests


there you go~~~~ 1kkk shop ready to go....


1 day MAX and you have your Super Shop ready!!!

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