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Well some one told me of this server on another forum. so i was debating if i should play official are this server and i decided to play this one. so any ways i never played priston tale so i think ill enjoy the game. so my question is there a many amount of players?


and what is a good pve build i guess its called a warrior if it is whats a good build?



thank you


and im glad to be a part of this game :)



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hi and welcome, if ur new, check in the main site, there is a guide to full understand the game, checkit out and u will find the answer of all ur questions

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Guest BloodBrothers

Well some one told me of this server on another forum. so i was debating if i should play official are this server and i decided to play this one. so any ways i never played priston tale so i think ill enjoy the game. so my question is there a many amount of players?


and what is a good pve build i guess its called a warrior if it is whats a good build?



thank you


and im glad to be a part of this game :)

Hello welcome to this community :), you will like it here for sure we have a great amount of vietnamese players english spoken players, and brazilian players.

and yes the servers are crowded.


if you have question feel free to pm me or to make a topic on the forum ;)


Enjoy rPT

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well i only speak English but ill check the main site and learn the game :) 

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Guest BloodBrothers

well i only speak English but ill check the main site and learn the game :)

Its important that you know the classes what the diffrends are ;) then start with the game you will learn it yourself for the rest and always feel free to ask.

I speak only dutch and english ;) 8).

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Welcome to RPT


This is the best Priston Tale server you will find  ;D


Lots of friendly players to help you on your way

Be sure to look over all the character classes and chose one that fits you best

most of your questions about the characters can be answered in the character strategy section here http://www.realmpt.net/forum/index.php?board=17.0


Ill be happy to help you with anything I can so feel free to ask


I only speak english as well and there are many other english speakers here


Enjoy RPT

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just keep it mind, chars are constantly changing "for balance stuff", so dont be afraid to just try many chars, if u like the game mode of one of em, stick on it, u will find out that ur main char some times get nice updates and some times just doesnt, tell us what u like to do in game and we will see more or less what will be ur best choice

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Well some one told me of this server on another forum. so i was debating if i should play official are this server and i decided to play this one. so any ways i never played priston tale so i think ill enjoy the game. so my question is there a many amount of players?


and what is a good pve build i guess its called a warrior if it is whats a good build?



thank you


and im glad to be a part of this game :)

hi and welcome, rpt is a pretty big server

for character discussions and stuff check out this section of the forum: http://www.realmpt.net/forum/index.php?board=17.0

as for a warrior type of character i guess you'd be wanting a fighter I assume, theres a few topic on builds in the fighter section you can take a look at.

be sure to take a look at the skills to so you kinda have an idea of what your character will be capable of: http://www.realmpt.net/skills/fighter


then yea, the home page of course has a lot of info you'll wanna check out since you're new to the game...theres quests and whatnot to do so you'll wanna readup on how/what to do for them.


if you have any questions theres plenty of people to help you out, so feel free to ask  :)



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well i changed my mind i want to do magic  ;D so my question is when if i can get aoe spells? i love aoe spells :)

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Guest BloodBrothers

well i changed my mind i want to do magic  ;D so my question is when if i can get aoe spells? i love aoe spells :)

Priest has the best AOE, but magican has also some nice skills,

But priest is better in leveling, SOD, and hunting, in bc they are both shit ;) that is PVP, they are more supports for your clan or your friends

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ok ill make a priest what weapons dose he use and where do i get his spells from?

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Guest BloodBrothers

ok ill make a priest what weapons dose he use and where do i get his spells from?

Wands and staffs, your spells will you learn from your spellmaster, btw buy mystic crystals best way to level fast up ;) killing 1 by 1 is to slow,

they cost 1100 gold ingame that is cheap you can buy it at a huntress they are in phillai and ricarten ;)

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Guest BloodBrothers

where is my spellmaster i cant find him

Look on map and walk to Academia de witchcraft, there you will find Raymon but first skills to use AOE later on in the game, just use mystic crystals first to level ;).

And read the beginners guide section helps you alot really ;)

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how do i use my sill i just got my heal skill :P


ill go read on the main site while i wait for a reply

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Guest BloodBrothers

put it on right or left mouse button by pressing with the left or right mouse button on the skill ;)

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well i changed my mind i want to do magic  ;D so my question is when if i can get aoe spells? i love aoe spells :)

Priest has the best AOE, but magican has also some nice skills,

But priest is better in leveling, SOD, and hunting, in bc they are both shit ;) that is PVP, they are more supports for your clan or your friends


thats right.


priestesses are ALWAYS better than magicians. we are in deep sh!t. ALWAYS!! and they say their looking forward for balance ¬¬'

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Wow, rare to see a person here playing pristontale for the first time.

Hey and don't immediately waltz over him with the balancing issues, that's not his problem (yet) :P


Basically, there's a sequence how a rookie can start:


1. Keep an eye on the lower level quest list, with that you can get some money

2. Level up with hordes of Mystic Crystals, spawn them in a place and sit back to collect xp :P

2.1 Keep an eye on the maps on the main site to see where you can go at your level

2.2 As soon as you're high enough, use hulk crystals for that

3. There are four basic tiers that contain set of skills - to unlock each tier you have to perform a quest for your skillmaster. I think most people just level up first and begin the first tier quest when they're about 5x or 6x... don't wait too long with them, though

4. Character builds. Once you have the first 4 tiers unlocked, the real skillpoint collecting starts... check out the character guides on the forum to see how you can build your character for your goals

5. Find a nice clan to hook up with and have fun ^^

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Wow, rare to see a person here playing pristontale for the first time.

Hey and don't immediately waltz over him with the balancing issues, that's not his problem (yet) :P


Basically, there's a sequence how a rookie can start:


1. Keep an eye on the lower level quest list, with that you can get some money

2. Level up with hordes of Mystic Crystals, spawn them in a place and sit back to collect xp :P

2.1 Keep an eye on the maps on the main site to see where you can go at your level

2.2 As soon as you're high enough, use hulk crystals for that

3. There are four basic tiers that contain set of skills - to unlock each tier you have to perform a quest for your skillmaster. I think most people just level up first and begin the first tier quest when they're about 5x or 6x... don't wait too long with them, though

4. Character builds. Once you have the first 4 tiers unlocked, the real skillpoint collecting starts... check out the character guides on the forum to see how you can build your character for your goals

5. Find a nice clan to hook up with and have fun ^^


haha woooow nice guide...


hey topic starter check this useful guide: http://www.realmpt.net/forum/index.php?topic=12642.0  for more information concerning fast lvl up.


now this is what I personally do everytime I create new character:


after having some money, I buy initial gear and all mystic cristals I can carry in both my inventories. When they are killing everyone around, I only spend points in vitality, and keep using hp potions while they kill.


when you reach your 8x 9x, spend your sp and your ep, and focus on your tier 4 skill area (you dont need to train it) and try to focus your sp only on defensive skills from tier 1 to 3. when you reach a level high enougth for leveling by yourself, go to event girl to redistribute your both status points and skill points.

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If you never played Priston Tale before, I doubt you will actually enjoy this game compared to other MMORPG's.

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