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how can i put my other toon on follow?

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Im running two games on my computer and i cant figure out how to put my fighter on follow please help



im really sorry for so many threads but im new with the game so i need help

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Guest BloodBrothers

You can't you need to walk with both ;)

No worrys that you make many topics, we are glad to help you out ;)

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Guest BloodBrothers

thank you :)

No problem m8, but im going to watch tv, so I cant help you atm, but feel free to send me PM's dont mind if you ask me 10 or 100 things ;) if I know them I will give you the answer.


Happy gaming my little friend.

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the only way to do that is to play on 2 different computers so you have mouse control for each character at the same time and it can be a pain


you can pm me ingame if you would like

I am on alot and id be happy to help


my ign is OwinMech

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just make one in autorun to where u want to go, w8 2 sec and with the other char (the follower) click on the first char running then switch to ur first char and go to where ever u want, the other char will follow the first, just be sure not to run thought moobs or things that make ur follower get stuck :)

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