rodeo1 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 it seems like when u use Gravitation and a pt member gets hit there damage goes straight to my HP We were just in LOC and i was tanking for a clannie doing the new quests and when all the mobs hit me my HP dont move (im a 124 tank mech) but when he got hit he took alot of damage and so did i its like i cant defend any of that damage and it all goes straight to my hit points i almost died from 1 dark guard hitting my clannie and he almost died just as fast from the same attacker is this how it is supposed to work? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zgjsyxwj 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 New skills always have some bugs except passive skills Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
QMan 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 yes have some bug wait player to test and report it for fixing follow topic owner said damage slice is calculate with only skill Gravity? not pass to the tanker (defense & abs)? my question is How many party member? if more than 2 member dmg is slice to all? it's bad if 2 member party receive dmg equal 3 member party all party will die if 3-4 tank monster at same time.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rodeo1 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 it works on all party members in range Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rptps 1 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 I concern about damage reflection back to attracker..60% is considerable does it work? Btw,gavi does not stack with maxi and ma so what is a real benefit? MECH without MA is terriblily low in defense no damage ( with Maxi) so what is real benefit of this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rodeo1 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 I concern about damage reflection back to attracker..60% is considerable does it work? Btw,gavi does not stack with maxi and ma so what is a real benefit? MECH without MA is terriblily low in defense no damage ( with Maxi) so what is real benefit of this. i just tested it and it dose stack with MA it works with all def and abs buffs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
srekcusybdetum 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 Still, it seems to give no benefit at all to mechs, just to whoever is partying them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rodeo1 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 Still, it seems to give no benefit at all to mechs, just to whoever is partying them. well that is the whole point is to help other pt members not the MS and when it is working right it will encourage partys Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
srekcusybdetum 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 Really? I don't feel anyhow encouraged to party anyone by using that. If it was even needed to tank for others I already got Compulsion, good enough for that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rodeo1 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 when it is workin right it will be awesome and with trine shield it will b even better Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
muzzy 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 i dont see gravitation benefiting mech or anyone else. First of all, this skill seems to hurt the mech more than it should. Secondly, at level 10, gravitation requires 600 mana. The only possible way the mech can use gravitation at level 10 is to have roughly 100+ spirit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Eleven Report post Posted December 18, 2011 IMO, it seems Gravitation skill is useless. we have already Compulsion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Melocrie 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 Really? I don't feel anyhow encouraged to party anyone by using that. If it was even needed to tank for others I already got Compulsion, good enough for that. I guess it comes in handy with things like SOD... As I understand it, there are more t5 skills that only serve party members. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
QMan 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 if dmg slice in % to all(when 3-4 member receive dmg at same time) that mean if weak member receive a lot dmg a lot dmg transfer to all it just make weak point of this skill and this skill is useless also in pvp & pve only one benefit i thinking about now is when party to kill Boss and 1 tanker like mech(high def&abs) can tank boss well when mech receive a huge dmg with his high defense hp decrease were split to all member it's a benefit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Allforlady 1 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 this skill taked to much mana too how can low levels ms PLAYER can use that taked mp some 600 for lv10 maybe need put the using mp down : Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rodeo1 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 if dmg slice in % to all(when 3-4 member receive dmg at same time) that mean if weak member receive a lot dmg a lot dmg transfer to all it just make weak point of this skill and this skill is useless also in pvp & pve only one benefit i thinking about now is when party to kill Boss and 1 tanker like mech(high def&abs) can tank boss well when mech receive a huge dmg with his high defense hp decrease were split to all member it's a benefit it is not split to the pt members the Mech takes 60% of the party members damage and thats the whole point is so the Mechs high Def and Abs will benefit all the pt members by helping them tank because the mech takes part of there damage. It wont matter to the mech much in most cases because in places like AD where the Mech takes no damage he still wont get hurt by taking the party members damage. If he can solo it with no damage then he can take the party members damage with the same effect as if he was solo. But the way it is now it will kill the mech very fast because the damage seems to go straight to his HP and bypasses all his def and abs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zero 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 People are raising the same concerns I had about gravitation, that collectively the skill is useless to the mech. Archers do not get lvl 10 FoN to "help the party", they get it because it boosts their own stats. It is similar with Ata's HoV, prs VL, etc. People level a skill up to 10 because it benefits them in some way or another. While some people are noble about "taking one for the team", the vast majority of players do not, and I cannot help but feel the only reason mechs will use gravitation level 10 is because a lack of other useful skills. A tankmech won't need precision, and an automech sure as heck won't need gravitation, the only reason I see mechs leveling it up to 10 is because of a lack of useful skills for their particular build. The skill also does not take into consideration players who are in more limiting situations. While I still leveled and everything else, I was in a clan with just me and one of my friends. The "Team" support skills do not do so well for players who don't play in large group environments all the time, so I found those skills to be more or less useless to us. Prs certainly weren't very happy when they were little better than an equip-item being the "VL mules" of the game and I don't imagine mechs will be much happier being the "Tank mule". While I like the idea of gravitation, most of a mech's advantage should stick primarily with itself, so gravitation should give them some kind of tanking boost to compensate for the increased income of damage. Aspects of the game might be changed to make it more useful as a whole as well. From a simple matter of fairness, each mech build has a max of 2-3 usefull skills in T5 because of the separate mech routes. Precision for automech, trine shield/gravitation for tanker, and obliterate for power. They're already limited to technically fewer skills than the rest of us, then one of them is supposed to be used simply for the sake of everyone else. While they take one of their only two to three useful skills for the team, just about every other class gets 4 skills that will help themselves over all else. I don't think many will feel after long that they got their fair share, since while there are other support skills in T5, the benefit remains mostly with the caster. Its just my own opinion, but I simply don't like a "Take one for the team" mentality when you're the only one who really has to. If you give some other benefit that helps me than its reason enough, but without it, I find it hard to accept. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cybercyber 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 Mechs are tankers, so they MUST help party member to tank too. Stay Stopped doing nothing is very easy, now u need tank for everyone. Thx Wartale for make something usefull: Make mechs really work instead just stop and tank and not use potions @Zero: Why useless, because doesn´t is a 100% nice skill to mech? hahahahahah, nobody can stay stopped during x1 and leave for some minutes and back again just for active skill again, if u want this, go sleep and leave pt, now mechs Must to use potions and take more attention on ur hp bar, but is usefull for all for party what have mechs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rodeo1 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 Mechs are tankers, so they MUST help party member to tank too. Stay Stopped doing nothing is very easy, now u need tank for everyone. Thx Wartale for make something usefull: Make mechs really work instead just stop and tank and not use potions @Zero: Why useless, because doesn´t is a 100% nice skill to mech? hahahahahah, nobody can stay stopped during x1 and leave for some minutes and back again just for active skill again, if u want this, go sleep and leave pt, now mechs Must to use potions and take more attention on ur hp bar, but is usefull for all for party what have mechs That comment makes no sense because Mechs dont have to use gravitation if they dont want to. I see in ur siggy that you dont have a mech so im sure u have had a mech tank for you at some time or another as do all other characters sooner or later. Take any of the 5 chars in ur siggy and go solo AD and tell me how you did with no tank. Yes mechs are tankers and yes mech can tank alot of places with no potions. Guess what thats why tank mechs dont have alot of att power. We give it up to have the ability to tank that way. You gave up the ability to tank like a mech so you can have alot of att power by not chosen a mech so dont complain that a tank mech can tank when that is why they are made. If not for all of us Tank Mechs being able to tank that way, lvling or big boss hunting would be alot harder. You said ty to Sandrr for making a skill to "Make mechs really work instead just stop and tank and not use potion" but you should be thinking mechs for the help they give in alot of places where mobs would be alot harder if the mech was not there to tank it FOR YOU When this skill is working right it is up to the Mechs to use this skill and take the beating to keep you alive and when that happens remember what you said here "Mechs are tankers, so they MUST help party member to tank too" and then thank that mech for his help because we DO NOT have to tank for you I love the thought of this skill because what it can do to help my clan and I plan to use it as often as i can to keep my friends alive as best as I can, but thats a choice i make not something i have to do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Electron 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 Currently the skill only benefits the party members. The initial damage on a party member is first reduced by their own absorb (and potentially missed by defense/block/evade). The final damage (lets say its 100) on the party member is then split into 60% for the mech (60), and 40% for the party member (40). The HP of the party member is then reduced by 40. 20% of the 60 damage is then absorbed (12), leaves 48 damage. The HP of the mech is then reduced by 48. As you can see the mech doesn't use his any of his stats to reduce that damage. I could make the 20% absorb also work on any other damage that the mechanician receives, not just reflected gravitation damage, to make it more useful for solo mechs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rptps 1 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 just tested skill in game and having some concerns about this new skill. 1. 20% damage is absorbed by Mech when using it If my party's member got damage by 600 HP then my hp ( mech) will be deducted by 120 HP. 120HP is deducted directly into my hp ignoring my def and abs ( YES. Ignoring my def and my abs).Correct me if I'm wrong. I think Mech who uses this skill is a suicide. 2. 60% damage reflection Does it works? In my opinion, I dont think it works. 3. 250 range : how far is it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DreamOn 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 Currently the skill only benefits the party members. The initial damage on a party member is first reduced by their own absorb (and potentially missed by defense/block/evade). The final damage (lets say its 100) on the party member is then split into 60% for the mech (60), and 40% for the party member (40). The HP of the party member is then reduced by 40. 20% of the 60 damage is then absorbed (12), leaves 48 damage. The HP of the mech is then reduced by 48. As you can see the mech doesn't use his any of his stats to reduce that damage. I could make the 20% absorb also work on any other damage that the mechanician receives, not just reflected gravitation damage, to make it more useful for solo mechs. I think the damage, in the case 48, should be reduced by mech abs and maybe missed by defense/block/evade. And also, the skill should work with metal armor. But make all damage recived reduce by 20%, isn't a good idea. I just think it's better make the others tank skills useful. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rodeo1 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 If this skll is designed to bypass the Mechs def and abs then i agree its total suicide and I wont use it. A skill like this will tare apart anyone that uses it because if in a pt of 6 and the MS takes damage for all 6 then he is dead in a few seconds none of the mechs tanking skill will help him defend from all the damage he will take for the party it will put him down fast as i saw it do to me today Maybe change it so it is not reduced by the targets def and abs but the hit goes directly to the mech and his def and abs can do its job the way it is now the MS has to rely purely on his HP and in alot of places thats a massive amount of damage all at 1 time to go straight to the HP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Electron 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 if the abs of the mech was used to reduce the damage, it would still not benefit the mechanician, only the party members. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DreamOn 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 if the abs of the mech was used to reduce the damage, it would still not benefit the mechanician, only the party members. Initial damage (300) --> 60% goes to mech (180) , 40% for party member (120) 20% of 180 is absorbed (36) leaves 144 to mech. This damage (144) can missed by defense/block/evade If mech has 50 abs, leaves a damage of 94 (144-50 // not sure if abs works this way) The HP of mech is reduced by 94. What is way better than 144. If he has Physical Absorption in level 10 he'll take less damage than if he had it in lvl 1. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites