PaynEeE 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 if the abs of the mech was used to reduce the damage, it would still not benefit the mechanician, only the party members. but the way that is MS take too much damage directely on his HP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rodeo1 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 Im going to get some clan members together later and see how this works in SOD. R8 SOD will be the a great test for it I can normally tank all 8 rounds when we go in as a team. Ill try it with this skill and see what happens but i think im going to die fast. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zero 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 Mechs are tankers, so they MUST help party member to tank too. Stay Stopped doing nothing is very easy, now u need tank for everyone. Thx Wartale for make something usefull: Make mechs really work instead just stop and tank and not use potions @Zero: Why useless, because doesn´t is a 100% nice skill to mech? hahahahahah, nobody can stay stopped during x1 and leave for some minutes and back again just for active skill again, if u want this, go sleep and leave pt, now mechs Must to use potions and take more attention on ur hp bar, but is usefull for all for party what have mechs Apparently you missed T2-T4, where we got these things called automechs and sparkmechs and powermechs. It is not a mech's job to tank for you if they don't want to anymore than it is a Prs' job to VL you, especially given the different routes [spark, auto, power]. As someone else said, its their decision whether to use the skill or not, so your missing the idea that they can still use the other tank buffs and avoid gravitation all together. If they don't use it then who loses? The mech certainly doesn't, they don't get jack from the skill. Its you who loses out, since the mech isn't provided with proper incentive for maxing/using a skill, so you don't get the nice benefit from it either. I didn't say 100% benefit to the mech, that is putting words in my mouth. The fact of the matter is the mech gets no benefit at all from this skill. Most skills in this game actually work where the caster receives the same bonus the party does or more, as seen in HoV/FoN where the caster gets 2x the bonus everyone else will get. Its not the other way around where the caster gets 0 and the party gets the full benefit, if they're not doing it why should mech? Perhaps your angry that a tank mech does exactly that...tanks. I for one don't see why you're laughing this off in some obscure sense of justice, since a tankmech has essentially nothing else to it but being a wall of defense. Certainly you can't be suggesting you don't want a tankmech to tank? If you're that envious of the ability nothing is stopping from making your very own mech.That or you're simply so childish that you can't stand the thought another class has an advantage you don't have access to. Every class has its strengths and weaknesses, you can't have it all, get over it. @Wartale: Why would it bypass the mechs absorb all together? Maybe it should only count 50% of the mechs absorb or something [if the party member is absorbing it as well like you said], but bypassing most of the mechs defense I imagine is going to have it tanking worse than a mage with its 2h staff and no ES when the mech is in a full party. It would be a nice solo skill with a 20% damage reduction, but the main concern I think atm isn't the damage the mech is taking himself [since he is not likely to take much with his defenses]. Still, all for the bonuses the mech can get from using it himself, definitely think something should be there for the mechs benefit as long as it stays balanced. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
srincrivel666 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 Man , 600 mp its rediculous ! I'm lvl 114, using murky(I already think its too much) and still dont have 500 mp Theres no way to use that in a mech Without some mp mixes, its impossible to use that ! Besides that, the skill apparently is nor working like it should. But no problem, I'm happy, after all a new tier 5 skill is available! Ok, theres some bugs, but theres no problem! I'm sure soon they will fix all the bugs like always (: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Electron 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 So Zero you agree with DreamOn? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobaldo 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 It could use a chain with trine shield or something like that(150%-200%, like metal armor). It would help the mech when he solo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1337person 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 if the abs of the mech was used to reduce the damage, it would still not benefit the mechanician, only the party members. Initial damage (300) --> 60% goes to mech (180) , 40% for party member (120) 20% of 180 is absorbed (36) leaves 144 to mech. This damage (144) can missed by defense/block/evade If mech has 50 abs, leaves a damage of 94 (144-50 // not sure if abs works this way) The HP of mech is reduced by 94. What is way better than 144. If he has Physical Absorption in level 10 he'll take less damage than if he had it in lvl 1. 100% agree with this modified calculation being applied. This will definitely encourage people to invite mechs to their parties and unlike old PT where the mech would stand and pot, he can actually move around and do crap and he is still technically tanking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
muzzy 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 reducing the mana usage for level 10 gravitation would be a good start. my suggestion for improving gravitation would be to have 50% absorption after 60% damage is reflected onto mech. This would allow a party of 6 to not kill their mech when the mech uses gravitation. having a 50% absorption rating would also make so so that the party members do not tank as hard as a mech. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crius 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 I don't have a problem with the concept. It enhances one role of the character, and if you want to be a pure tank, then you can use it to make you a more efficient one. The mech has something for everything basically, the only thing really missing is an AoE that is stronger but sacrifices the survivability aspect (such as Maximize + Impulsion, though it doesn't seem much better than Spark at the moment). However, as the majority of the mech's tanking is tied up in absorb, bypassing it entirely will probably make it a worse deal than just spamming Compulsion. Problem is that combining damage reductions of this magnitude with the way absorb works would have bad side-effects. I wonder how it'd work out if you used the following: Party damage: D * (1-T) - A * (1-T) Mech damage: D * T * R - A * T Where D is the damage, T is the transference factor (0.6 at L10), R is the damage reduction (0.8 at L10), and A is the absorb value of the player(s). So for example, L10 Gravitation, 100 damage, and 40/80 absorb for the party member/mech respectively would result in 100*0.4-40*0.4 = 24, and 100*0.6*0.8-80*0.6 = 0 (compared to 60 damage for party members otherwise). 200 damage and you get 64 (down from 160) for the party and 48 for the mech (compared to 120 if the mech had taken the hit alone, or 96 if you count the 20% damage reduction). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zero 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 So Zero you agree with DreamOn? Yes for the most part, the mech should have a chance to use its block/evade/abs and everything, otherwise it makes no sense since absorbing low tanking classes would make it a suicidal skill for the mech [how the skill currently is]. The mech naturally has much higher defense and chances for missing, making it less likely for it to get a spike in damage that one shots it. It also adds a great benefit for trine shield, since they could use that in helping with gravitation. As I understand from dreams idea, the damage is not absorbed by the party member before splitting to the mech and the party member, but the mech simply absorbs 60% of the attacks total damage by itself? Like a monster has 700 attack, the mech gets 420 of that attack [60%], and the party member hit gets 280 [40%]. These splits are then sent through the respective defenses of the mech and party member separately. This is how I understood it, since I don't know if dream meant by initial damage: 300 damage [after the party member absorbed it] or 300 damage [damage before party member's defense]. If he meant the former, I don't think it should be 100% of the mechs stats [double absorbing attacks could unbalance things], but if its the latter, it should be fine. The 20% reduction should be to what the mech gets hit for too, not just the partys incoming damage, since he needs a bit of extra defense to account for the increased damage amongst 5 members. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rodeo1 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 is there any way to make it so that 60% of the total attack goes to the mech and he takes it as a normal hit. for example a pt member gets hit for 100 and 60 of that goes to the mech the 60% that goes to the mech then has to go through all his normal defenses, his Block, Def and Abs just as if he took the hit directly himself Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkLink64 921 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 I hardly disagree on the reflected damage to be checked by Gravitation's Mech Evade/Block/Defense and his final Absortion stat. 1- How can you evade/block/defend a hit that isn't you that is actually being hit? "Hey! I'm a Mech on a safe distance, with no mob attacking me. But hey! Look at me! I'm parrying attacks with my shield against the air! Look my quick foot, evading the dust that is attacking me. And look at this gaspar attack rating! He's invisible, but i'm also invisible to him, because i can defend his poor attacking rate." As Wartale said, the Evade/Block/Defense check should be applied on who's actually being hit. Put a Mech tanking the player/mob, and also another Mech with Gravitation. If the Evade/Block/Defense will be applyed on the first mech, and to the second who's using Gravitation, look, they'll parry almost anything. This can be utterly overpowering, you're duplicating RNG values that void damage, Block, Defense and Evade, not "reflecting", what is the skill objective. Duplicating a RNG dmg void stats can almost reach 100% of blocking/evade/defense a hit. That's nosense on both aspects, a Mech blocking the air, also reaching almost 100% of blocking rate. 2- Making a reflected damage to be checked on Mech's Absortion, would make tanking twice. Think about a Knight on BC, with Mech on his party (i'm not talking about afk mech, i'm talking about a TANK mech actually helping the knight, believe or not, mech does damage, not high as ks/ps/fs/as, but still does. This mech is a Tank, and the knight will take 60%- less damage, transferring it to Tank Mech, that can solo tank everyone with safety. No one will focus a Tank Mech, everyone will focus the Knight. So, the Knight will get more than half damage absortion, while the mechanician will tank the hell out of damage reflected to him. This would bring OverPower to new levels. Gravitation isn't a skill to double a party member defenses and make a team immortal -- that's why it should remain as it is. Direct damage on mech HP helps a killer party member get 60% extra ABS, but put himself on critical situations -- making the passive of tanking more dangerous, while the reward is a safe spot to it's killer team mate. Wartale, please do NOT make reflected damage be checked by Mech ABS/Defense/Block/Evade. Wait a little more, whatch and make tests. If needed, tweak Gravitation formulas - increasing/reducing the aumont of reflected damage and increasing/reducing the aumont of flat HP damage to mech reduction. For now i would suggest decreasing party member damage reflection, from 60% to 30%, but increasing reflected HP damage absorbing from 20% to 60%. Then, Gravitation would not make a party member godlike when a party of 2 or 3 mans, while making a party of 5-6 members putting mech into a death spike. Less tanking for it's members - but greatly reduction of this damage on himself. It's a win-win situation, working almost a range party skill buff, increasing everyone tanking while transferring a little damage to himself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quant 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 -1 I disagree with your bias opinion luizlink64, you simply thinks the skill is a overpowered for the sake of your character e.g. KS/PS/AS/ATA other classes im guessing that you are I'm a mech myself, if you go AFK, then how could we tank the damage without bluff, metal armour and extreme shield? Very illogical opinion my guess Also, when I go near safe zone, the Gravitation skill is not in a "close" distance to take into effect. A simple strategy is to move away from the mech. I agree, Evade/Block/Defense should be implemented on the mech and actually not on the tanking, why? The reason for even creating the skill, the "Purpose" was to allow the mech to tank for party members, and the final absorption should be on the mech. Think cases where a mage or a prs wants to use 2 hand weapon, but couldn't do this in most cases, partying a mech sure benefit in this scenario I hardly disagree on the reflected damage to be checked by Evade/Block/Defense and his final Absortion stat. 1- How can you evade/block/defend a hit that isn't you that is actually being hit? "Hey! I'm a Mech on a safe distance, with no mob attacking me. But hey! Look at me! I'm parrying attacks with my shield against the air! Look my quick foot, evading the dust that is attacking me. And look at this gaspar attack rating! He's invisible, but i'm also invisible to him, because he can defend my poor attacking rate. As Wartale said, the Evade/Block/Defense check should be applied on who's actually tanking. Put a Mech tanking, and also another Mech with Gravitation. If the Evade/Block/Defense will be applyed on the first mech, and to the second who's defending, look, they'll parry almost anything. This can be utterly overpowering, you're tanking twice, not "reflecting", what is the skill objective. 2- Making a reflected damage to be checked on Mech's Absortion, would make tanking twice. Think about a Knight on BC, with Mech on his party (i'm not talking about afk mech, i'm talking about a TANK mech actually helping the knight, believe or not, mech does damage, not high as ks/ps/fs/as, but still does. This mech is a Tank, and the knight will take 60%- less damage, transferring it to Tank Mech, that can solo tank everyone with safety. No one will focus a Tank Mech, everyone will focus the Knight. So, the Knight will get more than half damage absortion, while the mechanician will tank the hell out of damage reflected to him. This would bring OverPower to new levels. Gravitation isn't a skill to double a party member defenses and make a team immortal -- that's why it should remain as it is. Direct damage on mech HP helps a killer party member get 60% extra ABS, but put himself on critical situations -- making the passive of tanking more dangerous, while the reward is a safe spot to it's killer team mate. Wartale, please do NOT make reflected damage be checked by Mech ABS/Defense/Block/Evade. Wait a little more, whatch and make tests. If needed, tweak Gravitation formulas - increasing/reducing the aumont of reflected damage and increasing/reducing the aumont of flat HP damage to mech reduction. For now i would suggest decreasing party member damage reflection, from 60% to 30%, but increasing reflected HP damage absorbing from 20% to 60%. Then, Gravitation would not make a party member godlike when a party of 2 or 3 mans, while making a party of 5-6 members putting mech into a death spike. Less tanking for it's members - but greatly reduction of this damage on himself. It's a win-win situation, working almost a range party skill buff, increasing everyone tanking while transferring a little damage to himself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkLink64 921 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 I'm not making any biased comment. I've explained on many aspect to why i'm disagreeing with that. If you can prove that i'm only sayng: "Hey, do not make X and Y because Z is OP" Do a proper reading. ___ What i think that can make this skill extremely over, is a duo or at max trio. I'm a Knight player and seems you do not read my example. Look! I'll party with a Mech, and no more else, and we're gonna rock on BC. I'm only partying with a single mech, that will tank only my damage. But i'll get my friends and clannies help, because they're not on my party, this doesn't mean they will not help us. So, what's will happen? I'll take 60% less damage, also this damage that will be reflected to the mech, will be checked again on ABS/DEF/BLK/EVD. My Knight will reach an outstanding 80% Absortion (60% from Gravitation and 20% from Godly Shield) after my own absortion stat check, and when this reflected damage, will not be a pain in the ass for the Mech, because he will be able to void the damage by his DEF/BLK/EVD and, even after passing by it, will be reduced from mech godly ABS stats. If you want a Tag Team battle with immortal characters everwhere, go ahead. I have no doubt that you'll come here and complain the hell out of good killers duoing with Tank Mechs at BC. "Hey! The killer gets immortal by 60% damage reduction! Back in the VL extra ABS, everyone was immortal with 30%, and now they're 60%! Also the Mech who's providing this buff doesn't get killed because he blocks and absorbs the hell out that is reflected to him. They're bot immortals!" This skills can not do harm when a mech is tanking for 5 people, but can be extremely godlike when he's focusing to tank just one or two people. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tommylizard 1 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 Actually Mech's ABS doesn't work, so they aren't immortal, especially when taking hits from other guys at their party. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rodeo1 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 I hardly disagree on the reflected damage to be checked by Gravitation's Mech Evade/Block/Defense and his final Absortion stat. 1- How can you evade/block/defend a hit that isn't you that is actually being hit? "Hey! I'm a Mech on a safe distance, with no mob attacking me. But hey! Look at me! I'm parrying attacks with my shield against the air! Look my quick foot, evading the dust that is attacking me. And look at this gaspar attack rating! He's invisible, but i'm also invisible to him, because i can defend his poor attacking rate." As Wartale said, the Evade/Block/Defense check should be applied on who's actually being hit. Put a Mech tanking the player/mob, and also another Mech with Gravitation. If the Evade/Block/Defense will be applyed on the first mech, and to the second who's using Gravitation, look, they'll parry almost anything. This can be utterly overpowering, you're duplicating RNG values that void damage, Block, Defense and Evade, not "reflecting", what is the skill objective. Duplicating a RNG dmg void stats can almost reach 100% of blocking/evade/defense a hit. That's nosense on both aspects, a Mech blocking the air, also reaching almost 100% of blocking rate. 2- Making a reflected damage to be checked on Mech's Absortion, would make tanking twice. Think about a Knight on BC, with Mech on his party (i'm not talking about afk mech, i'm talking about a TANK mech actually helping the knight, believe or not, mech does damage, not high as ks/ps/fs/as, but still does. This mech is a Tank, and the knight will take 60%- less damage, transferring it to Tank Mech, that can solo tank everyone with safety. No one will focus a Tank Mech, everyone will focus the Knight. So, the Knight will get more than half damage absortion, while the mechanician will tank the hell out of damage reflected to him. This would bring OverPower to new levels. Gravitation isn't a skill to double a party member defenses and make a team immortal -- that's why it should remain as it is. Direct damage on mech HP helps a killer party member get 60% extra ABS, but put himself on critical situations -- making the passive of tanking more dangerous, while the reward is a safe spot to it's killer team mate. Wartale, please do NOT make reflected damage be checked by Mech ABS/Defense/Block/Evade. Wait a little more, whatch and make tests. If needed, tweak Gravitation formulas - increasing/reducing the aumont of reflected damage and increasing/reducing the aumont of flat HP damage to mech reduction. For now i would suggest decreasing party member damage reflection, from 60% to 30%, but increasing reflected HP damage absorbing from 20% to 60%. Then, Gravitation would not make a party member godlike when a party of 2 or 3 mans, while making a party of 5-6 members putting mech into a death spike. Less tanking for it's members - but greatly reduction of this damage on himself. It's a win-win situation, working almost a range party skill buff, increasing everyone tanking while transferring a little damage to himself. Here it is again another worry about BC well thats an easy fix Make it so Gravitation dose not work in BC and poof ur problem goes away The problem is that with the skill the way it is a mech cant tank mobs for a party because there HP will drain to fast and when the mech dies using this skill the way it is then there pt dies because he not there to tank any more. If it is left the way it is the no1 will use it because its safer for the mech to tank the way he dose without Gravitation. A Mech can solo AD and not loose HP so he can tank the mob for a pt very well and his pt members will be safe as long as the mobs dont get around the mech. But, If Gravitation is used as it is now he may as well set in the back spamming pots to stay alive and he not even getting hit. If a mech tries to tank the mob while using Gravitation and a few mobs get past him and hits his pt members his HP drops to fast for him to survive because he it taking damage he cant defend, and when he dies the mob goes after his PT and then they may die If it stays the way it is then a Mech not only has no intensive to use the skill but is actually encouraged not to use it because of what he knows will happen, His Death Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkLink64 921 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 Actually Mech's ABS doesn't work, so they aren't immortal, especially when taking hits from other guys at their party. Mech's ABS works, i was with Wartale the day he checked Mech ABS and them released a patch fixing it. Just ask Wartale again - no matter how many times you ask him to fix mech abs - he will fix - and you're gonna keep asking for fixing it again. I have no doubt if Wartale came here and answer something, he will say that Mech ABS is working 100%. What happens is the damage output is really high, and your mech will substract 400 from 2000+ damage. Crius suggested changing the way ABS works, because on the way it's working now, it's quite must for low damage / high mobs (EXP), but doesn't make difference when taking high damage / single mob (hunt and PvP). That's why a Mech doesn't need to even pot at EXP maps, but doesn't tank as you expect while PvPing. While taking low damage, ABS will make much difference. But, while taking high damage, ABS will not make much difference at all. It's a problem on ABS itself, not on Mech's ABS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rodeo1 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 I'm not making any biased comment. I've explained on many aspect to why i'm disagreeing with that. If you can prove that i'm only sayng: "Hey, do not make X and Y because Z is OP" Do a proper reading. ___ What i think that can make this skill extremely over, is a duo or at max trio. I'm a Knight player and seems you do not read my example. Look! I'll party with a Mech, and no more else, and we're gonna rock on BC. I'm only partying with a single mech, that will tank only my damage. But i'll get my friends and clannies help, because they're not on my party, this doesn't mean they will not help us. So, what's will happen? I'll take 60% less damage, also this damage that will be reflected to the mech, will be checked again on ABS/DEF/BLK/EVD. My Knight will reach an outstanding 80% Absortion (60% from Gravitation and 20% from Godly Shield) after my own absortion stat check, and when this reflected damage, will not be a pain in the ass for the Mech, because he will be able to void the damage by his DEF/BLK/EVD and, even after passing by it, will be reduced from mech godly ABS stats. If you want a Tag Team battle with immortal characters everwhere, go ahead. I have no doubt that you'll come here and complain the hell out of good killers duoing with Tank Mechs at BC. "Hey! The killer gets immortal by 60% damage reduction! Back in the VL extra ABS, everyone was immortal with 30%, and now they're 60%! Also the Mech who's providing this buff doesn't get killed because he blocks and absorbs the hell out that is reflected to him. They're bot immortals!" This skills can not do harm when a mech is tanking for 5 people, but can be extremely godlike when he's focusing to tank just one or two people. Make the skill to the pt members stats defend the 40% they take and the mechs stats defends the 60% they take that way there is no double check on the attack and as I said if Gravitation is disabled in BC then ur worries go away Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkLink64 921 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 If disabling a skill at BC is a viable and possible option, that wasn't necessary for VL nerfing. Because of VL nerf, no one was able to exp decently, and everyone complained about Priest being useless and how hard is for the others class tank when exping without VL. Then, Wartale released Ice Meteorite, the godlike example of Mass Killing, now no one can exp decently, but Priest can, feeding leechers, earning Coins and Real money trough EXP service from everyone by herself. Also there is no point making a skill that will not work at a certain point of the game. Just make tests and tune it untill it get balanced. And this means that the skill effect can be little at all. I preffer a skill that make little changes but also effective, than extremely overpower ones or just not working at all. The main problem here is the community - they don't care about the game as a whole, just to theirself. They dont foresee what can affect the game overall balance/gameplay, just because they want the best to their own ego. And this is a thing that is happening now -- Because it's a T5 skill, they want it as a master blaster plus skill, splitting the sea on two, making it only to grant outstanding benefits without any kind of counter aspect. And what happens if Wartale doesn't change the whole game to satisfy these kinds of people? They began to tell their tales about how weak and useless their class were and is, and tell their hatred upon other class, telling how OP they are. And what happens? Wartale satisfy their desires, and what is the side effect? We have one example: One of this result is the massive EXP Service and Leeching due to Priestess complaining from being useless with VL nerf, and others players complaining they can't tank nothing without VL extra ABS. To "satisfy" it, Ice Meteorite was released, breaking the entire EXPing metagame, because Priestess doesn't need to POT HP on main EXP maps, and can kill extremely quick with ridiculous range. The Ice Meteorite casting animation is quick, you can repeat it extremely fast, the meteorites total range is just extremely huge, and the meteorites overlaps (for example a mob can take 6x damage from a just single Ice Meteorite cast). Can something be so godlike at exping than Priestess? No. So, what's the problem we having now? Massive Leeching and EXP Service - for me it's a big headache, and it's problems roots began with people whinning. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rodeo1 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 If disabling a skill at BC is a viable and possible option, that wasn't necessary for VL nerfing. Because of VL nerf, no one was able to exp decently, and everyone complained about Priest being useless and how hard is for the others class tank when exping without VL. Then, Wartale released Ice Meteorite, the godlike example of Mass Killing, now no one can exp decently, but Priest can, feeding leechers, earning Coins and Real money trough EXP service from everyone by herself. Also there is no point making a skill that will not work at a certain point of the game. Just make tests and tune it untill it get balanced. And this means that the skill effect can be little at all. I preffer a skill that make little changes but also effective, than extremely overpower ones or just not working at all. The main problem here is the community - they don't care about the game as a whole, just to theirself. They dont foresee what can affect the game overall balance/gameplay, just to their own ego. And this is a thing that is happening now -- Because it's a T5 skill, they want it as a master blaster plus skill, splitting the sea on two, making it only to benefits without any kind of counter aspect. And what happens if Wartale doesn't change the whole game to satisfy these kinds of people? They began to tell their tales about how weak and useless their class were and is, and tell their hatred upon other class, telling how OP they are. And what happens? One of this result is the massive EXP Service and Leeching due to Priestess complaining and VL nerf - breaking the entire EXP metagame, what was a happy on the beginning, is a massive headache nowadays. why should there be a counter aspect its a skill not a punishment to the mech Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gancalo 3 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 Mas rapazes, voçês esqueçeram que vcs que decidem se usa ou não a skill, para ajudar o grupo, então.... But guys, you forgot that you guys who decide whether to use the skill to help the group, then .... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkLink64 921 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 If disabling a skill at BC is a viable and possible option, that wasn't necessary for VL nerfing. Because of VL nerf, no one was able to exp decently, and everyone complained about Priest being useless and how hard is for the others class tank when exping without VL. Then, Wartale released Ice Meteorite, the godlike example of Mass Killing, now no one can exp decently, but Priest can, feeding leechers, earning Coins and Real money trough EXP service from everyone by herself. Also there is no point making a skill that will not work at a certain point of the game. Just make tests and tune it untill it get balanced. And this means that the skill effect can be little at all. I preffer a skill that make little changes but also effective, than extremely overpower ones or just not working at all. The main problem here is the community - they don't care about the game as a whole, just to theirself. They dont foresee what can affect the game overall balance/gameplay, just to their own ego. And this is a thing that is happening now -- Because it's a T5 skill, they want it as a master blaster plus skill, splitting the sea on two, making it only to benefits without any kind of counter aspect. And what happens if Wartale doesn't change the whole game to satisfy these kinds of people? They began to tell their tales about how weak and useless their class were and is, and tell their hatred upon other class, telling how OP they are. And what happens? One of this result is the massive EXP Service and Leeching due to Priestess complaining and VL nerf - breaking the entire EXP metagame, what was a happy on the beginning, is a massive headache nowadays. why should there be a counter aspect its a skill not a punishment to the mech Oho, if you want to make everyone tank the hell out without a counter aspect, just make a Party Buff skill, like Holy Valor, Force of Nature or Hall of Vahalla. But with LOW parametters, VL was nerfed because it broke the PVP - 33% of Damage Reduction was extremely decisive when comparing a player with VL against a player without it. Now you want to grant massive tank to everyone without a counter aspect? So hey, why the Staff balanced VL? To re-add it's problems today? Also, because of the VL balance whinning, everyone complained bullshit and today we can't exp because of leeching and exp service. The quickest solution for massive whinning was the release of a godlike AoE killing for Priestess - making them all happy at the time. But the correct solution was balance the PvP ABS, make VL extra ABS doesn't work at BC but keep it on PvE. If you can't think and suggest solutions to the game as a whole - try to not say things without argument. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
QMan 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 if the abs of the mech was used to reduce the damage, it would still not benefit the mechanician, only the party members. but the way that is MS take too much damage directely on his HP maybe yes and if i party with low level in low map my high level mech can die easily a lot of HP decrease without my any defense damnnnn!! my mech go to noob...player in low map when party low level with this Tier5 skill?? this skill is useless for me, never use it if party need tank i can tank with my own out from this skill, it's a better way Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quant 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 I'm not making any biased comment. I've explained on many aspect to why i'm disagreeing with that. If you can prove that i'm only sayng: "Hey, do not make X and Y because Z is OP" Do a proper reading. ___ What i think that can make this skill extremely over, is a duo or at max trio. I'm a Knight player and seems you do not read my example. Look! I'll party with a Mech, and no more else, and we're gonna rock on BC. I'm only partying with a single mech, that will tank only my damage. But i'll get my friends and clannies help, because they're not on my party, this doesn't mean they will not help us. So, what's will happen? I'll take 60% less damage, also this damage that will be reflected to the mech, will be checked again on ABS/DEF/BLK/EVD. My Knight will reach an outstanding 80% Absortion (60% from Gravitation and 20% from Godly Shield) after my own absortion stat check, and when this reflected damage, will not be a pain in the ass for the Mech, because he will be able to void the damage by his DEF/BLK/EVD and, even after passing by it, will be reduced from mech godly ABS stats. If you want a Tag Team battle with immortal characters everwhere, go ahead. I have no doubt that you'll come here and complain the hell out of good killers duoing with Tank Mechs at BC. "Hey! The killer gets immortal by 60% damage reduction! Back in the VL extra ABS, everyone was immortal with 30%, and now they're 60%! Also the Mech who's providing this buff doesn't get killed because he blocks and absorbs the hell out that is reflected to him. They're bot immortals!" This skills can not do harm when a mech is tanking for 5 people, but can be extremely godlike when he's focusing to tank just one or two people. Like I said, you must be a KS, and jealousing over a mech to be overpowered Have you tested Mech new skill, and start discussing? I guess not. Please use one and start making unbias comments Why you so worring about BC for mechs? If the mech is tanking everything, kill him first then kill u, if the guy is partying a mech, go find a mech to party with, so each party have a mech to tank the damage, fair and square Stop being a selfish turd Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Electron 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2011 I agree with luizlink's view on it. Switching the current % values around (60% reflect to 20% reflect and 20% absorb to 60%) is good this will make the mech give 20% abs to all party members and doesnt kill the mech of high dmg, because 60% is absorbed while currently 60% is taken and just 20% absorb, killing the mech in a big party, but in a small party the party members get OP (near immortal) because in a small party the reflected damage is not enough to kill the mech And then perhaps applying gravitation on the mech himself too, so the mech can benefit from 60% of 20% absorb (mech himself thus gets 12% absorb when using Gravitation) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites