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Like I said, you must be a KS, and jealousing over a mech to be overpowered


Have you tested Mech new skill, and start discussing? I guess not. Please use one and start making unbias comments


Please use your head and start making post without evidence and argument, taking in consideration every aspect and possibilities on the game.


I do not need to play a Mechanician to foresee what can happen -- Math is a perfect science. I can foresee everything that you're wanting - Reflected damage be checked by DEF/BLK/EVD and Mech Abs from its gears and skills.


What's the chance of a attack hit the mech using gravitation? The attack needs to pass by someones ABS/Defense/Evade/Block, and them pass trough another but higher ABS/Defense/Evade/Block.


Consider the fact that a single attack can pass everything, but they will grant 60% dmg reduction for someone, and do not much harm to the mech.





If you can't foresee that, just shut the mouth up.

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Not going to take the time right now to respond to all the arguments, but we can see the problem with just even 1 tier 5 skill, and people really thought we could release a lot at once. This is why we need to go slow and release these on a basis where we can handle these things, imagine 5 threads about skills 5+ pages of debate in townsquare, be a nightmare to sort out.

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If disabling a skill at BC is a viable and possible option, that wasn't necessary for VL nerfing.


Because of VL nerf, no one was able to exp decently, and everyone complained about Priest being useless and how hard is for the others class tank when exping without VL. Then, Wartale released Ice Meteorite, the godlike example of Mass Killing, now no one can exp decently, but Priest can, feeding leechers, earning Coins and Real money trough EXP service from everyone by herself.


Also there is no point making a skill that will not work at a certain point of the game. Just make tests and tune it untill it get balanced. And this means that the skill effect can be little at all. I preffer a skill that make little changes but also effective, than extremely overpower ones or just not working at all.


The main problem here is the community - they don't care about the game as a whole, just to theirself. They dont foresee what can affect the game overall balance/gameplay, just to their own ego.


And this is a thing that is happening now -- Because it's a T5 skill, they want it as a master blaster plus skill, splitting the sea on two, making it only to benefits without any kind of counter aspect.


And what happens if Wartale doesn't change the whole game to satisfy these kinds of people?


They began to tell their tales about how weak and useless their class were and is, and tell their hatred upon other class, telling how OP they are.


And what happens?


One of this result is the massive EXP Service and Leeching due to Priestess complaining and VL nerf - breaking the entire EXP metagame, what was a happy on the beginning, is a massive headache nowadays.


why should there be a counter aspect

its a skill not a punishment to the mech


Oho, if you want to make everyone tank the hell out without a counter aspect, just make a Party Buff skill, like Holy Valor, Force of Nature or Hall of Vahalla. But with LOW parametters, VL was nerfed because it broke the PVP - 33% of Damage Reduction was extremely decisive when comparing a player with VL against a player without it.


Now you want to grant massive tank to everyone without a counter aspect?


So hey, why the Staff balanced VL? To re-add it's problems today? Also, because of the VL balance whinning, everyone complained bullshit and today we can't exp because of leeching and exp service. The quickest solution for massive whinning was the release of a godlike AoE killing for Priestess - making them all happy at the time. But the correct solution was balance the PvP ABS, make VL extra ABS doesn't work at BC but keep it on PvE.





If you can't think and suggest solutions to the game as a whole - try to not say things without argument.


I did think and i did offer good solutions but you are just another person only worried about how a skill will effect pvp


i told u how to fix it in pvp DISABLE IS IN BC


then it can be properly balanced for everything else with no worries to ur precious pvp that alot of people dont even do


to many people complain about how skills only effect pvp and not the game as a whole

if it dosnt work in pvp then there is no worries on how it will effect pvp


go make a MS and when you learn how they are played then you can make informed comments on how it will effect them this topic was made "By me" to discuss how this skill effects the tanking for a mech, not how it will effect the pvp for your knight. I dont play a knight and I dont want to. I made a mech because i like the support a mech provides and thats the tanking and to use a skill that basically takes away a tank mechs ability to tank is totally bad. He is not a tank when his own skill gets him killed

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I'll lock this, it's getting offtopic and I've already made a conclusion

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