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I don't know..


I was sleeping LOL


But I know my AS was on, Runner playing..

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Guest BloodBrothers

whos a leader of SX?

Therunner, DLM, Lucone. maybe I forgot some people dont know ( cracker ofcourse also but you know that )

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whos a leader of SX?


TheRunner and Lucone ( DLM )


You already got your char?

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whos a leader of SX?


TheRunner and Lucone ( DLM )


You already got your char?

Not yet...But I'm playing ahmed's archer and shes not in SX  :-\ I think we should solve whatever problem we got right now -.-

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Guest BloodBrothers

whos a leader of SX?


TheRunner and Lucone ( DLM )


You already got your char?

Not yet...But I'm playing ahmed's archer and shes not in SX  :-\ I think we should solve whatever problem we got right now -.-

+1 for that 8)

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whos a leader of SX?


TheRunner and Lucone ( DLM )


You already got your char?

Not yet...But I'm playing ahmed's archer and shes not in SX  :-\ I think we should solve whatever problem we got right now -.-


He need to solve it alone, not "we".


If he wanna leave the clan, GL.


We will miss him, and done. He wanted leave, and  left.

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whos a leader of SX?


TheRunner and Lucone ( DLM )


You already got your char?

Not yet...But I'm playing ahmed's archer and shes not in SX  :-\ I think we should solve whatever problem we got right now -.-


He need to solve it alone, not "we".


If he wanna leave the clan, GL.


We will miss him, and done. He wanted leave, and  left.

I think its better u guys talk about it...and he's a leader too right?

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whos a leader of SX?


TheRunner and Lucone ( DLM )


You already got your char?

Not yet...But I'm playing ahmed's archer and shes not in SX  :-\ I think we should solve whatever problem we got right now -.-


He need to solve it alone, not "we".


If he wanna leave the clan, GL.


We will miss him, and done. He wanted leave, and  left.

I think its better u guys talk about it...and he's a leader too right?



Yes, Cracker was one of the leaders.

But he wanted his char as Clan Leader, when he was Sub-leader.


So 2/3 leaders said not, and then he left the clan.


I don't see reason for that, but...

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btw... Our leaders made a solid clan...


I hope that Cracker come back, to maybe, be part of the best clan that Wartale ever seen.


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btw... Our leaders made a solid clan...


I hope that Cracker come back, to maybe, be part of the best clan that Wartale ever seen.

yeah  :-\ Please read my pm and tell them about my suggestion .



thanks Jay  ;)

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Cracker as my self got alot of complaining for the current leader i never cared to get the leader on my char .. but i never wanted to see people complaining and wanting me to take a look @ what the current leader and what he is doing .. i never knew what he did ..  because he did it all out of his mind he never asked me if he should kick a player

for example Skapunker was kicked .. ppp was ignored .. iloot was ignored .. XloveX was kicked + the current leader is just sitting there looking @ the clan needing help and what he dose is ignore and careless ... we once was a small clan that offered a share and help to our members .. and i thought i was number 1 leader since i first left delta i helped alot of players even ur current leader therunner .. i paid for items i was there when they needed gold .. i didnt expect him to forget my place in the clan

... when wizzaredrunner had the clan leader i had the pass after that  the pass got changed the deal was 3 leaders in one char and we kept it like this ... till lucone made a new char called Dark[z0r] and was shared by more then 5 players not inculding me he was leader of a clan and i didnt even have the password so i said no runner u keep the leader il use ur char and runner agreed .. i did this because of security we never know if a member is pissed or angry he may disban the clan .. and we wouldnt like that .. for your info we was on 1 hand yes but a kingdom has 1 king 1 prince and 1 queen  .. same go's for clan 1 leader 2 sub


lets make a vote and see if u guys want a leader that helps u .. or a leader that ignores and just sit there and look @ u .. unorganized ?


and yea i forgot clan leader ur member RzO. needs boots 124 and gaunts 124 .. ;) help him out .. he had my word when i was the leader now its ur job 

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Cracker as my self got alot of complaining for the current leader i never cared to get the leader on my char .. but i never wanted to see people complaining and wanting me to take a look @ what the current leader and what he is doing .. i never knew what he did ..  because he did it all out of his mind he never asked me if he should kick a player

for example Skapunker was kicked .. ppp was ignored .. iloot was ignored .. XloveX was kicked + the current leader is just sitting there looking @ the clan needing help and what he dose is ignore and careless ... we once was a small clan that offered a share and help to our members .. and i thought i was number 1 leader since i first left delta i helped alot of players even ur current leader therunner .. i paid for items i was there when they needed gold .. i didnt expect him to forget my place in the clan

... when wizzaredrunner had the clan leader i had the pass after that  the pass got changed the deal was 3 leaders in one char and we kept it like this ... till lucone made a new char called Dark[z0r] and was shared by more then 5 players not inculding me he was leader of a clan and i didnt even have the password so i said no runner u keep the leader il use ur char and runner agreed .. i did this because of security we never know if a member is pissed or angry he may disban the clan .. and we wouldnt like that ..


lets make a vote and see if u guys want a leader that helps u .. or a leader that ignores and just sit there and look @ u .. unorganized ?


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Yea, that's right.. Leader's must don't ignore their members.


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Cracker as my self got alot of complaining for the current leader i never cared to get the leader on my char .. but i never wanted to see people complaining and wanting me to take a look @ what the current leader and what he is doing .. i never knew what he did ..  because he did it all out of his mind he never asked me if he should kick a player

for example Skapunker was kicked .. ppp was ignored .. iloot was ignored .. XloveX was kicked + the current leader is just sitting there looking @ the clan needing help and what he dose is ignore and careless ... we once was a small clan that offered a share and help to our members .. and i thought i was number 1 leader since i first left delta i helped alot of players even ur current leader therunner .. i paid for items i was there when they needed gold .. i didnt expect him to forget my place in the clan

... when wizzaredrunner had the clan leader i had the pass after that  the pass got changed the deal was 3 leaders in one char and we kept it like this ... till lucone made a new char called Dark[z0r] and was shared by more then 5 players not inculding me he was leader of a clan and i didnt even have the password so i said no runner u keep the leader il use ur char and runner agreed .. i did this because of security we never know if a member is pissed or angry he may disban the clan .. and we wouldnt like that ..


lets make a vote and see if u guys want a leader that helps u .. or a leader that ignores and just sit there and look @ u .. unorganized ?


Well, I'm not leader, but I did know everything that TheRunner AND Lucone did, cuz I ASKED THEM, everytime, because was from my interest... If you are a leader, a bit more interest could be NICE. ;)

So I think it was a little Mistake, kicked players would be Moved to a second Clan ,but I don't know if everyone knew it, since all happened so fast., and WTF, a char logged MUST answer a PM? Did you know that we can stay logged and AFK in Ricarten?

I agree to make a Char leader , that the leaders can log. But must be a char that no one play, or stay AFK .


But you also did a lot of mistakes Cracker... So, if you got a problem, talk per PM with the others leaders,not in chat clan or forum, and don't talk shit about them.


Ours leader did NOTHING WRONG.

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Cracker as my self got alot of complaining for the current leader i never cared to get the leader on my char .. but i never wanted to see people complaining and wanting me to take a look @ what the current leader and what he is doing .. i never knew what he did ..  because he did it all out of his mind he never asked me if he should kick a player

for example Skapunker was kicked .. ppp was ignored .. iloot was ignored .. XloveX was kicked + the current leader is just sitting there looking @ the clan needing help and what he dose is ignore and careless ... we once was a small clan that offered a share and help to our members .. and i thought i was number 1 leader since i first left delta i helped alot of players even ur current leader therunner .. i paid for items i was there when they needed gold .. i didnt expect him to forget my place in the clan

... when wizzaredrunner had the clan leader i had the pass after that  the pass got changed the deal was 3 leaders in one char and we kept it like this ... till lucone made a new char called Dark[z0r] and was shared by more then 5 players not inculding me he was leader of a clan and i didnt even have the password so i said no runner u keep the leader il use ur char and runner agreed .. i did this because of security we never know if a member is pissed or angry he may disban the clan .. and we wouldnt like that ..


lets make a vote and see if u guys want a leader that helps u .. or a leader that ignores and just sit there and look @ u .. unorganized ?


Well, I'm not leader, but I did know everything that TheRunner AND Lucone did, cuz I ASKED THEM, everytime, because was from my interest... If you are a leader, a bit more interest could be NICE. ;)

So I think it was a little Mistake, kicked players would be Moved to a second Clan ,but I don't know if everyone knew it, since all happened so fast., and WTF, a char logged MUST answer a PM? Did you know that we can stay logged and AFK in Ricarten?

I agree to make a Char leader , that the leaders can log. But must be a char that no one play, or stay AFK .


But you also did a lot of mistakes Cracker... So, if you got a problem, talk per PM with the others leaders,not in chat clan or forum, and don't talk shit about them.


Ours leader did NOTHING WRONG.


LOL JP .. u know i wana break ur heart today .. =) u i agreed on when u asked to join ... i was leader that time .. after getting kicked from delta when u was PMSing


2nd thing is therunner was invited to a convo on msn yesterday and he left cuze he had no answer and he knew he was wrong


3rd my clan = my family .. they have the right to know as much as u =) and i like it plain so everyone knows whats right and wrong i talk here cuze i got nothing to hide


4th we kicked alot or quality we kicked the clan that helped us @ the start ( without me knowing ) we sold them for no reasons and thats not what a person that feels that this was a family would do  .. u wouldnt kick ur brother would u?



GAME OVER ! =D have a good day *winks*

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