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@Wartale, about AFK on Spawn.

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You closed the report, but also you said that there is no rule or anything that says you're gonna lost your spawn if you AFK.




But, Wartale said it quite clear here:




Quote from: Wartale on December 02, 2011, 19:05:06

You can kill on those spawns as long as you have proof that the other player was AFK for at least 5 minutes.


So, what we should do? Let the AFKers keep the spawn forever?


If it's the case, i'll shut my mouth up. But if we can prove the AFKer and take his/her spawn, i want the punhishment over Mycra and everyone else for the KSing.


I'll log 6 priests after a mainentance, and keep them AFK. I'll ruin everyone EXP, also i'll be not leeching or exp servicing anyone.


Something should be done against this. AFK on spawn is a problem, and should be put on server rules.


Also, for everyone else. What do you think? AFK on Spawn should be illegal and punished?

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Guest bahamott

Awaiting response from Staffs (Wartale, Wartale, Wartale, Toppe) about AFK players on Spawn.




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Guest Eleven

Awaiting response from Staffs (Wartale, Wartale, Wartale, Toppe) about AFK players on Spawn.






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As far as I know this was an unspoken rule that has been around for a while. There were many rules that were dealt with before they were officially put up on the hompage, maybe they should officially add it. There are people who can afk all day in a spawn, it's only logically fair they lose it for afking for 5+ minutes, or else they would never lose their spawn and that's problematic for everyone.

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To be honest, 5 minutes is TOO long.


2~3 is more than enough.


Also i have one suggestion to develop a new ANTI KS engine for the game (wich also can be used to prevent Leeching / Exp service). I'm editing my thread, soon i'll post it.

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In the same topic, you are referring to, Wartale mentioned that staff would take it up to discussion.


There are no clean rules on this area ATM, so therefore I won't ban anyone for it.


However, we are working on a completely new set of rules.


Acting like a child won't help anything at all, but if that is the kind of person you are, then feel free to do it.



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Acting like a child won't help anything at all, but if that is the kind of person you are, then feel free to do it.



Oh, that's all you have to say? C'mon, i know you can do better than this.


Wartale said, AFK on Spawn 5 mins - lost spawn, if you can show proof of it.


However, you said there is no clear rule against it ATM. So, you won't punish anyone regarding this matter.


But what? Why i've got banned? They stayed AFK, them KSed me! But hey, they did a report BEFORE me and, guess what? I've got banned!


So, do you use only visual evidence (screenshots) to ban everyone else around the game? But, you saw by your eyes, i have enough evidence against them, and you prooved me not guilty and removed my KS ban history.


But, how? Where are the fairness here? Do a ban against them but do not put it on log history, like you did against me!


If you were able to BAN me throug fake KS report, justice have to be done. You said quite clear: Untill there is no clear rule against AFK on Spawn, you wouldn't punish anyone. But i've got banned. The lack of your effort to analyze MyHome report, you just punished me by KS directly. You can say, "oh, i wasn't aware of Wartale statement", but if you did a correct analyze on logs, you would be able to see my chatting, saying about Wartale AFK on spawn, also match the time from their last action on the spawn, with my warnings against them AFKing.


But seems it's more quickly and less time consuming to ban only throug screenshots.



I'm acting like a child? Yes! If someone want fair play, equality and justice means acting like a child? Yeah! I'm feelling i'm doing it freely, and to be honest, feel free to call me anything you like.


If you're the kind of person who like to stick with MyHome, then being impartial, so it won't help anything at all, feel free to do it, then i'll shut my mouth up.


But, Wartale, i don't blame you. If you, Wartale and the RPT staff enjoy my suggestion and develop it, you'll not need to work anymore regarding KS. I'll act like a child making your job easier.


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As the rules are now you actually KS'ed Mycra, because there is no saying that you can lose your spawn if you are AFK for x minutes. (I know 3R mentioned it, but actually there is none)

You dc'ed and returned to the spawn, and found Mycra in the spawn. (It's Mycra's spawn).


So, I don't really see a reason why to ban Mycra and the others.


As I mentioned, we are working on a new set of rules which should prevent similar cases like this to develop in a big discussion regarding fairness and whatnot.




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Ok, don't worry, it was my fault relying on Wartale statement. I thought it was he's final position (also the entire staff) against AFK on Spawn, but i wasn't expecting we should wait it to be shown here http://www.realmpt.net/rules


And i'll have insane pleasure letting 6 priestess AFKing on each spawn of AD2, on every server, A, H, Z.



Hope you ban everyone who KS me, exactly as you did against me. Yeah, maybe i'm a child, but i'll enjoy everyone getting banned by you.


Have a nice day.

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we just need to reinforce the rules and put an action into it.. like 1st offense = ban 1 day

2nd offense = 2day ban so on and so fort coz as long as no action has been taken most of those afkers on spawn will insist they own it.. this is without regards to what happen to them.. this is just related to afkers on spawns

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Guest bahamott

As the rules are now you actually KS'ed Mycra, because there is no saying that you can lose your spawn if you are AFK for x minutes. (I know 3R mentioned it, but actually there is none)

You dc'ed and returned to the spawn, and found Mycra in the spawn. (It's Mycra's spawn).


So, I don't really see a reason why to ban Mycra and the others.


As I mentioned, we are working on a new set of rules which should prevent similar cases like this to develop in a big discussion regarding fairness and whatnot.


Kenny you are very arrogant.



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Ok, don't worry, it was my fault relying on Wartale statement. I thought it was he's final position (also the entire staff) against AFK on Spawn, but i wasn't expecting we should wait it to be shown here http://www.realmpt.net/rules


And i'll have insane pleasure letting 6 priestess AFKing on each spawn of AD2, on every server, A, H, Z.



Hope you ban everyone who KS me, exactly as you did against me. Yeah, maybe i'm a child, but i'll enjoy everyone getting banned by you.


Have a nice day.

It wasn't your fault all.


I'm just enforcing the rules as the are now.


I'm concur in that the current set of rules lacks of important information, and maybe even some new rules.


You haven't been treated fair in this case and that is very unfortunate, and therefore are we also discussing how we can improve our current set of rules to create the gameplay more fair adn enjoyable for everyone.


As the rules are now you actually KS'ed Mycra, because there is no saying that you can lose your spawn if you are AFK for x minutes. (I know 3R mentioned it, but actually there is none)

You dc'ed and returned to the spawn, and found Mycra in the spawn. (It's Mycra's spawn).


So, I don't really see a reason why to ban Mycra and the others.


As I mentioned, we are working on a new set of rules which should prevent similar cases like this to develop in a big discussion regarding fairness and whatnot.


Kenny you are very arrogant.



feel free to pm me, if you have anything to tell me.

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Ok, don't worry, it was my fault relying on Wartale statement. I thought it was he's final position (also the entire staff) against AFK on Spawn, but i wasn't expecting we should wait it to be shown here http://www.realmpt.net/rules


And i'll have insane pleasure letting 6 priestess AFKing on each spawn of AD2, on every server, A, H, Z.



Hope you ban everyone who KS me, exactly as you did against me. Yeah, maybe i'm a child, but i'll enjoy everyone getting banned by you.


Have a nice day.

Wartale is right. Where is 3R saying that when a person stays AFK for X minutes, and you have prove of that, the spawn is yours ? He only said that you can kill while the person is AFK.

The post:

You can kill on those spawns as long as you have proof that the other player was AFK for at least 5 minutes.

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This is going to get into debating pointless nonsense that isn't up for players to discuss to begin with as kenni just stated the staff is reconsidering the current rules to correct any current issues.


Vengeance isn't justice, so unfortunately this has to be let go for now even though it's hard to understand. For whoever said kenni is arrogant for saying he is working to help take link's criticism to heart and make any appropriate changes if need be, well I think that speaks for itself. He has a hard job managing reports/modding and I certainly don't envy it. Anyone is free to cite where something is inconsistent or make a complaint, but personally attacking the staff is not going to get that across and it is simply arrogant after all the work most of them do for nothing at all other than to provide a better server for the rest of you to enjoy.



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Ok, don't worry, it was my fault relying on Wartale statement. I thought it was he's final position (also the entire staff) against AFK on Spawn, but i wasn't expecting we should wait it to be shown here http://www.realmpt.net/rules


And i'll have insane pleasure letting 6 priestess AFKing on each spawn of AD2, on every server, A, H, Z.



Hope you ban everyone who KS me, exactly as you did against me. Yeah, maybe i'm a child, but i'll enjoy everyone getting banned by you.


Have a nice day.

Wartale is right. Where is 3R saying that when a person stays AFK for X minutes, and you have prove of that, the spawn is yours ? He only said that you can kill while the person is AFK.

The post:

You can kill on those spawns as long as you have proof that the other player was AFK for at least 5 minutes.


3R just said you can on those spawns while player afk. He didnt mention those is your.

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sry no offence but even though he is a staff member, 3r doesn't exactly handle the support section i found it kinda difficult to take that comment as an absolute fact ??? unless its directly from the people who handle bans or written in the rules its only speculation.


so until thats changed what kenni says is true, theres nothing that those people can be banned for because they're technically doing nothing wrong. its not arrogant to state that, thats just how it is sadly.


There does need to be some sort of revision on the rule asap, it shouldn't be that difficult to add...its good that the sandurr has aknowledged this issue atleast, lets just hope the fix to it isn't far off.

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Like Zero stated this is an unspoken rule that has been around for a long time. If you AFK for some time on a spawn you lose it, that's how it works; that's how it has always worked. But yeah, it's not officially written in the rules and Wartale wasn't aware of it so can't blame him. His job is to reinforce the rules, the problem is that our current rules are very flawed. So we are completely rewriting the rules and trying to come up with in-game mechanisms to fix these problems. luizlink64 I'll read your suggestion to fix kill stealing later, perhaps it could be done. An in-game mechanism to prevent kill stealing is definitely a nice idea. :) If anyone has any other ideas, feel free to shoot.

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sry no offence but even though he is a staff member, 3r doesn't exactly handle the support section i found it kinda difficult to take that comment as an absolute fact ??? unless its directly from the people who handle bans or written in the rules its only speculation.


so until thats changed what kenni says is true, theres nothing that those people can be banned for because they're technically doing nothing wrong. its not arrogant to state that, thats just how it is sadly.


There does need to be some sort of revision on the rule asap, it shouldn't be that difficult to add...its good that the sandurr has aknowledged this issue atleast, lets just hope the fix to it isn't far off.

I don't really understand the whole situation thingy but is this what kenni mean -

If someone afk in a spawn and you have proof that they afk x minutes, you can take it?

Also if the person afk in the spawn, then they won't be ban because they are not doing anything wrong about it? "according to Wartale's statement"

If that's the case wouldn't it be a little bit unfair? What if i log on to like 5 different character and go to someone spawn and just afk there and ruin their exp by keeping the monster separated. I mean if someone is going to afk they need to leave the spawn not sit there and hog it.

I would agree that the person should get a punish, but kenni say there's no rule about this afking thingy. In that case people will probably just go in and afk.

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Also if the person afk in the spawn, then they won't be ban because they are not doing anything wrong about it? "according to Wartale's statement"

If that's the case wouldn't it be a little bit unfair? What if i log on to like 5 different character and go to someone spawn and just afk there and ruin their exp by keeping the monster separated. I mean if someone is going to afk they need to leave the spawn not sit there and hog it.

I would agree that the person should get a punish, but kenni say there's no rule about this afking thingy. In that case people will probably just go in and afk.

thats pretty much how it works, yes...if you see someone afk in spawn and start killing, it doesn't matter...if they happen to come back while you're there and they were there first, they can report you for ksing but nothing happens to them because there is no afk rule, i guess at best you could "borrow" the spawn while they afk there and once they come back be sure to leave before they report you....yea its pretty crappy of people to be so greedy like that..but staff is revising the rules so that in the future people wont be able to afk in spawns to keep them like they do now. an "unspoken rule" is about as helpful as a rule that doesn't exist lol....it will be nice once this new rule actually exists and is enforced  :)

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So, untill nothing is changed, AFK on spawn forever = spawn is your forever.


Enough for me.

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