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Question Regarding Atlantis Town

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Ok, I have no idea if this is a place to post such Question - but I looked and couldnt find any other box that would fit this - so here it is.


Well, I asked Thor and he said there is such thing as an Atlantis Town in rPT. But - how can we get there????  :o


So we need a core  :-\ but other than a core, isn't there another option?


Is there Forest of Mystery ? Where I can just run ???? or at least the monsters there drop Atlantis Cores so lower lvl could go to the town.


:-X anyone? anything?  :-[

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there's no way to go to atlantis without a core & core are sold by GM in town or buy from a player who can bought cores in atlantis npc :D

im selling atm , just 500 k ^^

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Well who's got the best prices huh ;) You can make nice gold out of it and everyone can do it

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Thank you all for reply !


But I posted this days ago !  ;D



Topic close ^_^

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