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Buying a equpiment from Coin Shop!

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I am a mech and I want to buy a level 100 shield and murky using the coin shop. The strength requirement for a MS level 100 shield ranges from 137 to 150. The spirit requirement for MS murky ranges from 64 to 72. I know that the coin shop gives perfect items for a mech. To me, perfect items are lowest stat requirements.

My questions are:

1. Will i get a level 100 MS shield with a strength requirement of 137 or 150?

2. Will i get a murky with spirit requirement of 64 or 72?

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Does this mean along with perfect items, these items will have minimum requirements? For example 64 spirit for murky?

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^ Yes. Perfect items means max defense/abs/dmg/atr with min stats requirements.

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thanks a lot guys, that really clarified things for me for buying items from the coin shop!

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