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It is a dark and mystical place located west of the Priston continent, and his tribe is Sopphetios.


Has anyone ever thought of bringing this new city to PT1? And in case it is very difficult for a developer to dedicate the new tribe?


ps: about the weapons, the characters could then use the same weapons that already exist in the game. 3 New Character could use wand/staff & orb, this items are "universal." Another character might be to use a hammer.


I know that this subject is disturbing, because working with tier 5 is taking too long and is hard... Imagine creating a new character, or in the case four new chars?


What is your opinion about RoxaFortress and Sopphetios?

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If you want to get PT1 stuff to PT2 to make it cool, that's good.


If you want to get PT2 stuff to PT1 to make it sucks like that, that's bad.


Isn't it already fine with 8 classes? ._.

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I find it interesting to have new classes. Not Necessarily equal Those of PT2 (Which are horrible.) That's why I Asked your opinion.


And I do not know, but seems that helion has inspirations to have PT2, then it seems to be a good thing. Let's see when it launches :)

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I'm happy with just 8 characters too. But if the game has no more updates that make me interested so I stop playing. I'm in Realmpt only because of Tier5. (But what about when it is released completely? What will be the next super update?)

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Why superupdates


Train, equip youself, bash the others on PvP, that's pure happiness!


Releasing some weapons and maps from time to time is good enough

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I'd rather remove 3 classes than add 3 new ones. Of course, if you have any ideas for new and interesting/unique/useful skills, shoot. I'd rather see them put to use in our current classes though.

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SHonestly, new maps and new weapons are not interesting things, are necessities to the server when many people have reached a level requirement, or specific. And the server will end up having to increase your xp rate one day and increase the maximum level.


It may be that many people play, play, and prefer the PVP. But others like news as like tier 5. Maybe I was hasty, but when the 100% Tier 5 is launched other servers will abuse this incredible creation, and I would not be surprised if even the official servers buy, or anything like that, the Tier 5.

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I'd rather remove 3 classes than add 3 new ones. Of course, if you have any ideas for new and interesting/unique/useful skills, shoot. I'd rather see them put to use in our current classes though.


yes, is a hard process. I also am studying 3D modeling individually, and I intend to create some 3D models based on existing skins in Priston. If it works I'll share, but I'm still just beginning, I'm an amateur.

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More visual variety for the classes we do have wouldn't hurt. If you want to create more or alternate models/skins for the classes, go right ahead. Making completely new classes with new skills, modified items (for new specs if nothing else) etc. is something very different though.

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SHonestly, new maps and new weapons are not interesting things, are necessities to the server when many people have reached a level requirement, or specific. And the server will end up having to increase your xp rate one day and increase the maximum level.


It may be that many people play, play, and prefer the PVP. But others like news as like tier 5. Maybe I was hasty, but when the 100% Tier 5 is launched other servers will abuse this incredible creation, and I would not be surprised if even the official servers buy, or anything like that, the Tier 5.


These things are incredibly difficult to develop, and you can't expect something like this every month. Of course,wtworks hard to bring new systems to keep users interested and there are no plans to slow those developments. There are things in the works that aren't your typical update of maps/weapons, but entirely new systems that give players more things to do other than grind/pvp. If new maps, weapons or quests don't interest you then sadly no server is going to keep your interest for a very long time. There is only so much any game can do to introduce entirely new things.


As far as new classes I'd say no to that. It is difficult enough trying to make 8 different ones, and as Crius has stated she doesn't even see the need for some of the current ones.



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sry but it made me lol ._.


-dev atleast 1 new map, a town


-assuming they would be creating 4 new charaters, that means: models/animations/skins for each, if they wanted to put the work into it...or they could just follow the trend of ripping of laxe lore models and reskin i suppose o_o


-20 skills per character (t1-t5 @ 4 skills each) so thats 80 new skills + animations


-this would require a consept, storyline (unless you plan on stealing from pt2), etc...


-not to mention editing the client/server itself to add these new elements


this kind of project would take a couple years atleast...looking at it realistically...currently we have 8 chars, the pre existing elements of pt1, and some modifications of course...aside from trying to work in balance and other things on the dev list, t5 as an example has been in dev for a significatant length of time..and thats for and alrdy existin group of classes and its not even completed, could you imaging how long it would be to dev a whole new class+quests+skills+etc? o_o



with that amount of work and dedication they might as well make their own game imo

if anything they could add the male/female mod to existing characters, it would be less work and more practicle to add imo.

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I never said or thought that this was something from night to day.


I hope that before the Teir 5 is ready there is already a new project which I can help.


It is necessary that the servers have their differential to keep someone interested. That's why I gave up the Brazilian official server (bPT ), and others Brazilians server private.


I am here because it was created new items, Atlantis, and has a system of quests that I liked enough particularly speaking, and also has the 5 tier.


I am interested in the server for these reasons, but only when you have new items and no project  is something a bit repetitive, you will only up to pick  new items up and go pvp. I like the quest system and tier 5. :x

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~ ~ Trinitas it's really challenging and difficult. But labor-saving could use cities that already exist, Atlantis is an example of town for new characters.


And since 4 it is very personagnes, only two may be enough.


There are eight characters, and develop the tier 5 to 8 give a total of 32 new skills.


If they were only two characters would be a total of 40 new skills (including animations)


Almost the same number of tier 5. Then put this into perspective it seems that two new characters would take the same time led that the tier 5, or a little more.


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you can't compare adding t5 to adding a whole new class of chars regaurdless of the number of chars lol...look at how much time & work has gone into just those skills on alrdy existing chars...and like i said imagine adding new chars + skills + quests + etc to those new set of chars...its not a practicale idea at all...my aurgument is not so much about time as it is about how much of a waste it is to dev something so elaborate into something that is not even fully theirs lol


and how would adding a new class of characters break away from the repetitvness of the game exacly? quest, skills, bc, sod, hunt, grind...it would be the same...everyone ends up in the same place doing the same thing and it would get boring as it does now and imo it would only create more problems.


i think rpt is doing well enough with having added t5 and new quests to do + new maps, etc, this shows potential for more growth in those areas...i'm sure we'll be seeing new maps, items, quests, even party quests and more to do to keep the game interesting...unlike other servers, rpt has frequent updates and fixes and it would seem this trend works well for them considering they're one of the top/most played p.servers for pt1.

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is really. but it is good to dream a little. =/ I still think all this is not impossible, and that one day happen *-*


maybe, just maybe, the koreanos forget that there PT2 and give due attention to PT1 as in the beginning?

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is really. but it is good to dream a little. =/ I still think all this is not impossible, and that one day happen *-*

no not impossible, but i think it would be kinda silly for a private server to put that amount of work into doing it, but hey its there call i suppose...maybe if it were something the offical server would do it would be cool, then the p.servers could just implement it after.


maybe, just maybe, the koreanos forget that there PT2 and give due attention to PT1 as in the beginning?

yea, i think everyone hopes for that! >.<

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Trinitas, PT2 is a success in Korea?


I say this because no other country has bought the server, the server has only been open a world that went bankrupt and fexou, but was reopened by another company, but still bPT is more popular than the server world.


Has anyone here ever thought of doing a great petition or some sort of movement to ask TRIGLOW Pictures Inc to pay more attention to PT1?


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i haven't played the korean server, idk how successful pt2 is as a whole but its certainly nothing like pt1...i've played the gamekraft server on and off (which apperently is an english/Portugues mix) the game itself is not bad but very cliché..not very original at all, and rly its nothing like pt1 so that was very dissapointing. the community just sucks compared to pt1 in its prime too. apperently subagames is taking on pt2 though O.o watajoke


I would assume as far as a petition is conserned you'd have to contact yd online



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looks good but formulating t5 skills took so long have you imagine how it would be so long to make new class?

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Perhaps the korea realize that success is because style of PT1 (including cameras). PT2 has changed that angle of game. PT2 is a generic game, you'll find numerous games with the same style, I can name a few I've played: PW and WOW.


PT1 is unique.


If Korea realize the time, can re-develop PT1 as developed before PT2 emerging.


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looks good but formulating t5 skills took so long have you imagine how it would be so long to make new class?


maybe oficial server might develop something  yet.

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i agree it would be nice if the original developers worked more on pt1

its so much better than pt2 rly idk wtf they were thinking -.-

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i agree it would be nice if the original developers worked more on pt1

its so much better than pt2 rly idk wtf they were thinking -.-

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pt1 is too outdated, theres too many bugs and flaws also...the whole game would need an overhaul imo. They should have made a pt2 which stayed true to the original.

so imo, they should dump both...bring back the visual aspects of laxe lore seeing as how that actually looked like pt, add some new features like pt2 has (like quests, mounts), but keep much of the gameplay similar to that of pt1 so its actually priston tale this time lol.

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