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Soccer Suit is SOOOO Expensive right now!!

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Soccer Suit price has increased from 250coins to 500coins and now 750coins???? what the???????? it's not even armor... it's too expensive to pay for "fun" in this game now :/

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i bought mine for 400kk



some one fucking screwed me over

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agreed!! and now they (ATA and AS) just running around like a mad dog in PvP and became the 2nd version of Pike, only more chicken and deadly  >:(

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prepare your pockets, price will rise up every week =D


is that for real?????  :o :o :o

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Is it me, or do the prices for xp potions and 3d eyes keep rising as well?

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eveything has own price

now is 750coin. maybe tmr is 1000 coin

hurry up

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Is it me, or do the prices for xp potions and 3d eyes keep rising as well?


i had raised about 2months already... it was 100coins and now 200coins :/

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I prefer like this now, when it was 250 coins nobody wanted to buy, just because the ata/as learned to take advantage of that armor, consequently, the price rise up and now everyone wants to buy.

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prepare your pockets, price will rise up every week =D


is that for real?????  :o :o :o

Who knows? Be prepared, no one knows whats gonna happen. I dunno if it will rise or not, but everyone needs money.

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prepare your pockets, price will rise up every week =D


is that for real?????  :o :o :o

Who knows? Be prepared, no one knows whats gonna happen. I dunno if it will rise or not, but everyone needs money.


True~ AND if that really your name and you at the photo???? you are gorgeous  ::) ::)

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prepare your pockets, price will rise up every week =D


is that for real?????  :o :o :o

Who knows? Be prepared, no one knows whats gonna happen. I dunno if it will rise or not, but everyone needs money.


True~ AND if that really your name and you at the photo???? you are gorgeous  ::) ::)


You know what? Akira is a male name.


And that's a Tifa cosplay. 

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prepare your pockets, price will rise up every week =D


is that for real?????  :o :o :o

Who knows? Be prepared, no one knows whats gonna happen. I dunno if it will rise or not, but everyone needs money.


True~ AND if that really your name and you at the photo???? you are gorgeous  ::) ::)


You know what? Akira is a male name.


And that's a Tifa cosplay.


OMG freaking god!!!!  :-[ :-[ :-[ Thanks for the heads up  :'( :'( now i'm embarrassed <_< >_>

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