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Split Jav?

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Do anyone still use split jav anymore?


It's a pretty neat skill if it wasn't for the delay.(Maybe someone should suggest that GM removes the delay =p)


Do most people just use Vengeance for hunting?


In addition, does HOV and force orbs add to the attack of Vengeance and Split jav??


Kind of sucks to see auto mech killing faster than us using Vengeance... is that normal?


Cheers :)



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Yes, automech kills fast since they have no skills to PvP with nor do they tank like an ata.


People still use split javelin, all the time in fact. The delay won't be removed because the skill is stupid strong, removing the delay would be like removing the delay on charging strike.


Force orb should add quite a bit of damage to those skills.

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I see I see cool.


Ok, now can anyone explain how come Extreme rage is better than Storm jav?


I can't help but feel that extreme rage is not really that powerful >_> even at lvl10

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I see I see cool.


Ok, now can anyone explain how come Extreme rage is better than Storm jav?


I can't help but feel that extreme rage is not really that powerful >_> even at lvl10


Extreme rage has the area of diastrophism, so it's a great area skill and easy to aim to hit essentially all the monsters in range. Storm javelin only hits in a line, so it requires setting up monsters and leaves the ata vulnerable since you're wide open during an animation that hits twice. The time you spend moving around to either lure monsters or get to the position most effective for storm javelin wastes time and you lose overall DPS. Storm is also only 100% at level 10 and extreme rage is 140%, although storm hits twice, extreme rage's animation is still quite fast and hits near the same rate I imagine.

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