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How to Upload Images

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As the Subject says... Let's go:


1 ) Go to ImageShack ( www.imageshack.us ).


2 ) Click on "Browse..." and select the image that you wanna upload.


There you'll also find the box to resize the imagem if you want to...


3 ) Click on "start upload!".


4 ) A new page will open, then you'll find a Link followed by "Direct link to image", just Copy this one.


5 ) Now just type [ img ]YourDirectLinkToImageHere[ /img ]



No spaces between the [], of course...



You can do the same with every image, you just need to find the direct link to it ( to know if that's the direct one, just use it and check if the page that will open you show ONLY the image, the rest of the page should be blank or wathever is the color that your browser got when it's empty ).


If you use PhotoBucket ( www.photobucket.com ), you just need to copy the Link called "IMG Code", it already comes with the code to show the image here, so you just need to paste.


If you any other image that you saw in the internet, just right-click on it and go to "Properties", there you'll find the Direct Link to that image.


Remember direct links shows only the file, then this link will have the extension of the file; it can be .jpeg, .bmp, .tag...


If the link doesn't have any of these ext., then there's a high of possibility of not being the right link ;D


Before replying or making a thread, click on "Preview", besides the "Save", to check how everything you typed will be, then you'll see the image if you didn't do anything wrong.


I hope it helps ;x

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maybe, tell how people take a screenshot :P


Not everyone knows that

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