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[Patch 3246] Discussion

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Changelog Patch 3246:


  • Several new Monster Crystals and a new Monster Crystal droprate (on website soon)!
  • New Boss Sheltom: Fury Sheltom, dropped by Fury in CT3
  • 1.Lucifer Ring, the Fallen Angel Boss Ring, has a new image
  • Bellatra (SoD 2) solo scores are only added to the Ranking Score Board if you were alone in the arena during the whole round
  • Force Orbs time now freeze in town!
  • EXP Map Bosses now spawn each hour instead of every 3 hours
  • Party Quest 'Undead Miner' reduced the amount of Undead Miners kills needed from 70 to 50
  • Country Soccer Suits are now available in Coin Shop
  • A crash bug in T5 skills Inner Soul and Gravitation has been solved
  • Christmas Event ends


Patch will be released Saturday evening


1.What ?!  ???

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New drop item image / skin






Good one, but i was waiting for Archer T5 =/ AT least we will not keep falling into ricarten's ground xD

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Gotta admit that old Lucifer Ring image seemed really noobish to me.

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Well, since Lucifer ring was released when Tulla was released I though that it was a "Tulla Ring'' not a ''Lucifer Ring''.

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Sounds good. But yea, some archer T5 skills would be nice next time...

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Sounds good. But yea, some archer T5 skills would be nice next time...





Force Orbs time now freeze in town!

EXP Map Bosses now spawn each hour instead of every 3 hours



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Lucifer Ring, the Fallen Angel Boss Ring, has a new image


We have Fury Sheltom, drop from Fury, Tulla Amulet drop from Tulla, I think Lucifer Ring should have a new name  ;D

for ex: Angel Ring  ::)


Country Soccer Suits are now available in Coin Shop


Can we change our soccer suit to country soccer suite for free?  or how much coins for it ? ::)


Bellatra (SoD 2) solo scores are only added to the Ranking Score Board if you were alone in the arena during the whole round


Its hard to go solo  :'( but I like it  ;D


Several new Monster Crystals and a new Monster Crystal droprate (on website soon)!

Force Orbs time now freeze in town!

Party Quest 'Undead Miner' reduced the amount of Undead Miners kills needed from 70 to 50


+1  ;D

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Lucifer Ring, the Fallen Angel Boss Ring, has a new image


We have Fury Sheltom, drop from Fury, Tulla Amulet drop from Tulla, I think Lucifer Ring should have a new name  ;D

for ex: Angel Ring

What is a fallen angel?


Lucifer fits it perfectly.

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Party Quest 'Undead Miner' reduced the amount of Undead Miners kills needed from 70 to 50


I don't think it should be made easier than before, reason being: This is the hardest map in the game lvl 128 or + map and everybody is strong enough to take or seek to take difficult quest. So, why make it so easy???? As far as the way it's now, it is achievable and great challenge.


Anyway, just really hope it would be heard.



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Party Quest 'Undead Miner' reduced the amount of Undead Miners kills needed from 70 to 50


I don't think it should be made easier than before, reason being: This is the hardest map in the game lvl 128 or + map and everybody is strong enough to take or seek to take difficult quest. So, why make it so easy???? As far as the way it's now, it is achievable and great challenge.


Anyway, just really hope it would be heard.



Really ? Nobody can do this party without priest atm.

The way it's now no one wants do it in fact, take too much time, you need a good party, the reward isn't so good and you have the risk to not even accomplish it. And we all know the drop rate from these undead isn't so great.

This is a very cool way to get exp, but there's only two kind of monster you can kill, so if you do this quest all day long you'll get easily bored, think they could change this. Maybe something like this:

"You and your party must hunt 20 Undead Miners and 70 other monsters (any other kind of monster, except Undead Miner)."

This way the quest would still be challenging, but much funnier becouse you wouldn't need run the whole map after those undeads.

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Yes! Nice, really nice patch :D I love it! SoD 2 haha^^ nice idea :D


+1 for archer skills pls :D


Greets Aceee

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whens this happening? did it already happen?


look at news section

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Party Quest 'Undead Miner' reduced the amount of Undead Miners kills needed from 70 to 50


I don't think it should be made easier than before, reason being: This is the hardest map in the game lvl 128 or + map and everybody is strong enough to take or seek to take difficult quest. So, why make it so easy???? As far as the way it's now, it is achievable and great challenge.


Anyway, just really hope it would be heard.



Really ? Nobody can do this party without priest atm.

The way it's now no one wants do it in fact, take too much time, you need a good party, the reward isn't so good and you have the risk to not even accomplish it. And we all know the drop rate from these undead isn't so great.

This is a very cool way to get exp, but there's only two kind of monster you can kill, so if you do this quest all day long you'll get easily bored, think they could change this. Maybe something like this:

"You and your party must hunt 20 Undead Miners and 70 other monsters (any other kind of monster, except Undead Miner)."

This way the quest would still be challenging, but much funnier becouse you wouldn't need run the whole map after those undeads.


Mate, my clan did this with only 5 members and no prs (time left less than 2mins). So the fact is, you are wrong.


Moreover, "Just stand there and kill, then quest completed" <---- I don't know about you but it sounds dead boring to me. Might as well spend time in exp map, dont you think???


If all of the future quests are as requested to be easily done, and then players are demanding for more quests. Does it make any sense?


Anyway, you are entitled to your own opinions and maybe you are a taker. I just hope the quest can stay still but I guess complain always work. Good on you

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Mate, my clan did this with only 5 members and no prs (time left less than 2mins). So the fact is, you are wrong.


Moreover, "Just stand there and kill, then quest completed" <---- I don't know about you but it sounds dead boring to me. Might as well spend time in exp map, dont you think???


If all of the future quests are as requested to be easily done, and then players are demanding for more quests. Does it make any sense?


Anyway, you are entitled to your own opinions and maybe you are a taker. I just hope the quest can stay still but I guess complain always work. Good on you

Your clannies did it with 5 ? Well, that's simply luck. Sometimes we run that whole map and don't find a single undead, sometimes we get 5 together, that's how things work. And you can't say I'm wrong basing youself in one single example, this doesn't happen regularly.

I dunno, After all, this a exp quest, so why not stand in one spawn killing the mobs ? Running after undeads, luring in people, I don't like this, dunno you, but the fact is it's not good for those who just want to stand there hunting.

I think priest have enough advantages in getting exp, and my experiences doing this quest show it is almost impossible do it without at least one, with this new setting it'll be easier for those who don't have a priest in party. Anyway, I still think this quest isn't good, but there will be probably more quests in future.

Btw, people who goes to ice mine wants get items, they don't want get exp there, that's why I suggested some changes in this quest, since those undeads drops only sheltons and some craps (low drop rate). Would be cool if we could hunt and get exp at the same time, got it ? But maybe in future, who knows.

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