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sod broads

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why are the sod broad so slow now? and yes i know they changed it, but it shows score slow now if it even puts it on there

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lol lucky for me i didnt get that high LOL but i should be on the broad

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i got 6.4kk and it no show i know its not a lot but still counts  :'(

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my 7.8 never showed up >:( and there is a new person on the broad now too.

]GM why it not showing up

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Do you mean the scoreboard up in the top right corner of the forum?

That scoreboard updates every hour.


Also remember that a solo scored will only get printed if you are alone in the room the whole time.

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Do you mean the scoreboard up in the top right corner of the forum?

That scoreboard updates every hour.


Also remember that a solo scored will only get printed if you are alone in the room the whole time.

yes i know.. i did a solo last nite. scored 7.8 and it never got on. i did take a SS if you wanna see it.

i know it not a huge score but i kinda messed up some but still got it  ;D


i wonder if this happened to other people too

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my prs score isn't up there as well.  i was the only one in the room when sod started.  if i remember correctly i got at least 6.4kk.  another thing i can think of is that i used a crystal and i dunno if that doesn't count as solo?

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my prs score isn't up there as well.  i was the only one in the room when sod started.  if i remember correctly i got at least 6.4kk.  another thing i can think of is that i used a crystal and i dunno if that doesn't count as solo?


thats a good question, but it would be crazy if it didnt count just cuz we used a xtal.

if that is the case only mechs stand a chance at the broads.

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I know mages who can tank the whole SoD, for sure they're not the best tankers ever.


So this argument saying just mechs will deal with this new solo score system fail pretty bad.

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yes i know that some mags and other classes can tank r7 fine i dont have to use a xtal in r7 but it does help take part of the beating. but i KNOW they not going to tank R8. and i was happy about the new scoring. adds some more fun to it. i like goin in solo. but you show me a mage that tanks r8 with no prob and ill show you a hacker

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Wich part of "whole SoD" wasn't clear for you, may I ask?


I don't give even the slighest possibility that I was talking about r7 at maximum.



If you're not good enough to do the same, don't blame the class, blame yourself.

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If you're not good enough to do the same, don't blame the class, blame yourself.



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dont pop off the month.. i was only asking....


and death666 you dont even need to say a word. you have NEVER been on ANY broad. dont get all mad cuz i beat you over and over after you talked trash

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dont pop off the month.. i was only asking....


and death666 you dont even need to say a word. you have NEVER been on ANY broad. dont get all mad cuz i beat you over and over after you talked trash


... whoa easy there fella jumpin the gun a bit there are ya?!?!?!?!  Calm down just remeber its a game

Oh and daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang u sure do talk tuff behind ur screen there dude in which im 100% calm and not complaining nor using vulgar language


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I did SOD solo from start to finish with no crystals and my score didnt show on the boards

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ok buddy merry christmas to you  ;D have a nice day


:o umm TY  ???


Post in Bug Report .... = faster response from GM

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Hey guys, this mean the score only is counted if we are solo and not use any crystal??


I don't see the point here. The crystal is not A PLAYER, why it still count as A PLAYER?

The crystal is A PET, not A PLAYER, and in my opinion, when we use a pet to support, it still should be counted as SOLO.

(Imagining that the score doesn't update your name because you use Phoenix Pet LOL and what? If you want to do a solo score you have to wait your Phoenix Pet expired ?!)


OR the SOD solo broad is bug?

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Even if crystals did count as a player, it wouldn't be just mechs on the boards. It's not like you HAVE to fight, if you did, then I'd agree only mechs stand a real chance atm. Learn to be a track star for r8 and your problems are solved.

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you dont understand what we are saying. i went all the way. i posted a SS that shows it. yes i used a xtal, and if thats the reason why im not on the broad then why isnt OwinMech on it? he did it without xtals, and had a score to put him on the broads but it didnt.


but please dont be misled, all im tryin to do here is get answers to why. ill be happy to go back and try again, in fact i love SoD and i will still do it no matter what.

but what is wrong is what i want to know, thats all. is it xtals is it a bug i dont know. i just hope a GM will come and answer my question.


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you dont understand what we are saying. i went all the way. i posted a SS that shows it. yes i used a xtal, and if thats the reason why im not on the broad then why isnt OwinMech on it? he did it without xtals, and had a score to put him on the broads but it didnt.


but please dont be misled, all im tryin to do here is get answers to why. ill be happy to go back and try again, in fact i love SoD and i will still do it no matter what.

but what is wrong is what i want to know, thats all. is it xtals is it a bug i dont know. i just hope a GM will come and answer my question.


Boards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but yeah ive had the same issue and earlier u was wrong i held the 2nd place rank for mage on pvp for a good amount of time so just sssssh just cause u in Heretics dont mean u have to stoop to there lvl and act like a immature child from what i heard gm will Fix it in the nxt patch (GM Wartale words)


Btw i dont mean to point out the fine points of the game but if i remeber right u beat me when i had 2hd on and ur 3 lvls up on me + u donate for stuff so umm yeah when i get ur lvl even with my hunted non donated items i would love to beat ur little fake character in pvp Just tell me when ur done with ur moms  t*t and ill head to PVP (when my lvlin is complete)


Yes GM this is a bit Harsh wording but him and this Heretics (srry no offense to Heretics at all its a well structured clan but like 3 ppl in there are just messin up my whole game experience) clan been runnin there mouths pretty much since i started Rpt so dont do to much to me ok He just been callin for it and i dont have ss to prove it but yeah This guy bout as low as they get (Personal Opinion) u a older dude still acting like u 14


Yes for those who want to defend and have no ammo for a hateful comment Yes my English sucks im not the best in punctuation or spellin big effin deal


You should not complain that he beat u with ur 2 hand weapon or for any other reason because every time you and him went to BC it was on ur challenge and he was not 3 lvls up on you then he was 1 lvl up on you and you got beat.

This topic is not about you and him in BC its about SOD so stop being petty and keep on topic.





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you dont understand what we are saying. i went all the way. i posted a SS that shows it. yes i used a xtal, and if thats the reason why im not on the broad then why isnt OwinMech on it? he did it without xtals, and had a score to put him on the broads but it didnt.


but please dont be misled, all im tryin to do here is get answers to why. ill be happy to go back and try again, in fact i love SoD and i will still do it no matter what.

but what is wrong is what i want to know, thats all. is it xtals is it a bug i dont know. i just hope a GM will come and answer my question.


Boards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but yeah ive had the same issue and earlier u was wrong i held the 2nd place rank for mage on pvp for a good amount of time so just sssssh just cause u in Heretics dont mean u have to stoop to there lvl and act like a immature child from what i heard gm will Fix it in the nxt patch (GM Wartale words)


Btw i dont mean to point out the fine points of the game but if i remeber right u beat me when i had 2hd on and ur 3 lvls up on me + u donate for stuff so umm yeah when i get ur lvl even with my hunted non donated items i would love to beat ur little fake character in pvp Just tell me when ur done with ur moms  t*t and ill head to PVP (when my lvlin is complete)


Yes GM this is a bit Harsh wording but him and this Heretics (srry no offense to Heretics at all its a well structured clan but like 3 ppl in there are just messin up my whole game experience) clan been runnin there mouths pretty much since i started Rpt so dont do to much to me ok He just been callin for it and i dont have ss to prove it but yeah This guy bout as low as they get (Personal Opinion) u a older dude still acting like u 14


Yes for those who want to defend and have no ammo for a hateful comment Yes my English sucks im not the best in punctuation or spellin big effin deal


You should not complain that he beat u with ur 2 hand weapon or for any other reason because every time you and him went to BC it was on ur challenge and he was not 3 lvls up on you then he was 1 lvl up on you and you got beat.

This topic is not about you and him in BC its about SOD so stop being petty and keep on topic.


(Read before u pick something out trying to sound important) Plz dont defend your boyfriend i dont care he beat my game character its the fact he still talkin smack after its all been said and done just rubbing it in wanting to sound hardcore behind his CPU

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he is not my boyfriend he is my brother and you just like to pick at people till they dont like you then you move on to someone else. We were good to you for a long time and you were unloyal to your friends and your clan and you wonder why people talk to you the way they do. Have you ever stopped to think why you go through so many clans and friends? Its called unloyalty on your part. Dont try to be tough when you have no way to back it up. You talk just as much if not more smack than anyone else so dont get mad when it gets put back on you in return. I cant count the times you taunted him in the clan chat about comming to BC and every time he came he beat you but still you taunted him more and more to come to BC. I think he has as much right to "Talk Smack" just like you do when you beat some one. Its only fair.

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been said in another topic sod board sopposed to be fixed next patch.. seems there was is a bug...


man.. some people really dont need to play some games...


why get so personal and so angry over.. virtual space!!!


but again trolllllolololololololol


topic already needs to be closed or muoved to spam... or whining.. not sure which..lol

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