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Vigor Ball Formula, keep it lvl 1! ?

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So I looked at the vigor ball formula at the page, it says:


Lvl 1:  50(+Wp/2 +Min Wand Dmg x 2) - 70 (+Wp +Max Wand Dmg x 2)


With my stats:


Wp: 475

MinW: 49

MaxW: 55


I couldn't get the result I see in my skill while ingame,


50(+1048) - 70(+1060)


Finally I got the formula right,


50+((Wp+MinW)*2) - 70+((Wp+MaxW)*2)


So ATM with VB lvl 1,


Dmg = 1098 - 1130


If VB lvl 10,


Dmg = 1278 - 1310



A total  of 16% increase in dmg, do you think its worth it?  :)



BTW - the greater your WP, minW, maxW the lesser the increase :)



correct me if i'm wrong please.......


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Guest BloodBrothers

So I looked at the vigor ball formula at the page, it says:


Lvl 1:  50(+Wp/2 +Min Wand Dmg x 2) - 70 (+Wp +Max Wand Dmg x 2)


With my stats:


Wp: 75

MinW: 49

MaxW: 55


I couldn't get the result I see in my skill while ingame,


50(+1048) - 70(+1060)


Finally I got the formula right,


50+((Wp+MinW)*2) - 70+((Wp+MaxW)*2)


So ATM with VB lvl 1,


Dmg = 1098 - 1130


If VB lvl 10,


Dmg = 1278 - 1310



A total  of 16% increase in dmg, do you think its worth it?  :)



BTW - the greater your WP, minW, maxW the lesser the increase :)



correct me if i'm wrong please.......

Depens m8 what level are you low level = Vigor ball 1 high level is Vigor ball 10;)

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I prefer Multi Spark lvl 10 '-'

Lol Vigor bal is better


Yes, more Mult Spark is much faster ,there is not much difference :)

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Unless you have a very high weapon power to spirit ratio (by which I pretty much mean a perfect 120 +20 staff with minimum spirit required to equip it), then VB will generally do better than MS. Best cast scenario for MS, they do about equal average damage. MS has a wider possible damage range though. If you have anything but the best weapon and absolute minimum spirit or if you use sheltom forces to add WP, then go with VB.

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So I did more math,


the % added dmg of taking VB from 1 to 10 depends of your actual sum of WP, MinW, MaxW, the formula treats this tree factors the same way, 1 increase in spirit will add the same amount for 1 increase in 1 in MinW  (BTW: following this, forces do NOT work with VB (haven't test it)).


WP  - % of dmg increase of leveling Vb from 1 to 10


28    -  84%     

550  -  14%

1000 -  8%



Another issue is that the tier 5 first skill wont add dmg to VB or any other skill, it is completely useless while solo.

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Don't forget that it hits twice, the final damge difference will be bigger for each cast.


Also, what would you trade the ~300-400 dmg for? Heal? I rather do 300-400 more dmg than level a useless skill.


Besides, it is not like VB lvl 10 drains your mana/stm realy bad, you can cast it for ages without potting.

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With reservations for being wrong, I think Divine Force actually does add damage to VB. I'm not sure how or how much, but I do vaguely remember testing it quickly and concluding that it made a difference. Just reset your spirit, use a really weak wand, and try it with L1 VB, and the extra damage from DF should make a visible difference.

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With reservations for being wrong, I think Divine Force actually does add damage to VB. I'm not sure how or how much, but I do vaguely remember testing it quickly and concluding that it made a difference. Just reset your spirit, use a really weak wand, and try it with L1 VB, and the extra damage from DF should make a visible difference.


Divine force increases the damage of all 1 v 1 skills like a force does, but does not add any damage to any AoE skill [like IM].

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Don't forget that it hits twice, the final damge difference will be bigger for each cast.


Also, what would you trade the ~300-400 dmg for? Heal? I rather do 300-400 more dmg than level a useless skill.


Besides, it is not like VB lvl 10 drains your mana/stm realy bad, you can cast it for ages without potting.


Hey I completely forgot the hiting twice thing, so I guess is not that bad after all, good point.


With reservations for being wrong, I think Divine Force actually does add damage to VB. I'm not sure how or how much, but I do vaguely remember testing it quickly and concluding that it made a difference. Just reset your spirit, use a really weak wand, and try it with L1 VB, and the extra damage from DF should make a visible difference.


I hope it does, since in the ingame formula the casting of divine force does not change the dmg. I'll try your test.

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