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Doritos é Gay!!!






Gz clan GLS

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Hello Friends!


Doritos é Gay!!!






Gz clan GLS

gzzzzzzzzzzzz supremos, é tetra!

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Tô acostumado já a ficar com a coroa quatro semanas consecutivas...  8)

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ohkito" post="444592" timestamp="1352670374"]

Tô acostumado já a ficar com a coroa quatro semanas consecutivas...  8)

+1  8)

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A kinda bad from us, making them use translator to understand what we are talking about.


Sorry, ziLd.  :(

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I said that, but I don't care! HAHAHAHAHA  ;D



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You are lying! you care! otherwise, you would not have quoted a post of mine in Portuguese and replied using English with a completely understanding of what I was talking about.



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e cadê a uma hora restante? o bc durou 2 horas, rapaz!


O video ta em 2x se você olhou caro piaui.....


1:01 x2 = 2:02 hrs

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Ae negada, um "pequeno" video do bc mitico de hj xD



Não gostei não, prefiro os do tequila. '-'




Vlws bicha<33

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Cadê o video? Cackto emo

O vídeo do BC teve que ficar "privado" por motivos de força maior.


Daqui a uns dias (se minha internet deixar) vou estar upando o vídeo do BC do dia 28/10 (no privado também, pra evitar).

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well people i decide to leave the clan, im the ata mettawolrdpeace, i decide to leave clan because i dont have time to go to siege, when i join i talk with zurtan and told him about my situation, but now i have some changes at university and i cant be at time for siege or much time on, so i decide to left my site for another one who can help clan better than me!


so thank for all and good luck with bc tomorrow!



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