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About Enchant Weapon

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After patch EW received an update, with it, questions about this skill.


1. The elemental damage is added at the end?

Example:Death Ray / 400 sipirit / Oracle wand 40-46

(+spirit/2 +min wand AP*4 + EWmin) - (+spirit +max wand AP*4 + EWmax)

(+400/2 + 40*4 + 30) - (+400 + 46*4 + 50) = 390 - 634

Or if it is coupled with the attack power

(+spirit/2 +[min wand AP + EWmin]*4) -65 (+spirit +[max wand AP + EWmax]*4)

(+400/2 + 70*4) - (+400 + 96*4) = 480 - 784


2. Damage ice freezes using skills? or just normal attacks?

Example: If I use Death Ray and EW with damage ice, will freeze it?


3. Will Power would be an additional Spirit?

Example: 100 Will Power = 100 Spirit


100 Will Power = more 100 Damage Final


Att. Avernus

Sorry for my english

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100 will power is like 100 spirit, so just calculate skills like you have 100 more spirit than you actually do.


Ice will only freeze if you normal attack, it will not freeze if you use a skill.


Death ray is additionally boosted by the amount of fire/ice/lightning damage on EW, other skills are only boosted by the 100 WP boost.

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