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Tell me how do u feel when u see some1's selling a spawn spot at EXP map??

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this kind of ppls are really bad. pls make rule to stop them doing that.

hope everyone has a chance to get a good spawn to exp.



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It's their spawn until they leave it, they can do whatever they want with it, as long as they are still fighting on it :)

Money buys everything, and you gotta deal with it.

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It's their spawn until they leave it, they can do whatever they want with it, as long as they are still fighting on it :)

Money buys everything, and you gotta deal with it.

strong agree!  but make sure Gm offers us plenty of spawns.

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I agree with OP.  And honestly, anyone who doesn't has completely lost the good spirit of this game.  Selling a spawn is FUKIN RIDICULOUS!!  You have no ownership over it, you are just a player using it for good exp.  Allowing people to sell spawns causes greediness and poor attitudes towards other players.  If thats what you want to encourage, then by all means, allow it.


+1 for 1 day ban of anyone who thinks they can sell a spawn.

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You guys are totally wrong !  there is noting about selling spawns!  those trainers are selling their labours.They help u train charas then get gold from u ,  unless u can shut down all the exp services!


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It's their spawn until they leave it, they can do whatever they want with it, as long as they are still fighting on it :)

Money buys everything, and you gotta deal with it.

+1 to this hawt fellow.



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You guys are totally wrong !  there is noting about selling spawns!  those trainers are selling their labours.They help u train charas then get gold from u ,  unless u can shut down all the exp services!



im not talking about EXP service or Exper,try to look around more carefully before u say something from ur mouth.I'm talking about those who try to sell their spawn spot for Gold or just for their leaving so they can earn some profit for their own greediness.And i'm totally against them.


What kind of game is this,U have to prepare some gold just to buy EXP??? Wartale made EXP maps for every1 not for some kind of losers who always in hurry and rush to take all the spawns,camps,stay all day and shouting in trade chat that they're selling them for gold.


Why do they do that?? Because it's a way to make some gold of course.And if u pay for them,of course they'll have more reason to do it again and again.I'd rather save my gold to buy high level items or good stuffs from the others than paying for that kind of people.All of u can consider this as a problem why u cant sell ur stuffs,because players almost run out of gold or wasted them just for a spawn spot.This's RIDICULOUS!

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It's their spawn until they leave it, they can do whatever they want with it, as long as they are still fighting on it :)

Money buys everything, and you gotta deal with it.

+1 to this hawt fellow.



that's the way u ruin and bring unfair to the game.

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all i gotta say is; they better be making some more spawns or exp maps or they be losing some players

quite frankly many people are frustrated by selling/buying spawns, its the most retarded idea ever

and its not even the "greedy" people, though there are such people, they are not the problem in this case.

the problem here is there are way too many high levels, solution; make more exp maps or expand the current exp maps to a larger size

rpt is a game thus partly a stress reliever, a getaway from the daily stresses of life. yet we come home from work to have to deal with virtual currency of nonsensical "spawn selling"


Making more EXP maps without new rule just solve the problem in short time.i'm sure with u if that hapeens then the number of them will increase without doubt.In mean time everything comes back to zero

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i lol'd when i saw someone advertising spawn in trade chat...thats one of the lamest things to date srsly...


i think its rediculous that someone would actually sit there and sell a spawn however, simple solution to this, don't support it....someone selling a spawn, don't buy it lol, if they have no supporters then they have no business. i don't think it calls for a new rule lol, that sounds just as silly to me as the selling :3

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Since have no rule about it, you can sell the spawn and don't leave it and get no punishment for do this.


Just imagine players reporting each other for being ''scamed'' for buy the spawn and the seller doesn't leave.


What will happen ?  ???


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ohkito" post="430809" timestamp="1326699350"]

Since have no rule about it, you can sell the spawn and don't leave it and get no punishment for do this.


Just imagine players reporting each other for being ''scamed'' for buy the spawn and the seller doesn't leave.


What will happen ?  ???


regardless of the context thats a scam

i assume it would be reported the same way as any other scam so long as theres valiad proof (ss of convo + ss of the transaction i guess).

7. Scamming - Do not scam other players

You must not deceive other players with false promises with the intent to get their items, account infomation or anything for that matter. Breaking this rule can result in complete exclusion from the game

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That's what I was suspecting, but, we should set in what rule the punishment will be aplied.


Scam it's equal a permanent ban.But, everything related to the MAPs are considered something like [bad Behaviour]. The GM's judgement will be under which rule ?


Doesn't matter if you consider it as just a info but, if the cases be processed under one rule the people will have no reason for complain about the punishment that they got.

But, if the GM's judgement be based on two rules,the players will starts to argue why the player X got just a temp ban while the player Y got permanent ban.

This won't be a cosistent thing.


They should think how they will process now it, for be fair with everyone.

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sounds odd..

but it's legal..


life goes on !!

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EXP map means to gain EXP only(Except Dagaz) not for selling or buying.I think it would be great if GM make EXP maps only drop HP,Stamina,MP Potion and Dagaz and dont drop gold.Give a warning and ban those who try to sell their spawn spot for gold,Players can make report about who ask or try to sell spawn spot for gold to Wartale.


Thats a good idea. I like this +1!!!


that's a excellent idea!. +2

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Guest BloodBrothers

If some1 wants to sell me a spot at a XP map, I will kill him over and over again in BC :),

but the problem is I never XP..... xD only from level 1 to 60 hahahah 8)

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