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New Rules

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Hello :)


As you might have noticed, we’ve been working on new rules and the new rules which you can find on the website now apply.

You can find the new rules here: http://www.realmpt.net/rules


The rules have been translated into the 4 different languages we support. You can change language by clicking on one of the flags in the top right corner.


We have made every effort to keep the new rules simple and to the point. Each headline summarizes the rule, click on it that get a more detailed explanation of the rule.


Thank you to all the external translators kunkkavn, ceh89, tommylizard, and arturo2366.


Wartale Staff

- "A good conscience is a soft pillow"


It states, bug abuse will be punished. Does this also include laggers?


If yes, GOODBYE to half the MyHome clan XDDD


oow wait, i was dreaming, nothing will be done against them ofc, too much donatinho's come trough them ( xp service :o )

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Bug abuse was always on the rules... I can remember rare times that kind of stuff was punished.

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