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[tell me about to buy an account]

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I want to know how to buy an account ?

For example : i am ok with a player who sell an account (ok for chart and ok for price).


Somebody tell me :

* First i pay the owner of the account.

* and secondly he tell me ID and Pass.

Is-it right ?

And if something wrong happend ? Scam or anything else ?


What can i do ?

* post SS on the forum ? GM help me to recover the price i payed ? Seller ban ?

Thanks for your answer.





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I want to know how to buy an account ?

For example : i am ok with a player who sell an account (ok for chart and ok for price).


Somebody tell me :

* First i pay the owner of the account.

* and secondly he tell me ID and Pass.

Is-it right ?

And if something wrong happend ? Scam or anything else ?


What can i do ?

* post SS on the forum ? GM help me to recover the price i payed ? Seller ban ?

Thanks for your answer.


yes. Always make a screen shot for a trading for an evidence. then  report to GM's if  someone will scam you.

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RPT does not support account selling/buying.


i might be wrong.

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RPT does not support account selling/buying.


i might be wrong.

so why they banned players for scamming accounts?  in a way for trading account and selling,  lots of players  account got  banned for scamming account for trading and selling.  Think of it 8)


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because scamming in any possible way is an abuse, whether it is anitems, coins, ACCOUNTS, think of it.

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because scamming in any possible way is an abuse, whether it is anitems, coins, ACCOUNTS, think of it.


SO it means they support selling and trading of accounts and other items  on this server!!. it's  easy to understand Wew! 8)


if they not supporting any trading and selling for accounts they will not do any action for banning! wew 8)

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because scamming in any possible way is an abuse, whether it is anitems, coins, ACCOUNTS, think of it.


Ex;  Abusing for trading and selling  account or items ,Resulted to player got scammed. = report it. Gm's  will have an action  warn or ban the scammer right?


So it means, GM's and  stuff supported the  trading and selling of accounts or items here,


Bkit ba may nag rereport pa kapag na scam? wew ang simple. 8)



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haha, ur a self proclaim smart ass dude, they have mentioned it before that they do not support such things, your saying why people get banned for scamming? because it's under abuse, you abuse someone about their trust and you fucked up, it is not supported, once you scammed accnt is traded to somebody else, say good bye to ur accnt, u won't get any support anymore, get jur fucking character back at ur own risk for u are the one responsible, ur asking too why they banned scammers? they do yes, but it is called CONSIDERATION, they don't support it, but if they can still track it, they will have to consider it, anymore?

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me: do you support accnt trading and selling?

kenni: no we don't.


hey smart ass up there who keep saying it's simple, u got PWNED?

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Thanks for all your answer.

I see different answer and i dont know the reality or what do GM in the case of scam in this case.



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RPT does not support account selling/buying.

i might be wrong.


no you're not wrong but trade or buy at  your own risk

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We do not support account trading. However if you want to report a scammer we would be happy to ban him/her. Probably a "him" oO

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We do not support account trading. However if you want to report a scammer we would be happy to ban him/her. Probably a "him" oO


Probably, yes. Hmmhh...!

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