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Like or Dislike myhome

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Another useless topic


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Views and opinions that are generally considered offensive, racist, sexist or hateful in nature may be subject to moderation and punishment. The staff is trying to provide a fairly open environment where posters can share their views, but if their views or the way they are expressed are offensive to other posters or groups of people in general, then action will be taken against the offender.

Make use of common sense.

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If you want to criticize anyone's suggestion, anyone's work or the server itself, do it in a constructive way. Criticism is allowed, but it must be constructive criticism. Destructive criticism is useless and frowned upon. We will not tolerate it if done repeatedly or intentionally to ruin other people's experience here.

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A clan is not a suggestion, a work or even the server.


This do not apply to here.





Oh well, if you're going to think that way I'm gonna make a list of all people that said they don't like me...


That's not constructive!

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i dont see this as arguement...


hehehzz.. they always say their members are lack of English ability, "Like and Dislike" is as simple as it can be. I want to see if their members are really that loyalty and love their clan REALLY as they claimed. Or just there to get benefits, eg: exp service (either paid through server or knock on their friend next door, you know what that mean right~) or item or .........


P/S: and for a survey of how many people are in the forum and have concerns about their unhappiness that myhome may have caused

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Another useless topic


Read the rules


Views and opinions that are generally considered offensive, racist, sexist or hateful in nature may be subject to moderation and punishment. The staff is trying to provide a fairly open environment where posters can share their views, but if their views or the way they are expressed are offensive to other posters or groups of people in general, then action will be taken against the offender.

Make use of common sense.


This is a Garden of Freedom and for our spam needs, it's simple and clear. This post do not posted to target particular person and his/her well-being. So by Golden Rule of the Law, I did not breach anything. Moreover, they should be thank me for giving them an opportunity to express themselves and show other players how much myhome means to them by simply "like" it (that's ok, I don't need any credit or thank from them. I did it in my faithfulness).


Edit: because of their lack of English ability, so now they have a chance to click "like" or dislike". Lack of English ability isn't said my ME, it was from other in the forum. I can Quote it if needed. but before anyone demand it, i won't.

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i like my home too.. cuz i have  in my home my gf to fuck everyday.  :)

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Go fuck yourself John. I don't need credit or thank from you for this advice. I did it in my faithfulness.

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i like my home too.. cuz i have  in my home my gf to fruit everyday.  :)



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Go fuck yourself John. I don't need credit or thank from you for this advice. I did it in my faithfulness.

I detect someone who's not happy with this topic.


Could anyone tell me the partial result of this poll?

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Go fuck yourself John. I don't need credit or thank from you for this advice. I did it in my faithfulness.


This is offensive and hateful. Inappropriate language and direct to against ones. Tonberry, are you going to report it for me?

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i like my home too.. cuz i have  in my home my gf to fruit everyday.  :)



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